Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Well good thing we have masks and stuff ingame to cover up some of those features.

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i mean an hour ago I apparently “threatened his life” according to some people -certainly not Nico-. How soon until they come here to say that now I´m “sexually harrasing him” or some other inane nonsense?

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I wouldn’t put too much thought into it dearie, it seems the only person who’s mind went there was mine after you said that so don’t worry it it. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Eh, I suppose. Still having brightly colored highlights makes it a lot easier than what shape someone is. There’s other games where everyone has the very same silhouette and they do just fine. There’s more and more bleedover as time goes by, so I can’t see that being a reason to hold back anything.

I’m tired enough of the whole faction thing that I wouldn’t mind letting people chose their race and then chose their faction and let people be whatever race they wanna be on the faction they want. Less of a divide the better. The whole “tapping” of mobs is dumb at this point as well, we’re working toward a common goal, why can we not both get loot on an enemy we take down together?

Huh? I’m not human at all. Can people only comment a certain way if they are certain races? O_o
It’d be a fun twist for the story and they are in need of a leader.
Someone who had his life and future stolen from him in the same way the undead did, would be a good option.

Dear Moon, we both know they just sold that “narrative” for petty and toxic reasons, not because any actual genuine sentiment involved from either my part or Nico´s part.

They´re Vultures looking for scraps to harras others. And I put some good stuff for Fen on that post, I´d hate to lose it before he has the chance to review and consider it.

No man, actually it´s a pretty cruel twist to the story. People played for more than a decade with the game reinforcing time and time again how much of an abusive scumbag was Arthas towards these people, the issue became so bad his most graphic victim (Sylvanas), whose raising into undeath was written like a metaphor to sexual assault, was villain batted and trivialized to the point irl friends of mine abandoned the game out of sadness.

To put Arthas as their nu-nu racial leader just because the current narrative is so incoherent and absurd it actually let the writers get away with something as creepy as validation to sexual abusers is anything but a “good option”.


Using the new options, I went with a very “Drow-like” look for my Rogue:

I tried using the mustaches but they didn’t really feel right for the character. I’d be more inclined to use them on a spellcaster I think. I do like this new hairstyle though!


Well, i meant your current rogue. I´ll post in mine so you can tell me if they are indeed “lost twins”.

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But that’s all changed now. We now know he was just a puppet to Zovaal. It’s even worse that the forsaken leader sided with him and became exactly what she hated about Arthas, yet she sided with the being who was being all of Arthas’s actions.
So having an Arthas free of the influence of Zovaal return to his throne and lead the forsaken, who have had the very same experience he has had…well the older forsaken did…the newer ones have had it pretty good.

Feel like we’ve been down this road before and did not agree at all.
It’s a game and it’d be a fun narrative.

Sorry, that won´t erase the fact his actions towards Sylvanas could be used to represent a sexual abuse scene on another story with minor word changing.

Just… no. He was waaay out of the influence of Zooval when he decided that butchering the civilians of Stratholme was fair game, so no redepmtion for me, I pass.

Agree to disagree and move on. Also, for the second time: this is NOT the thread to propose this stuff, there are several Forsaken focused threads on SF right now, go post these arguments there where people will actually read and evaluate them. Here they are just derailment of the thread.


Soooo… Nico. How close to your current rogue´s looks?

(this is Ariel btw).

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Sylvanas did the same. Guess that comes to the part where abusee become like the abusers?

That was the right option done poorly.
Should have walled it off and burnt it, not taken a hands on approach.

Dunno what SF is, plus I’m just replying to stuff that’s been said in this thread. shrugs

Ah! Sorry for taking so long. Gettin ready for bed and my cat caught a cricket that got in the house! Here’s what he looks like on live:

Given how few options Nightborne currently have, I won’t be shocked if we look the same.


LOL we’re twins except for hair color and earrings lol!


And how do you think the “female victim becomes the abuser cause god forbids she actually heals” narrative ends up looking nowadays after the lawsuit, hmmm?

Also, my last reply regarding this topic. Stop derailing the thread, please.

Story Forums. Where people actually discuss lore. Your post will be more appreciated there tbqh. And there are two active Sylvanas / Forsaken threads right now in there.

I´ll nonetheless give you some advice: arguments there are harsher than here… there people will ask you to support your arguments, so be aware of that. Some posters WILL attack your post arguments incisively, so construct them very well.

Called it. But this is what happens when a race basically has only ONE semidecent haircut and face option, lol…

Btw… MOON!!! Go check the Warlock thread ASAP. I posted my two warlock alts just now (and I´m sure you are gonna laugh a lot).


Pretty much… hopefully what we see on the ptr isn’t all that they are going to give us, but I’ll take what I can get now and keep asking for more as needed. :stuck_out_tongue:


Seems to be the only strat that works so… same here.


True, I did think the story arc for Sylvanas has been garbage.

I’ll have to find it and have a look. I only really hang around here in General, so wasn’t aware that’s actually a thing. Does it seem like devs pay any attention to things there?

So it can be worse than here? Ick…now I dunno if I wanna have a look :stuck_out_tongue:
You back stuff up here, and people just ignore it.

Not worse as in “more toxic”, worse as in “more difficult”.

People will ask you for “canon lore sources” when you post your ideas in there. Is just more scholarly until yes… someone derails.

The perks of posting there is that one learns A LOT about the story of the game. Nice knowleadgble people too. And yes, the usual trolls and hypocrites too, but those are everywhere in these forums.

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I detest those highlights. They’re just so… jarring to my eyes. I’m a very visual person, remember? So those highlights are gigantic beacons — and extremely annoying.

I can see just fine without those highlights, thank you very much Blizzard! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ariel, I would like to request you not to put all of the alliance in the same boat, allot of us do not like that void elves had been deluted by high elfers.