Bikini armor

Plate still doesnt have any black bikini legs, and we havent gotten bikini armor for 3 expansions now.


I totally agree with you, buddy, but we live in a weird society where violence and murder are considered ok if done in a cartoonish way, but if you show a little of skin some people lose their minds and begin a witch-hunt.

In other words, burning a tree and killing a bunch of civillians off-screen is okay, but show any kind of sexuality and you enter the no-no zone.


I understand cutting positions that are uneeded. It makes sense if thats the case.

But some positions where almost immediatly reposted. And the big whig corporate people got instant bonuses.

Don’t forget people for months where offered a years salary to quit. Blizzard is purposely cutting their staff.

Which tells me theres more there then it appears. Combined with all the other things i mentioned. The industry seems to be in a decline.

True, but developer teams got tired of sticky mouse syndrome.

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I don’t need a bikini.

While the air circulation is great; too cramped for my style.

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.

Because there are far more place on the internet to get your jollies.

This doesn’t exactly seem to be a good cause for one of the mighty Male Human Paladins to champion…

Are you sure your intentions are noble good sir?
We Male Human Paladins must keep check on one another to remain the purest.

If you go through your transmogs, you’ll notice they stopped making bikini armour around TBC. (post tbc it rarely exists / doesn’t exist.)

That being said, why plate? Because. Amazons? Idk. I can make Warbear Woolies on arthas if you need a pair.

I love variety. Lewdmogs should be more common.


But sir, you seem to be a male tauren paladin. Coming from a race whos heritage armor IS bikini armor, your point is somewhat moot.

Ahh, good sir you must be terribly mistaken. I am a fellow hu-man.

Sex appeal should be illegal. Everyone and thing should have to be as ugly as me.

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Your character is beautiful though.

I see… So was that some rare birth defect that made you grow really big and get fur and horns?

Hell, half of it doesn’t even have to be technically a defect. Also, yay Gilneas we rock.

Hmmm…you must be mistaken friend. I have hu-man features and do hu-man things.

Fair enough! My vision of sexy is full [REDACTED] plate with a brutal two-handed weapon. I let Lily’s femininity speak through every powerful cleave and agile sweep of a zweihander. I like to let her foes “show skin.” :]

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I wish there was more real black armour for all armour types.