Big Lie: There is No Ripcord

Blizzard has consistently put out bad systems that are contrived, confusing, and otherwise un-enjoyable to actually make use out of only to drag their heels and eventually bring it in line with the community’s suggestions since artifacts. There’s being a ‘cry baby’ and then there’s seeing a pattern and trying to shove the stubborn mule that is blizzard out of the way of this trainwreck.

It’s easy to just flick away the concerns when you’re not a class that is going to be railroaded into something that you have to do somersaults to justify thematically, don’t like aesthetically, and aren’t interested in aside from the sheer amount of through-put from an ability. I want to play a Necrolord but it looks like that if I don’t want to get laughed out of Acherus by the other DKs that Ardenweald is the best answer that lets me compete in the majority of content. It isn’t a fun choice for me to make, and the meaningfulness comes from an equivalent of shooting myself in the foot or begrudgingly swallowing my aesthetic preference (prob. obv, but the scourge aesthetic) in exchange for tree trunk armor.


So a lawyer by trade, Ion, lies to paying consumers to keep them paying. How is this a surprise considering his chosen profession? How does anybody believe a word that comes out of his mouth about anything game related? Lets get an actual gamer in charge to make decisions not some shady ambulance chaser.


Ion said he had a plan to change major covenant features which he called “the ripcord”. He said they wanted to try to make this work, but if it didn’t they could just “pull the ripcord” and implement covenant abilities in a different way. Yesterday he admitted that they never had a ripcord.


Game seems fine to me.


So you are ok with being lied to?


Same. I will get it eventually, after catch up mechs are in place, then just level to 60, and that’s it. Have no interest in more of the gimmicky crap they have been pushing over the last few years. Shadowlands is just more gimmicks stacked on top of gimmicks with covenants, another legendary, visions 2.0, and the last patch probably another cloak type rehash :laughing: The ripcord thing idk, because for me it’s just having no interest in covenants.


I think it’s interesting to speculate on why they would want to put the playerbase through something like this that so many will hate. You can get a lot of fun tin foil hat theories out of it.

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i wasn’t lied too. Just because they didn’t use a ripcord doesn’t mean that there wasn’t a plan b. Just because the option picked wasn’t to your liking doesn’t mean that you were lied too…it just means they picked a different option.


They said there was a “ripcord”, a plan b. Then they said there never was one. A person might easily interpret that to be a lie. Someone who desperately needs to convince other people that that sequence of events didn’t involve a “lie” might work very hard at it and never see any results.


Ion said they can’t use a ripcord because of the way covenants are tied into the system. He said this after saying they had a ripcord to pull if it didn’t work out.

So which is it? They have a ripcord or they don’t? If you go by Ion’s most recent words the entire expansion falls apart if they use a ripcord therefore making that not a viable solution. OR Ion is a bold faced liar. I’ll go with the latter.


Imagine this… imagine not having some convoluted max level system every expansion, they are ALL garbage. Want to make people happy? Bring back reforging.

Garrisons … garbage
Artifact weapons… garbage
Azerite system… garbage
Corruption system… garbage

Reforging… not garbage


Once again, when was i lied too?

this is the quote…

In short, pulling on that thread (or cord, as it were) would unravel the entire fabric of the system. Even so, we would embrace the work required to rebuild the covenant system along those lines if we agreed that it would be an improvement, but we ultimately do not share that view.

That quite clearly states there was a plan b that they would use as a last measure. They just decided there was no need for a last measure.

I wasn’t lied to and neither were you. You are just sore that the decision went against you.


Blizzard seem to have trouble that they aren’t the award winning company that released Starcraft anymore; theyre the company that released Diablo 3 and Warcraft reforged


That clearly states that their plan B, there-in referred to as the ‘ripcord’ “(or cord, as it were)”, would in turn destroy the entire system. Which makes their previous statement that if the design, as they planned it, didn’t work out they just had to do a relatively simple or quick action to undo it and release all the chains binding us.

It takes a lot of mental flips and tumbles to get to the point where this isn’t just lying to our faces, and when you try to back-up this assertion that I wasn’t lied to with “You’re just mad it isn’t what you want” it shows how utterly disingenuous your position is. Because it’s not about gameplay for you, then, it’s about shoving it in our faces that Blizzard wants to make mistakes and defending them even after they play two-face with us.


"Is there a fallback option of removing all of the restrictions and can just mix and match this stuff much more freely? If we need to pull that ripcord, it exists, but that is seen as a last recourse." - Ion liveblog 07/17/2020

"In short, pulling on that thread (or cord, as it were) would unravel the entire fabric of the system. Even so, we would embrace the work required to rebuild the covenant system along those lines if we agreed that it would be an improvement, but we ultimately do not share that view." - Ion 09/09/2020

Honestly, It wasn’t a lie. As much as I would love for the ripcord to be pulled. Its basically game designers who are creating a game that they want to make. As sad as it is. IT’S THEIR GAME. we can provide critiques, feedback, data. Anything but at the end of the day, they make the game how they want.

THEY DID NOT LIE - they just said we don’t share the same views so it’s not a last resort yet. Is it frustrating? yes because I’m prepping 2 paladins to be able to play all my specs. The part that may feel like a lie, I want to point out, we did not know what the ripcord was. So, to them it may have been an entirely different system and game. They have a plan of the ripcord, they just don’t think they need to set in motion the time and effort to be able to implicate whatever the ripcord was.

Ultimately, it’s time to move on. If you don’t want to play the game they make that is fine. If you do, then keep providing feedback. It’s frustrating and it feels like at times they don’t listen. Focus on the stuff we still have a chance on changing.


Wow! Its like 2018 all over again! Or did I step through a wormhole? :crazy_face:


Ding ding ding ding! We have a winner! You’re a very bright girl :wink:


It seems like the Ripcord is more an expression of the community than a stalwart promise of a developer making his last stand on.

They’re determined anyway to move forward with their restrictions in place. I don’t think anything but the game spiraling into SLs release will make them act.

Not sure why you would trust anything from anyone via Blizzard anyway since they won’t bat an eyelash axing anyone who threatens to hurt their bottom line.

Players on the forum and the content creators on YouTube complain about every single idea, patch, and expansion that Blizzard puts out. This case is no different.

Player feedback is just that, it’s feedback, nothing more and nothing less. Just because players have ideas doesn’t mean they will get implemented, and just because players don’t like an idea that Blizzard has doesn’t mean they should change it. Blizzard doesn’t owe any of us an explanation for anything they do or anything they decide. This is Blizzards game-world, we’re just guests in it, that’s something that most people can’t seem to grasp.

In the end, keep giving constructive feedback on what you do and don’t like about the game but stop all the petty nonsense with the name-calling, wishing people would lose their jobs and livelihood, and even worse.

If you guys expect Blizzard to communicate and treat us like adults then it’s time we start acting like we’re adults.


True but one could argue that its disingenuous to request specific feedback when the majority clearly are opposed to certain systems.

I don’t recall what that system was but I think it was Covenants during the early beta?