Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

I haven’t looked at the male faces. I’m just…what the heck? What is blizzard thinking with this?


I tend to switch to give out likes when I run out on this one but I think everyone knows that already and well it’s like impossible to not know I’m me on any one of my Warlocks.

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I like the options, just wish they got glowy magic hands and magic hair glowing toggle for there hair!
A lot of the nightborne faces need to get looked at, fix those lips, but I tried to make some of the options work and I like it.

Can’t wait to change up my nightborne warrior.


They are great people.

See? I don´t hate ALL the Helfers, just the actual hypocritical jerks, no more no less.

You´d have to ask them. I´m sure that any attempt they make will be done using their best effort.

And Izzabelle is here!!! I´ve seen her upvotes all these days. :sob: :sob:

PLEASE GET WELL, IZZABELLE!!! We miss you -well, I miss you-.

You can never go wrong with crocolisk or any other dyno model. Ask the Zandalari.

They should have an option to get permanent exposure… like the lights from a christmas tree, one can leave them fixed or intermitent.

Headless chickens Avarie, nuff said.

Talking about warlocks I should probably post in Baals thread using my own lock gals soon…


That face you chose I actually like, I just wish it wasn’t stuck in the “someone farted in the elevator” expression. If Blizzard fixes that, then I will use that face for my Nightborne Rogue.

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Yea I think the lip area seriously needs a look at. Like if they want them to show teeth they need to raise the upper mid section. I would like better nuetral faces to choose from.

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I just hope they plan to add new non elderly faces for the women, more than just the one.

Well I guess a couple others are younger ish, but with really bleh expressions.


Yes, you totally should so I can see it. :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:

Honestly, elves are supposed to be youthful looking. Even Tyrande’s old booty looks like a babe


Male or female rogue?

Mine is male -the skinny look is actually pretty good for class fantasy involving rogues-.

Literally no one asked for old looking elves lol


I have tried some female looks, there are some faces without wrinkles and younger looking. I am not a woman myself so I tend to not nitpick, but go for the more smoother faces, there are some.

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There’s some others without too many wrinkles, but with goofy expressions. The face I tried looked better outside of the barber though, so maybe the others will too, but yikes.

I like some of the new hair, but man the nightborne are not doing well compared to lfd.

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Quoted for truth. I mean we talking here about the woman that apparently needs reading glasses thanks to err… ageing according to her leader short story.

Heck the hubby is not old looking himself either. I just sometimes get the impulse to use a pruner on his beard (not a huge fan of big beards).

The Forsaken is a higher level toon, the Orc is a lowbie but I just love her hairstyle.

I´m pretty confident you will love them. Heck the Forsaken is a walking pun on a famously hated female anime character.

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I know you don’t hate them all.

You’re very upfront with your thoughts and feelings on that regard. :stuck_out_tongue:

Many of them have been… hostile… for lack of a better way to put it and while I don’t think they’re all bad (most groups aren’t.) I do find some of them hypocritical. I’m sure they also find me as such.

Still I try to just let bygones be bygones from time to time and hope that I’ll be surprised.

I think I will. I have access to them thankfully. :stuck_out_tongue: Though I always feel bad to ask anything of them. lol

Oh! I hadn’t seen her for a few days. I miss her.

Double this for me!

Oh man, can I just say I think Blizzard needs to lean into that and make more colors and options for Zandalari and while they’re at it start cranking em out for Darkspear too!

I agree 100% with this.


I think you can make the faces work, the wrinkly faces look more like withered to me, Idk who asked for withered looks but they are there.

Male Rogue. Right now he’s using face #1 but that new face with the scar would look good if the perma-scowl goes away.

And this is the reason you are a better human being than myself. I certainly should improve in the let bygones be bygones area.

Do so, i´m sure they will feel happy to help you.

200% in agreement here. Heck, the Zanda could do with more variety in the eye color department too -I mean the other troll tribes have like infinite eye color choices and those supposedly are the descendants of the Zandalari… so where did the eye colors came from?!? :thinking: :thinking:

Damn, now i want a mockup of a Belf using Roy Mustang´s transmutation circle. But put a crocolisk on it so Hiromu-san doesn´t end up issuing a lawsuit to Blizzard. Heck, i just noticed the Homunculi use some motifs that would work well for Runic tattoos for the Velves, look:


The fact in current lore the Velves probably seem “unnatural” to the Belves comes as a bonus when we look the issue through the eyes of the FMa narrative too. Would be a very good pun.

Some people asked for the actual withered model, as usual Blizz mistook a petition and applied the good ´ol Monkey Paw on it.

Omg, my spider sense tells me they may be twins… so, will you show yours first or should I show mine first? (and get your head out of the gutter, people).

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LOL! :joy: :joy: :joy:

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I’d just love to have some to be excited about.

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