Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Which is why it boggles my mind that they dont have this stuff. But as you eluded to, the Belfs are the resident Barbie and Ken race… they literally seem to feed this trope. It’s not even headcannon for me to view the Blood elves as a rugged group of survivors who have probably had one of the biggest stories of tragedy… aside from maybe the forsaken.

It only took until shadowlands to implement these customizations. And bfa to get us some proper armor kits lol.

Story wise everything is disappointing… for most races actually. Everything dies to the human and orc trope. The rest of us are just back up dancers.

If the devs were smart, they would leave the crazy clas / race combos as a store feature.

An expensive to moderately expensive one too, btw. If only cause the desperate would easily pay to get that. The natural consequence ofc would be 24/7 QQ threads in here.

Anyone that pays a minimum of attention can easily perceive this (I mean the devs reiterate over and over again that the Belves are the survivors of a quite gruesome tragedy). Thing is, you can´t force people that loves to live in ignorance to well… educate themselves unless the initiative comes from themselves first, ergo, rando posters going into the customization threads to complain “Belves got an aMaZiNg customization pass and that they don´t deserve anything else”.

You guys still need some stuff to get polished (like the body tattoos for the females, jewerly for males, etc. Heck, is the Night Warrior eye customization still linked to one skin / face or did you guys got this fixed?)

Story wise we are living in the private RP session of someone self inserting as Blanduin and/or Jaina. They´re the actual black holes that could use some time out fo the screentime.


UGH! I hate that you say this because I would be one of them because I have always wanted stuff like Draenei/Lightforged Warlock and Highmountain/Tauren Warlock so I’d for sure be paying for it. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Don’t forget the stank faces the males have.


I´m sorry my friend, talking about a purely business PoV. Why do you think they leave stuff like genre change on the store when they probably could implement it in-game on the barbershop?

Poor Nelves with their “a million years old” angry faces indeed… why do you think the NB male model is so ugly in the face options?

Both models could use some cosmetic surgery to get “younger faces”. And the male Nelves could use too a fix to their body proportions, fanart and official art depicts them as these beautiful and manly elves, as a het gal one goes happily to build one and… gets dissapointed cause their waist-to-hip ratio is literally BIGGER than the one on the females. That´s a deformation.


Oh I know this pain deeply. Why make them look so attractive and then have them look like they do in the character creation screen. This needs a fix pronto.


I felt robbed the first time I tried to make one, I mean how can one go from this:


W T F happened to the core / torso of these guys?!?


Apparently, they think that most players want He-man proportions on their male characters.


Lol at the difference, I know I shouldn’t laugh but really lol.

After the revelations of the lawsuit, my personal bet is the male models absurd proportions were a not so subtle “compensation” to help some members of the company.

Please, laughing is the less offensive reaction. The comparison is pitiful, the male Nelves deserve a more balanced model ffs.


Oh my God, I was thinking something similar to this. After all, in the past they’ve been against have attractive males in the game without calling them feminine or girly men. I’m looking at all the Cataclysm blood elf male jokes.


It’s kind of a common theme of Chris Metzen art that men have tree-trunk arms. The males in Starcraft basically barely have elbow joints they’ve got so many muscles.

Though I feel like making fun of elven androgenous looks is kind of a fantasy trope.

I’d rather play a bishounen though so those things are always coming at me.

I’d be in the same boat for Blood Elf Druids, and Human Shaman, not gonna lie. >_>


Not gonna lie, I would be super interested in seeing the totems Blizzard made for all races if they added stuff like this because I really love the Vulpera and Dark Iron Dwarf totems.


The Cata jokes plus Aethas plus Lor´themar since 8.2 is the reason I tolerate zero levity nowadays regarding the Belves.

Indeed suspicious how the “girly” Belf men not only got called as such like thrice in Cata alone, but then they got too portrayed as damsels in distress in the most in-your-face ways (Koltira, Aethas) or literally made to simp self inserts of the writers (Lor´themar remarks in SL pre-patch made me put him in the doghouse for months.)

Nowadays when something involving Rommath is datamined I start sweating cause he and Halduron arethe only ones who haven´t gotten malicious portrayal nowadays.

Aren´t Kul´Tiran Tidesages glorified shamans already? :yawning_face:


I have a mog & customizations picked out for a Human Shaman if they ever allow it. I’ll race change one of my Alliance Shaman’s in a heartbeat!


They are but they are… to put it nicely… aesthetically unappealing. If I could use the standard Human model with the Kul Tiran race I’d happily roll a Kul Tiran Shaman.


Fair enough, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Personally the “Human” model isn´t an improvement from my PoV… their proportions are ridiculous too, their faces make them look past 40, and their noses remind me of Shrek in the second movie.

I´d pick the Nelf model if not for the crooked noses, angry snarls and the stupid waist-to-hip ratio proportions. Fix that and the male Nelves will climb to the glory of beauty superiority from my PoV.


Not to fall into the stereotype of an elf falling in love with a human, but gosh the male models are hot. lol

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I totally understand because even I don’t like Kul Tiran as Shamans and I really like the Kul Tiran model, female wise at least. Lol. :joy: :joy: :joy: