Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

the dark ranger are not blood elves they are high elves who died in wc3

People that wanted VE customizations to look natural are not void elf fans or “players” per say, they are high elf fans.

Real void elf fans never wanted natural anything, we want to be voidier.

Depends on the group of high elves, as opinions and use of them is subjective. The high elves that recides in silvermoon yes, the ones of SC, dal, highvale, SW, etc. No.

Honestly, I think something needs to be done to help end the confusion of the groups being spoken of.

You haven’t had a close look of void skin tones vs. natural skin tones + natural hair have you? Also most of the VE hairstyles came from BE’s so…

As funny as it is, I think it’s best left as a joke. No one likes light created undead.

.> /puts you in alterac valley turtle match… but without the resource numbers to force the match to end!

The void don’t heal. It mutates and changes beings. a void paladin hurts void lore and paladin lore.

Void elves never asked for this… fringe high elfers did…


thats the thing tho they wont be the holy paladins i want a void theme plate healer


The void don’t heal things though. It currupts and consumes. at least as far as I know of anyways, never heard of void healing.

Oh, no that post was in regards to the CORE elf race on Alliance… the Night Elves. Which got it pretty good in comparison to Belves at least.

That was not in regards to the players, but the PC races per se… I mean the Helfer´s usual suspects nu-strategy to play victim is to complain cause they got hand-me-downs (that they demanded restressly btw) while NB got “new stuff”. The usual double standards they now want to be compared to NB customization wise.

I just pointed to that person that if this is the case, then the Belves would have to be compared to the Nelves and well… that comparison will NOT help those Helfer´s arguments about the Horde elf races having it better.

You talking to someone who made a “joke thread” just to show how stupid were the antis “opinions”… don´t waste your time, Brae.


You are a brave man! Thank you for speaking up.


Can attest for that, he made his half-elves thread in the middle of the “Helfer” celebration.

I haven´t checked it, but I bet it has not been a walk in the park for him.


You have never really played as a Shadow Priest then.


Puts an Arm around Ariël
Sweeps other arm in front of her and says

Troll everywhere trolls.


In this case? Absolutely

Their behaviour makes no sense… we don´t believe in their “I´m such a nice person” BS, ergo coming here to post “I hope you get what you ask” sounds as the most absurdly hypocritical and false thing ever.

I can respect the people I have named on that community cause they have been genuine in their intents (I´m aware Sommand, Lance and Fen are nice for reals, not only from teeth outwards, and that Nico is here purely by selfish reasons and nothing else -and those selfish reasons work for my own agenda, so-), but the others? What are they looking for is what crosses my mind. It´s pretty obvious we won´t be friends anytime soon, so wqhats the point of them coming to bother us and trying to insult our intelligence?

Indeed, boredness seems the only logical explanation.


On both my threads? Eh… I would be lying to say they had allot of constructive talking points lol

The story of my life Brae, since a decade ago I´ve had to deal with their kind and frankly, nothing legitimately constructive comes from them ever.

The decent ones left these threads ages ago after getting their “win”. The divas that just want the attention and that seem as bottomless as your average stellar Black Hole are the only ones that continue to demand stuff for themselves (cause don´t let them fool you, they only to fulfill their selfish RP agenda. And Nico may be like this too but he at least is mature enough to admit to this and to own to it -that I can respect-).

I admit I haven´t checked your threads, but then again, they aren´t of my particular interest so I don´t think I can bring much to the table there apart from saying “I´ll support Brae cause it´s something he wants” and noting else (like I do for Fen in his thread).


I mean hey go for it, a bump to show more ppl about the idea with hopes ppl will bring along theirs to brainstorm is helpful enough

I also created a death knight eye color thread too recently.

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Almost feels like Lore is back that something like this is getting flagged…


Frankly they been false flaging me too, so no surprise here.


belf got the most customizations out of all races and still demanding for more? Just… YIKES.

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Lol, this speaks the truth.


This is such a weird troll…


Hey now…

Darkspear done good for ourselves. Not our fault trolls are so common.


Trolls needs shoe fashion though.

Wear shoes darn it!