Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

You know? I’m sure this has been suggested. But I wish blood elves could get access to the second body type that blood elf models use, like the Alexstrasza / Ysera / Sylvanas models use. The one that’s a bit more voluptuous and carries a little bit more weight.

If PC blood elves could use that model, it’d be neat for the sake of uniqueness among the blood elves.


If we get this, I´ll demand our glorious racial leader model for the males.

I´d kill the Regent for his coat alone. And he´s the walking proof a scar doesn´t make you “ugly”, quite the contrary he scored a cougar while sporting one prominent scar on the face.


Well… Lor’theomar is pretty old too.

He´s younger than Lorash.

His model looks old because of the shading, i do think with some modifications he would recover his former younger looks as far as face is concerned.

I do like more his stance, somehow the model looks more… robust. More solid.


I would assume so, since Zul’jin tried to vivisect him. I haven’t actually managed to read “Blood of the Highborne” yet, to my shame, I really need to get on that. In addition to that, Thalassian elves can live at least a couple thousand years, so I would expect any experienced ranger to have collected some scars over the course of a few centuries. You can’t tell me that no Farstrider has ever gotten on the wrong side of a lynx or dragonhawk’s claws, you know?

Ugh, I wish we could get Koltira being awesome, by his backstory he’s a pretty competent fighter. I’m at least glad that he got to voice having reservations about following Bolvar in Shadowlands, at least someone noticed that the current Ebon Blade situation is weird and awkward.

I don’t know how close his actual model is to player Thalassian models, but he definitely uses the Thalassian animations in BfA (MoP model uses human animations), and just using a different idle stance and animation can do wonders for changing the profile of a character. Look at the difference between Night Elves and Nightborne.

Lor’themar Theron is ruggedly handsome, and his scar only adds to his appeal. Even his old model and art rocked the eyepatch.

He’s nowhere near as old as Thalyssra! She’s more than ten thousand years old! Lor’themar is a young adult compared to her!


At the risk of getting a lawsuit because of copyright issues I´ll say he´s indeed a “rudely handsome” man. The best of both worlds: a more robust stance but lean enough, without the ridiculous steriods exagerated musculature of the regular Human male models.


I’m convinced that at least part of the perception of Lor’themar being super old is due to his hair being white. I’m not sure if this was intentional or not, but to me his new model’s facial shading makes him look quite a bit like his voice actor, and Gideon Emery is only in his 40s. Seriously, dude looks like he was born to play elves.

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Well we know he was 2nd in command of the Farstriders in the 2nd war. But that doesn’t mean he was super young. As we’ve got no real reference for his age it’s hard to say that he’s super young or old. But I will give you that Thalyssra is older than him. I just don’t know if it’s cougar age.

Without getting into the mess that is trying to judge how old is “old” for a Thalassian, we know that Lor’themar is at least two thousand years old, since he says that he’s known and respected Sylvanas for “millennia” in BfA. That said, the entire nation of Quel’Thalas is 7,000 years old, and there’s no way Lor’themar is that old. If one takes the troll wars he participated in as meaning to be the Troll Wars (and that opens a whole different can of age-related worms), then he’s at least 2,800 years old. He seems to be a contemporary of Alleria and Sylvanas, and they’re several generations removed from the founding of Quel’Thalas.

Tyrande IS cougar age and she looks like what, 25-ish?

This game needs to stop portraying the males with OLD faces (for reference, look at my earlier post regarding the male Nelves).

Canon ageing for Thalassian elves literally went out of the window thanks to Lorash, the preppy rogue… who was alive BEFORE the founding of Quel´thalas.


Ugh, Lorash. I get what they were trying to go for with him, but his existence literally wrecked the already shaky lore around Thalassian aging. I just figure that Lor’themar is probably of a similar generation to Sylvanas and Alleria based on how he treats them.


Love these ideas and don’t mind the ‘gore’ bits here! Wanted to look into these procedures myself, though I’m assuming it’s super painful. For our characters, it would be really neat to see, and body scars in general.

But yeah, hopping in here to show support to blood elf customization in general. I’d love to see face scarring as well. I’d love to see adjustable eyebrows to not be antenna. Perhaps some ripped ears, to show intense combat. If they do add more jewelry, I’d like to see less obtrusive jewelry, like chokers (particularly the one the blood elf in the BC cinematic had) with different colors. Facial piercings would be nice, but a longshot. I feel male blood elves should have access to the jewelry, and find it silly that they do not.


I agree with all of this.

And this part particularly bugs me.

Because I was excited to get it on my male Blood Elf because they where showing the datamined body chains on males as well so I assumed both would get it. But it just never came and they just stopped Blood Elves at what feels like less then half done.

Male Tauren got Flowers. Why can’t I have a big Mr T phoenix necklace?!


When I brought up Magitech, I meant more I’d like prosthetics as a replacement for any blood elf that may have lost something, perhaps in the fall of Silvermoon, or the various Blood Elf related violence in the years since.

I feel like it’d be appropriate that the Blood Elves would have the ingenuity to show they aren’t their losses but rather use it as opportunities to become stronger. I know Mecha Gnomes have the market on ‘prosthetics’ but I mean more like individual limbs or parts. A hand, your forearm, a whole arm, legs, etc. I think the idea of a blood who was maimed but chose to get back into the fight is an apropo customization.

The idea that you can’t keep them down, they will just find a way to come back stronger.

I personally never liked the body chains and actually felt relieved when they dissapeared (sorry, they are terrible as far as art asets are concerned. And my toons aren´t a christmas tree, the way the chains “hanged” from the models was disturbingly similar to the way one hangs the bead decorations on christmas trees).

We need less ridiculously impractical necklace options too… male of female, they would get their throats pierced using any of the currently available options if they accidentally fall as some posters have mentioned here; the race deserves better than gaudy and impractical.

Idk man, nothing lorewise supports this. I´m ambivalent towards this, wouldn´t want to encroach in gnome / forsaken territory.

If you go for an irl scarification you´ll gain my undying respect, cause that looks absolutely painful, not for cowards to physical pain like myself.

Regarding jewerly and the middle oriental vibe the Belves have going on (I mean, their buildings, tents and overall architecture are quite heavily oriental inspired) I think that maybe ankle bracelets could be another option too? Though I´m not sure if those could be practical tbqh.


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: why? I mean, it doesn’t affect you, if you don’t like it, you don’t use it and that’s it, why be relieved for deprive other people of choice and self-expression?

I am pretty sure the way he described it why. He felt it was insulting. Which I agree with him, it would be insulting to the BE fans to have that.

Man, I am a big fan of BEs, I only play BEs :rofl: and what I most want for my male and female characters is jewelry of all kinds.

… I just realized. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a male kul tiran in game before

hey me too but for void elves. all they need is jewelry and hot pink runic tattoos