Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

The standard Human male model isn’t exactly great either IMO. It’s just more appealing than beer guts and binge eaters.

I’d prefer a leaner more swimmers build male, but as someone else mentioned earlier in the thread, Blizzard seems to think we all want males to have hulking “He-Man” body types.

I’d be ecstatic if Blizz ever added multiple body type options to every race.


This is why I hate jokes about them as well, not to mention that men can like “feminine” things or take care of themselves and look good without being girly or weak. This and the dunderheaded Barbie and Ken stereotyping annoys the crap out of me. Blood Elves survived a zombie Armageddon and destruction of the Sunwell. They’re experienced and tough warriors.


The females can actually look cute. But the males… ugh… the faces plus the body shape are just… I can’t. If I wanna see a fat belly I can look in the mirror. :stuck_out_tongue:


See, Nico?

Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder.

I feel exactly the opposite Softsong, the male human model is very unnapealing for me.

I repeat: I bet those He-man proportions were done to “compensate” for stuff, period.

To the despair of the “Belves have no males” troll posters, this was even aknowledged in OFFICIAL material by their daddy Garrosh the Orciest Orc to ever Orc, period.


I personally think the male humans are hot. Their body type, hairy chests, beards. Yum.

I just wish they were thinner, frailer looking belf males considering that it makes very little sense for a mage to be huge and muscular when they spend all their time reading books and learning magic, and not wearing heavy armor or throwing around huge weapons.

Although I think this option should be for all males.


Does it count if I find the Human Male model appealing when it’s almost completely undressed and just wearing something like aboriginal loincloth but not appealing when it’s fully dressed in armor?

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I can’t stand when being “feminine” is portrayed as a negative. I have had the good fortune to know quite a few formidable, talented, and downright impressive women in my life, and the idea that me, as a male, being like them would somehow be a bad thing, just boggles my mind.

If someone says I’m acting like a girl, I take it as a compliment, because there’s nothing wrong with girls, and many of them are worthy of emulation IMO.


I see why they call you Naughtymoon now. :stuck_out_tongue:


Feminine nor masculine traits should be classified as “good” or “bad” by mere deffinition. It´s just traits common to irl people.

The problem is, when the media takes these characteristics and twist them to portray them into a negative, creating mysoginist or racist tropes with those. “Damsel in distress” is mysoginistic starting by it´s name, ffs… last time I saw males can perfectly freeze when getting kidnapped too (and this is a perfectly normal reaction, people. Why is this used as a measure to “shame” a character ina story, hmm?)

Well, this only means the rig of the model Is the problem cause putting on the armor makes them look too square.

And irl humans aren´t as square, reason why you don´t like how they look “dressed”.


Wraithion style Humans would be great… but he’s basically just a modified Thalassian model with human ears (I think?), and an awesome hairstyle and beard. :stuck_out_tongue:


Wrathion’s human form is dreamy.


Agreed! :heart_eyes:

And just think… if Blood Elves got red eyes… we’d be able to make something at least close to his look! Maybe we could even convince Blizzard to give Blood Elves his hair too!


All this talk about the BC through Cata jokes regarding male blood elves…

As long as Johnny Awesome remains in the game. I absolutely loved that whacky arc with him and his faithful steed Twinkles.

(And he made a return in Legion! The Hunter class hall. They actually treated him semi-seriously. I liked how they made him into a genuine threat while still being disarmingly whacky. A lethal combination.)


I clearly remember one Belf fan who used a DH avatar -an actual fan, not a pretender- that suggested afro and curly hairstyles for the Belf race back in the first customization thread (the one put by Blizzard when they announced the Velves getting the pink skintones).

I think he was a friend of Zandrae, but I´m not sure.

Johhny by himself is not an issue. The problem was they “repeated” the joke used with Johhny with the rando in Un´goro and the less we talk about the infamous quest of the Blasted Lands, the better. Then, they decided to take Aethas and literally make a parody out of him (no seriously, by Legion he´s a walking embarrasement).

As I mentioned above: when you overuse a “joke”, it stops being funny. Now it´s just malicious baiting.


i think my favorite npc to make a return is silvermoon harry. he always makes me laugh


Your race is from a small group of Sin’dorei that were banished from Silvermoon. Yet there’s somehow thousands of you now. So I’m going to say this is a bad argument.

The Sin’dorei had druids before the retcons. And even after the retcons there’s still a case to be made for druids for the blood elves. I’d also point out that the Farstriders make up 1/3rd of the Blood Elven military so the rugged nature lovers aren’t fringe. There is more than enough lore in current context to push for druids and if they unretconned the changes we’d have an even bigger reason to have them. And according to the Chronicles we still retain our link to nature even after thousands of years. So… blood elf druids.


I mean we also have the other Golems that patrol Silvermoon and many of the Blood Elven posts in Draenor and Suramar.

The Magitech stuff I think would be best for when they add in Artificer to the game as a class. Each race has a certain type of magic and tech fused which could make each really unique with their style of technology they use.


Well, the Kirin Tor have the same Arcane Mech models, so… not so unique after all.

Nonetheless, i don´t see how the robots can be used for customizations. For a class sure, but not for base customizations.


Well I can agree with that. I think the magitech customizations should be for the Artificer class.

Arcane Runic Tattoos though… absolutely.

Also the Kirin Tor learned all their magic from the Blood Elves. So that makes sense.


If you´re not squeamish, you may want to see some scarification examples I posted yesterday (they look VERY cool -and very painful too-)

Something like that in different colors and with runic / magical circle designs would be a dream come true for me.