Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Yes and less drama. I wish certain people would quit coming here and picking fights.


As long as they can do it without harming paladin lore, or lightforging lore, I’m for it

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That would be nice as well. I just hope blizzard takes blood elf requests into account though.


I hope so too, although after the so called Nightborne improvements and having high hopes then having them crushed I’m not going to get my hopes up too high again because I would rather not be let down again and again and again when it seems like the only race Blizzard actually caters to or cares about is Void Elves.


The new nightborne faces make me want to cry. How are the majority of them worse than what we had? :sob:


I keep wondering the same thing and I still don’t have an answer given it’s not like there weren’t and aren’t lots of great threads with lots of great ideas for Nightborne and Nightborne customizations so. :confused: :confused: :confused:


Yeah, I mean one of the most common requests was younger looking faces. I really don’t get it.


I don’t know if that makes sense lore-wise, but Blizzard doesn’t seem to care about that anymore. shrugs Dark Rangers are a separate thing usually limited to elves and at one time, a human.


Still feels good to kill that one :stuck_out_tongue:

I liked him as a fictional character because he was completely honest in how he felt about us. He didn’t kiss our butts, he didn’t want to make friends, he was just an unadulterated jerkweed.


I’ve used the PTR suggestion tool to criticize Blizzard for this specifically and recommended that they go back and airbrush out the expression lines, eyebags, and forehead wrinkles on most of the faces. I also recommended fixing the perma-scowl that several of the male faces seem stuck with. Having a few older face options is ok… but it’s not ok for most of the faces to look so aged.


I hate that guy so much and hope he stays dead. :rofl: I was so annoyed when Tyrande mentioned it to Sylvanas.

Well, we all have different opinions. I liked him and that’s okay. You didn’t like him that’s okay too. But it makes sense for Tyrande to mention him to Sylvanas as she cared about Nathanos. Tyrande said it to get at Sylvanas, play on a soft spot so to speak.


I didn’t like that my character didn’t have an option to slap him around Horde side. It made playing Horde pretty intolerable.

It is a shame there wasn’t at least an option for your character to sass him back. I understand that he’s not likeable for most people and I’m just a weirdo. Didn’t you get to help take him down in the pre-patch event?


Oh yeah. I went and murdered him. I couldn’t let that pass me by.

He’s a bit of a writer self-insert. That’s really what made him intolerable. For whatever reason he’s able to duke it out with demi-gods and be ok… the only human ranger. God… just an insufferable character with an even more insufferable personality.

I think that his ability to stand toe to toe with demi-gods (while ridiculous) was due to being empowered by the Val’kyr which was likely powered up by her connection to Jailer juiced Sylvanas. That’s the only reason I can explain it besides plot convenience. But try not to be bitter at the writer, he’s a person like you and me. He’s a rather nice fellow with faults like anyone.


I don’t mind the writer. Like you say, he’s just a dude. He likes WoW.

But, “Looking into a Dark Mirror.” with a character that’s in a relationship that doesn’t make any sense with the poster girl of wow, being the only human elven ranger and then being an edgelord that insults everybody is an insufferable character.

If he doesn’t come back then I’ll be proud of the writer for killing his darlings.

If he does come back I’ll be disgusted.

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I don’t think he’s coming back, honestly. He shouldn’t return either. Death has to mean something and his death is a consequence of Sylvanas’ apparent abandonment. But we’re derailing this thread. Let’s return to the topic of the Op, please.


Outside of Dark Rangers, I feel like the Blood Elf theme’s been changing.

When we see them in BFA during invasions they’re largely golden eyed followers of the light, outside of their strange blood magic missions that kind of call back to Blood Mages.

I think that’s largely where the race is going. Though I’m not sure that we’ll be headed back to Azeroth or if the world will get a refresh to show it.

Only death Knights running around in Shadowlands.