Bikini armor

Hell yea that looks nice.

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Bikini mogs are gross! Have some respect for yourself. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Lol silly panda bikini mogs are glorioussly awesome.


I suppose a walk on the beach should be your worst nightmare


Are you trying to say men shouldn’t get to show their booty because ladies can’t show their breasts?

If so, I say let both the cheeks show and the tiddies bounce free. There we go, total equality!


They add skimpy armor all the time though?

I have the greatest respect for myself.

I also have it going on and I refuse to deny it.


Not for plate, and especially not for men.


I enjoy the new tops in BfA. Not spectacular, but it’s something. And it’s one of only a couple of mogs I like in BfA.


For male toons, plate sucks as “bikini armour”. Cloth and leather are much better.


They add some here or there each expac. For every one skimpy bit we get they make a dozen none skimpy ones.

Its not balanced very well especially when you factor in armor type.

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Soon we can hide everything but legs. Then every guy can run about showing off their pecks and 6 pack abs if they like.

Conan style boys.


Need more male skimpy mogs, a plate loincloth would be nice for that barbarian look.


maybe making transmog more flexible could fix this issue, want to make my rogue look like valeera for ages, my hopes where on the legendary named after her but it was just dissapointing


Use the woollies and a belt that has a dangly bit with boots hide the rest. Bam lion cloth conan armor.


I-is mine not good enough? :C

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Sadly there are no proper leather legs the rest you can get close. The woollies are as close as it gets.

I use pretty much the same bits for my leather users. The leather nighthold top actually looks good.

Tis a shame blizzards characters aren’t as filled out to really make the top shine though.

at least you know this and are honest.

I shudder when I see a freshly boosted hunter in boralus. The boost gimme armour is very revealing. And not in a good way…

Inb4 no shaming…In rl I am not skinny. I know this. And this is why I do not wear speedos for lap swims. And I don’t mean their normal swimming trunks (actually do wear their normal shorts/trunks types).

I mean their what one friend call the banana hammock style. Now for the Olympic male swimmers I guess the ladies and others into that could say damn those men look fine. I’d…not have this effect.

Even my wife would probably say umm…(rofl)… what are you doing dear (rofl again)….

More to the point, why is skimpy armor restricted to female toons?

Come on - Tymmie would totally rock a pair of plate armor booty shorts with a belly top, and look totes adorbs doing it. Make it happen, Blizz!