Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Are you a void elf?

And it’s a pity that they’re taking that route with Blood Elves in my opinion. We have enough light worshippers in WoW and without the intent to offend anyone, I think that makes the Blood elves bland. We have humans, draenei, light forged draenei, Dark Iron Dwarves and dwarves that worship the holy light. Blood Elves used to have an edge to them, but now that’s been abandoned for the light. Blood Elves are also rugged farstriders and skilled magisters as well. I’d like to see more focus on the blood magic aspect of the Sin’dorei, making the name “children of the blood” more literal.

We have to close the rift somehow probably by repairing the helm and crowning a new Lich King to bring the Scourge to heel. Two problems solved by reforging one broken crown.

Besides Dark Ranger options (I’d much prefer them as an undead elf allied race or class, but I’ll take what I can get at this point) which would make more sense as a model toggle for Forsaken, I’d like to see:

Farstrider tattoos
Feathers options for the hair kind of like the vine toggle for Night Elves.
Separate the tiara from that one hairstyle
Rune tattoos like those on the face of the blood elf on the BC box art.
Damaged ears
General tattoos
Longer hairstyles for females
Jewelry allowed for male
Beards for males
More in general for male Blood Elves (they got shafted the most)


looks around

Nathanos being redeemed I can get behind… especially if he kills Sylvanas.

Don’t @me… lol


Gets her runeblade ready

I kind of feel like Nathanos was betrayed by Sylvanas personally, but I’m not sure he’d have the guts to kill her.


Imagine it though. He shows up and just kills her for all the things shes done and then from his point of view abandoned him to the Maw?

It would be glorious.

Also despite the man always insulting me and making me hate him… somehow I actually miss him.


I am and I’m oddly not as opposed it as I thought I would be.

You secretly loved his insults. Don’t lie.


He had me at “Speaker for the Horde. Pahg!”.


See? Isn’t that better? :stuck_out_tongue:


I cheered so much when he died.

And the truth shall set you free.

It actually does. lol

It was nice to kick his butt…

Annoying that Tyrande had to kill steal.

Still that they went through that whole thing and then haven’t delivered him yet? oooo… I’m mad.


Do you remember that time when Thrall kill stole Garrosh in WOD?

Déjà vu
I’ve just been in this place before
Higher on the street
I know it is my time to go~

Thrall failed Garrosh. And the Horde for the matter.

Also I’m good with Thrall having his little fight. Orcs do things a particular way.

Tyrande was just needlessly taking my kill. >:[

Also I miss him.

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They didn’t tho we are still two different types of elfs . You guys would have a point if they got rid of our void powers . But it doesnt matter what skin or customization they give us we are still void elfs and i am happy for that .

I’ve said it before but it’s a new day, so.

Red eyes for Blood Elves :heart::heart::heart:


nah i want necromancer spec before any of that happens . Make dks have a heal spec .

Then just make it to where we can pick between red/green glowy eyes for belfs and the normal blue/ purple for velfs .

id honestly stop requesting velf pallies if i could go heals as a necromancer dk

I was fine with Tyrande stealing the kill, she deserved to do something.


On my last post I never commented on the identity of Blood Elves so on the topic of Blood Elf identity I think you need to look no further than Magisters’ Terrace. There isn’t too much darkness like in Sunwell Plateau but there is just enough for a taste. There is a quite a bit of Blood Elven diversity with MgT if you can look past it being a dungeon.


Their whole character arc (as a race) in Burning Crusade was about redeeming the Sun Well and coming back from the fel corruption and hysteria of the post Lich Bath Arthas route.

Their progress that got cut from Warlords of Draenor was supposed to be them re-establishing their relationship with the light.

Chris Metzen talked back in the day that they had this long term plan to push them towards the Light too.

I think there is kind of a disconnect between what Blizzard plans and how Blizzard envisions the race and at least how some forum goers view the race.

Like, during their customization pass they got jewelry and I was like, “Yeah makes sense.” and people took it really negatively.

So Blizzards kind of got the dual challenge on Horde side that they do on Alliance side.

What do you do with your vision for Blood Elves diverging from (some? it’s hard to tell the disparity really.) of the playerbase?

It’d be cool if from some of the customization updates that it’s portrayed that while some Belves embraced the light, not all have. There needs to be some variety and it not being done as either all be the same or be exiled. They gave Belves an edge, then took a lot of that away.


The problems with the jewelry is that:

  • It comprised the bulk of what Blood Elves got
  • It was female only
  • It had a limited color scheme selection and thus clashed with the vast majority of mogs.

I don’t think people would have complained as much about the jewelry if Blood Elves had gotten other things like scars, tattoos, more hairstyles, hair adornments like Draenei got instead of a tiara/headband stuck to those single styles, facial hair options (with mustache and beard as separate categories), face shape options (like humans got), and if the jewelry had been unisex and had more color scheme options.