You’ll be able to have that look soon since they’re giving us a hide chest piece option
Oh I agree. Leather basically has Warbear Woolies which look horrid.
Plate has the Cloudkeeper Legplates and Legplates/Legguards of Blazing Light, which are cute and fairly skimpy, of which the Blazing Light ones can be farmed relatively easily in AQ40 since it’s a drop off the bug Battleguard Sakura or whatever(if I recall).
The BoE greens, yea…farming them is rough. I’ve been trying to get some Glorious Legs but I refuse to spend 250-400k that they normally run on the AH.
Regarding Vanguard, isn’t there a identical version available via quests in BC? Nether Protector’s something. Or is that just the chest? I know the Revenant(purple semi skimpy plate stuff) has quest versions. Been too long, hard to remember.
Edit. Veless. I farmed the purple one on this girl. I had started farming it on my Priest but she never had any luck so out of spite I farmed it on more characters and naturally this girl got it first. So I totally rocked that dress during Heroic Mannoroth progression during HFC. At least until the raid leader noticed and got upset since I was tankin.
Meanwhile pretty much every female in HOTS shows plenty of skin.
Um… have you seen leather skimpy sets? They’re better than the plate ones.
At least other armor types, leather, cloth, and mail have all gotten new skimpy options along the way with better graphics.
Plate is mired in old poor pixelated junk from classic if you want skimpy.
The only bad aspect of all the leather skimpy outfits is that basically all of them are tribal themed or ragged (DHs)…
Kind of suits mostly druids.
Right so there’s no excuse why WOW can’t have that quality if HOTS can.
I honestly hope we star getting stuff like Valeera, Vanessa or what Shaw use to wear before they went with him having generic plate styled armor.
wow needs more slutmogs, it isnt a male only thing anymore, most of the slutmog users i know irl are women, most of the people like them, just a small minority doesnt
I wish blizzard made a larger variety of skimpy armor for everyone. Each expac ideally should have a nice mix of stuff.
But unfortunently blizz is pretty prudish when it comes to wow player characters. But they’ll use t&a for marketing their games/products.
And with their move of late on modding communitties. For now at least that options gone.
Out of all the armor types leather has the least options. Especially in its legs. Legion did bring in s few skimpy parts though especially if your a dh.
I think blizz is making a bad business decision. There’s easy money to be gained if blizz would take advantage of fantasy armor tropes, idealized character design, a in depth character creator, and even collaberating with the modding communities.
But if they want to be in a never end cycle of loss.
yes more bikini armor pls.
Pretty hypocritical of blizz isn’t it. Starcraft female ghost skin tight body suits. In hots and comics the ladies often are much more endowed and wearing less.
Even the books often describe the women to be more adult. Loading screens, fanart, wallpapers, cosplayers, and more.
T&a is used but not for player characters in wow.
This Hunter wears no pants
The female version of that enemy gets to wear a full robe. Say what you will about ladies’ scanty armor, but at least the girls always get to cover their chests. Can’t say the same for guys.
With tmog changes the men can go conan style soon if they please.
Hell blizz is more then capable of making good skimpy bits for all. But refuses because … reasons.
Plate has at least two good sets. Mail has at least one good set. Cloth has about six good sets. Leather has none that look good to me. They do have the bare chest thing, but that’s it. Whoolies look stupid.
Sadly the woolies are the only skimpy legs leather has.
So people are forced to make do. At least the leather ladies have about 12 to 15 tops to roll with.
Soon enough we can hide everything but legs.
The new horde zone has hilarious gay sets for men - little skirt looking things. I used them In trial of style.
I would love this