Big list of items that are bugged in game from around an hour ago

A friend of mine quit because he is so sick and tired of the incompetency of this company. From the bugs, to the lack of vision (that other mmos are doing better at), the story, the direction of lore and characters, the lack of RP related systems or whatever (He’s the RP’er not me, but he’s seen and other games do the RP better), the lack of customisations and options for the player to play with, etc etc.

The list is long, and TTW was the last straw. If I tell him this bug he would be laughing.


Getting loot locked and made useless on most every boss, regardless of expansion/dungeon/raid is… hella uncool. It happened, twice, while farming BfA dungeons solo! Had to time out the character, to log back in (15ish minutes…)

How does this happen?

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I saw a picture of the 2nd raid boss and there were 3 of him. How does a raid boss spawn itself 3 times at once? Needless to say, the raid was canceled

Using a KP item from gathering triggers the bug, not to mention you do not get AAs or a knowledge point.

Couldn’t see it in the thread, but forgive me if already mentioned. Legion Class Hall Missions don’t seem to be working at the moment. All seems fine at first. Select your followers etc, but clicking ‘accept mission’ plays the usual sounds and then goes back to the mission list. Does not actually start the mission.

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The Maldraxxi mission table is still broken; Night Fae, Ascended, and Court mission tables ARE working. Switching to a different covenant and back, as well as disabling all addons is of no help.

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this is what we get for Unbanning Tic Tok they have taken over of wow now … o man what shall we do .im calling Trump /

And not a damn Blue post in sight. Shows just how little respect they have for paying customers, YET AGAIN. Getting tired of this absolute garbage.


Apparently they posted on x… They are working on it

On X? That blows my mind. What’s their X account called? Been trying to find something related to the issues, but nothing on World of Warcraft X

No clue I don’t have an x account, just saw other people saying it

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Result of killing a TW boss. Killed the boss. Game froze for half a second. My pet despawned and all abilities ceased to work. Couldn’t even double jump glide :smiling_face_with_tear:

Update: Going through the “character stuck” support page made my character playable again. However the stuck page is going INSANELY slow. Was a solid 5 minutes of loading just to select my characer.

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Switching characters and then waiting a while is all it takes to get back on the one who’s stuck.

Don’t know why you’d want to though, just gonna get bugged again when trying to do anything meaningful.

Also, rep reward from world quests are sometimes not being given when the map tooltip says they should be awarded.

What’s X? You mean Twitter? Also, why do they post announcements on a platform like Twitter, that doesn’t always let you see them if you don’t have an account and NOT post that update on their own game’s landing page???


This has been broken far beyond when they mentioned it on twitter, why are we paying 28 dollars for this …

It’s Tuesday. Everything reset. Plenty of world stuff to do, including final quest for siren isle.

just completed the weekly profession quest and got no reward :frowning: I really hope they send it to me in the mail when this is all fixed

Basically every possible thing to do except PVP has broken. Quests, world quests, instances, etc.

And I know someone PVP bugged out for too. I am almost amused by how well-broken the game is.

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I couldn’t agree more. It just goes to show the lack of competent customer service management. Consistent with the Blizzard name.

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