Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Agreed, Horde needs a far better Druid choice than Taurens and Trolls. :dancer:t5: :dancer:t5: :dancer:t5:


I think they should have more options that actually fit within their cultural confines. Druids and shaman ain’t where it’s at.

Bling for the guys is a definite must. Scars and tattoos are a no-brainer. Also maybe one or two faces for the females that look a little less young?

they were botanists in tbc.
they had an old treant protector in eversong
and a mother tree, called thas’alah in ghostlands.
their farstriders are rugged naturalists
AND, they’d look awesome in leafy nature garb. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Idk why they don’t have some more haggard appearances for the blood elves. You are survivors of the scourge and a mana drought. There should be some scars, arcane and frost burns.

On top of arcane and farstrider tattoos. Maybe some better jewelry… not the weak sauce stuff from prepatch.


All very fringe things from incredibly outdated lore that hasn’t been called back to since. Not a very stable basis. One guy turning into a treant does not an entire class make.

This. Specially that first bit.


If they can use one NPC to justify giving Void Elves normal skintones and normal hair colors, they can do the same exact thing with previous stuff for the Druid class for Blood Elves.


That’s more them trying to cram another race into Void Elf customization than anything, tbh.

The whole point is you can reference anything no matter how big or how small to justify anything if they can do that, I mean it’s fine if you don’t want Blood Elf Druid as a class choice but that doesn’t mean there isn’t merit for it to exist for those of us that do.


Blizz is just bad at implementing themes established in wc3 for their races. Specifically blood elves and night elves.


That’s actually an incredibly good point. I can’t believe I never thought of that :thinking:
Burned clothes, I wouldn’t mind some battle-worn armor sets rather than everything looking in perfect condition all the time.

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Wouldnt mind a visual look to gear durability going down tbh.

Like you said, Blood Elves as race did get shafted and in fact any race whose majority of customization consists of jewelry got the short end.


Yes! Our racial leader is a Ranger Lord who has a big scar across one side of his face and is literally blind in one eye thanks to a major injury sustained while fighting the Scourge that almost got him killed (thank goodness for Halduron). Lor’themar also survived being captured and horrifically tortured by Zul’jin when he was younger, and Halduron once got impaled by an Amani spear and only survived because Liadrin was at hand to heal him. Nearly every single adult Blood Elf is the survivor of a literal zombie invasion that killed 90% of their people, and both the Farstriders and Blood Knights are not shy about engaging in combat. There’s no way that Lor’themar is the only elf in Quel’Thalas with a visible scar. Let us have facial and body scar options to reflect our characters’ experience in combat!

Yes, please!


Hey! After all support I’ve shown you guys, you pay me with this? :sob:

(But seriously, Tauren are awesome and you should let us shine in the spotlight too.)


It would be kind of lame to see EVERY CLASS be majority blood elves, tbh. Because that would absolutely happen.

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“Mana tech stuff”?

Idk man… the construction of Arcane Golems is certainly not exclusive of the Sin´dorei -everybody and their mother can build one- so, I don´t see how this concept even applies to customizations for the Belf model itself.

The only semi exclusive magical golems under the manufacture of the Belves are the Anima Golems, and those are basically Blood Magic (ergo, red colored stuff with some potential mutations at the most).

Excuse me, everybody knows the Zandalari are the best druids on the Horde side of the fence (with due respect to the Tauren and their status as the oldest Druid race available on the Horde as per gameplay, cause them getting portrayed as the glorified weebs of Malfurion and the Nelves kinda ruined them -at least for me-).

As much as a fangirl as I am of the Belves, the very notion of watching Belves getting the “Tauren” treatment regarding Druid development makes me cringe (and it would forcibly be implemented as such, after all the other druids Horde side are trolls and well… maybe the Darkspear could try to help, but I doubt Gonk would pay a mere fraction of a second of attention to any elf trying to pledge to him).

Druids I don´t think make terrible sense, at least not in the way this game translate the class (the lore for both the Belves and the Nightborne makes them closer to Botanist / irl druids, completely opposite to clas characterized by shape shifting into animals). Shamans I think could be possible considering the Belves have shared a decade or more of close quarters interaction with the heavily shamanistic Horde.

However, we all know this won´t happen not because of lore reasons but by gameplay reasons. Belves have enough class combos available and unless all the class restrictions are lifted for all races, I doubt the devs will make another class slot available to the Belves.

I´ve literally never seen ANYBODY complain over getting runic tattoos / scarifications and simple scars + damaged ears. Never ever.

But then again, we talking about Blizzard “mysoginists-control-the-Company” Inc. And guess which race has been the butt of the jokes regarding “Vapid Valley Barbies with No MaLes”? It was quite obvious that the “Barbie race” in their eyes was gonna get customization appropiate to continue with this trollish notion.

Reason why when people comes here to say “but jewerly made TOTAL sense!!” I roll my eyes so hard they literally are at risk of getting out of the sockets. Cause this ignorant notion is only “obvious” for people that literally and deliberately ignore all and every Belf in-game appearance + official story sans the insulting bad jokes done at their cost. Borderline anti-Belf perception.

It is like me saying that if the Gnomes get a customization option painting a rugby / soccer ball over their backs this “makes total sense”. It wouldn´t be funny, not at all.

I´m not a Nelf fan, but all things considered the customizations they gave you AT LEAST made sense for the Nature Wood elf PoV.

Jewerly is useless unless a color wheel gets implemented with it, period.

Doesn´t Lor´themar has like a pretty ugly scar in the stomach as per “Blood of the Highborne”?

Hmmm… brb, looking for body scar examples.

Seconded. This way maybe the devs will stop using the race as their cheap Barbie doll replacement.

I´m 300% in favor of making the Tauren better!!!

You guys may start by changing your racial leader cause he´s apalling. No seriously, he´s the worst.

The only reason you are “inderior” druids too is that awful dependence on Nelf druidism, you guys deserve to get your own niche and not get relegated to “second rate helpers of Malfurion & Co.”.

If the devs lift the restrictions to both class availability for ALL races and requirements to roll some AR I´m sure the Belf population would diminish on the Horde side of the fence.

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I’m not really against Tauren or Trolls, I just figure Blood Elves would make a good Druid option for Horde and well lots of people want them so I support it becoming an option. :wink: :wink: :wink:

I have to disagree, I don’t really like Zandalari Trolls and I have seemed to like them even less since Warlock class got pulled in favor of the Paladin class because the only class I play is Warlock so.

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Hehehe… reason why the actual solution would be to lift class restrictions and crace creation requirements. As a lore fan it would be terrible, but then again the lore is in the worst possible state right now, so?

The real solution would be to invest in better writers and keep some modicum of lore / gameplay coherence, but I doubt the company would see it as such. They would only see the "gimme, gimmE NAOW!!! of the lowest common denominator and call it a day.

Yeah I have really mixed feelings about this because there are certain race/class combinations I would really want but at the same time there’s some that really wouldn’t make sense and would bug me like Void Elf Paladin. :yum: :yum: :yum: