Bikini armor

This mail version is ok

I do like my women wearing full battle plate and swinging around a massive sword or something :thinking:

Bikini armor is the gateway drug that ends up on a stripper pole somewhere in the seedier side of Silvermoon City.


My bikini mog is glorious.


Sub dies in 6 days i’m done with bfa. Maybe next expac will actually be fun. And the devs mite learn after huge losses.

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Bikini armor = S O U L
burka armor = soulless


Yeah, I bet.

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The thing with Lightforged Draenei is that Blizzard made an AR where most of the defining visual features are from the neck down and I’m just expected to cover all these cool tattoos and metal bits up?

There are such limited options for LFD to actually stand out visually and it really would be nice to have a wider assortment. I’m sure a lot of Nightborne players feel the same.


I always tell people that im not being the character in a game. Im playing one. I would rather watch a female from behind and in front for hours instead of a male.

My demon hunter is the only acception because of how cool he looks and they made their voiceovers (NEs) was badass.

Btw my character flaun has the skimpy top. You can get it from the imp world boss in legion. Its very cool :blush:


U can believe what you wish. Doesn’t change my sub time dies in a few days.

Ill jump on my 6 other console games and anime series.


Phew. WoW dodged the bullet there


Lol. Ok.

The internet and technology provide countless options for ones free time.


It’s very possible they did thus they no longer make them. Pony up the coins if you do not have the patience to farm them.

I can think of about 15 chests/legs from legion and about a dozen from bfa so far. And their scattered about the armor types

The rest of those two expacs 100 plus pieces cover head to toe.

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If you were a guy and you looked like that would you want to cover up? I would think no. I’d go around shirtless forever.


I’m still aggravated that they changed the model for the warlock lvl 60 PVP legs (Knight-Captain’s Dreadweave Leggings).

They used just be a black band around mid-thigh, I think the Skyshroud Leggings from LBRS also shared the model, but now they share the Cindercloth Leggings model.

They need to add a leather banana hammock for the boys. :yum:


I would very much be on board with this! The Warbear Woolies only gets me so far

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no it doesn’t…night elves can’t perform there really. Oh wait, you said poles not mailboxes.

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They did, so they stopped for the most part.