Big Lie: There is No Ripcord

Being opposed to something doesn’t mean they’ll remove it. We don’t know, nor does Blizzard know, what the majority is opposed to when the greater majority of players haven’t been given beta access to even see what it’s like. The forum does not represent a large part of the population, nor do content creators who get extra views from negative topics.


Just shut up and unsub


literally was never a ripcord to begin with.

"oh if we need to we have “pull the ripcord”. Even though I think the majority were saying this is not a positive feature. Why is Preach so relaxed? Preach knew this wasn’t going to happen. Like… can Preach just understand Ion’s pokerface? Ion, are you just lying to your well respected playerbase?

Just remember when you argue about which xpac was the worst xpac between WoD and BfA. The person in charge was the same.


so what youre saying is free hat, right? No in reality. Like dude Ion. You should probably see that. I don’t think this is the first time its ever been mentioned. You don’t seem to be doing the job a lot of people can get behind.


Ion didn’t release WoD. Nice try though.

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Forgive me if I’m wrong, as I don’t do spoilers well. So I’m assuming this whole covenant thing is likened to Aldor/Scryer but with a lot more depth back in Burning Crusade-? I’m an altoholic and I welcome such things. I don’t care much for min/maxxing or being competitive. I would enjoy my virtual addiction to have different flavours and applaud Blizzard for allowing me to explore that while I’m renting some toons.

Ion only became the Lead Director after Legion’s release. He wasn’t even Assistant Game Director when WoD released.

As bad as I find Ion, this problem goes far beyond him.


What did Ion ever do? He’s a chill guy, even if he does favour those dirty Alliance narratives :slight_smile:

I have no clue who the lead dev has been, but for a while its been an issue. Would you personally say its an internal thing?

On top of being condescending to the playerbase and being in charge during a few of the worst periods of the game, you could probably get a list together of empty promises and misleading information.


100%. It’s been a huge problem for years, and if Blizzard’s claims that they start working on the expansion after the next one not even released yet it’s been a problem for many many years.

The quality has dipped considerably, and even during expansions where people praised them - like Legion - there were so many things wrong due to fundamental core designs being atrocious, and their end goal being not player enjoyment - but players logging on and doing busy work.


I personally loved Legion. It’s one of the reasons I actually logged on everyday in the recent years. Obviously not BFA. it actually told a story, to my eyes had really good dungeon interactions, and have really good raid interactions. Obviously i’m not everyone. But after playing legion and then playing BFA, holy crap I wanted to flame blizzard forever.

That’s the playerbases’ fault; people tend to unsub and then come back with each new release of content. The fishbums don’t stay subbed so Blizz are forced to make tons of content to keep them amused and playing. The actual data is privy to Blizzard and they are reacting upon it. There’s no shame or harm in trying to keep their product relative to the larger playerbase. After 16 years I think they’ve done a good job keeping me playing or coming back. I think ANY game would be loving this kind of margin monthly but with it all comes a cost. But the benefit is a large playerbase and many active players. Take a step back and realize just how big of a beast this all is. Bit rich trying to blame a single guy for all of it.

To be perfecty honest I think it goes all the way back to WoD and the flight fiasco. I think that someone higher up in Blizz got nostalgic over single player RPGs from the past and they are bet and bound to force WoW into what those type of games are and were and the playerbase be damned if they disagree.

If you look at the systems they have been designing, just about all of them would work great in a single player game where choices can have a meaningful impact on the game experience. Where replayability by making different choices is a good thing because the game ends and you can start over to play a whole new game.

Those choices though just don’t work in an MMO where you have a million people playing and you need them to all end up in the same place over and over again because the story never ends.


Absolutely its someone higher up. Wow isn’t run by people who work for “World of Wacraft” its run by their supervisors unfortunately.


Legion had problems from its inception stemming from the design of heavy RNG and borrowed power. You weren’t finished until you grinded out your artifact (and worse, if you started investing in your other specs’ artifacts you fell behind), and got the correct legendary(ies). Some specs - like Fire - were flat out not viable in any remotely competitive setting without their legendary. They also had a system of a, “catch up” that you would just fall behind on if you weren’t doing it as much as you could.

If all you played of Legion was 7.3, it was a good expansion - after all of the fixes. This is the same with BFA, to an extent, but even then the 8.3 content is hot garbage. Blizzard’s basic plan for expansions is essentially: promise to listen to alpha/beta feedback - ignore alpha/beta feedback (x.0) - promise to fix it next major patch (x.1) - fix the problems outlined in alpha/beta feedback (x.2) - finish fixing the problems (x.3). Roughly, anyway. Though with BFA they doubled down and added corruptions completely untuned.

Flat out wrong. It’s not the playerbase’s fault that Blizzard can’t make compelling content to keep players subbed without adding a carrot on a stick and endless grind.

Shifting the blame from Blizzard is a huge mistake. They need to be blamed for their utter failure, time and time again. Even from the testing phases they fail - feedback is virtually completely ignored, with some token changes - but Shadowlands is showing it’s not changed.


No. Vanilla. TONS of people declared that “Flying wrecked world PVP” and thus no flying was born. Blizzard wanted the players to enjoy world PVP once more but was beaten down by a chorus of instant-gratification types demanding they fly from (laughably) flight point to flight point.

The margins beg to differ.

This is another completely wrong argument from you. Yes, there were some vocal - though an extreme minority - of players who were anti-flying, but when BGs and cross-realm BGs at that were added, players were crying they were the death of world PvP back then, too.

Blizzard wanted to slow players down and force them to play the way they wanted the players to play. Blizzard very rarely listens to players, so the anti-flying community was in no way a large influence of theirs.