Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

I think you’ve always been respectful! I don’t necessarily think you have to be on your Belf character to be pro-Belf customizations.


who we talking bout ? whos upset ?

did they really ? not one younger looking face ?

Honestly, a ton of people here are, at the very least, very salty :stuck_out_tongue: Mostly above from earlier today.


They did. I posted a new younger face ill be using in the “lack of customization” thread earlier

One. They added one young ish face that doesn’t have a really stupid smile or something else.


Yea I don’t know what’s going on in Blizzard’s heads. One of the biggest criticisms of Nightborne is that their faces look old. So what did Blizzard do? Doubled down on the old! At least it wasn’t for every new face but it’s like they are oblivious to the fact that adding expression lines and wrinkles makes one look older.

I mean, I don’t mind some options to look older. I’m not a spring chicken myself anymore, but I’d like a bigger selection of younger, smoother, faces to choose from ya know?


Maybe go read the forum about void elves asking for even more or void elf players coming in calling us stupid.

Wouldn´t we all?

With the magical hair effects while we are at it in several colors, not just more WHITE please.

I love the mount. Talk about my suggestion in the hypothetical case we get an actual racial flying mount.

They´re nice people too, ask them!!

Heck, remember my suggestion about tentacle hair getting added as dreadlocks? (yes, I said it first for the ignored posters that I´m aware will run to cry wolf; ask Fen dudes) Considering poor Izzabelle is our of comision, maybe they could help you with that.

I still want a Salamander included. Cause Salamander is the mythical animal associated with mystical fire.

Heck, they ARE possible. The closest thing to them are the actual NB tattoos -that is, if the devs decided to make them visible at some point in this century-.

I don´t, I expect all of them sans Fen, Nico, Somand and Lance to be “the one” so…

ALL the colors please. Hair color stopped being a visual aesthetic thing for 9.1.5.

For ALL the races too, my Forsaken Warlock could do with bright green hair too, not only “rotten green”.

Repeat after me: lack of self awareness IS the real requirement to join the worst portion of the Helfer community (cause the actual decent and sensible members of the Helfer community certainly aren´t here baiting us for the lols and cheap giggles only they find funny. and no, this is not sarcams, I´m as serious as irl death).

Idk, I´m poor ergo i have to scrap in-game gold to pay the token that buys my sub time. Which means I resort to lowly stuff like farming gold dailies (yup, happens when you “live” on a mostly dead server and the AH is useless).


seriously all they added was the one ? the heck blizzard

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Oh no. I’ve definitely read through the thread. Lots of hypocrisy going on.

I’ll admit though, as salty as I am that it’s only one face, it is still a big improvement for me

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I want to be able to have ‘High Elf’ instead of ‘Blood Elf’ to toggle for some of my BEs.

Also this…

And a few REALLY long hair choices.

Ultimately, for every Race, I’d love sliders; Hair, face shape, mouth shape, eyes, tail length, etc… it’s unbelievable how different everyone’s characters look when such detailed customisation is available.


I’ve had my share of less than “respectful” moments, not gonna lie. But I am trying not repeat mistakes of the past. I try not to swap characters when posting on the forums except in cases where my class might be relevant (usually class mechanic specific stuff).


I can’t remember any honestly but I’m like a hot air balloon. I don’t remember a lot. I think as long as you’ve made amends with people you’ve done that to, then people can have a productive conversation here :sparkles:


I would suggest you making a gatherer alt like a druid and selling some of that stuff in the auction house. Setting your hearth at your covenant can save you like 2 minutes and the portal to oribos makes it basically like having your heart at oribos at stage 3 travel network. And having the travel network at max rank makes getting to those quests much faster for one of the zones. If your alts have engineering getting the portal toy is really a gamechanger for this expansion since the travel time is horrible. I actually have incentive to lvl my alt engineers more because of this sadly at the expense of other toons since the traveling around the zones feel horrible.

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At this stage, I don’t want to see how jacked up the males are. Considering the comments here, I think they made the Nightborne male worse.

Making amends isn’t always an option when you’re on diametrically opposed sides of a debate and you just act badly at times (which I have). Even the most sincere apology isn’t always going to be accepted and I have to live with that. I just try to do better going forward. Doesn’t mean I won’t mess up again, but I can at least try to make new mistakes instead of repeating old ones. :stuck_out_tongue:


It becomes better!!! they busted the lips on that one, so he´s just as constipated but not as ancient!!!

/massive facepalm

Let´s be real people… the reason NB got so much jewerly is taht the jewerly actually helps to hide the crooked nose + Rambo-about-to-explode lip issues.

Nothing, they are just headless chickens panicking.

The runic scarification is so iconic is not even funny the devs deigned to “pass” from actually putting it.

I wouldn´t be out there calling them on their low quality work had they AT LEAST implemented this back in January.

My man… herbs in my server are sold at like 10 gold the pack. Nobody buys en masse cause you can ALWAYS farm them by the dozens in an hour tops.


Sometimes it’s pretty easy, like for example like I said earlier Muir and I had argued quite a bit previously and neither of us really apologized to one another because we both stood our ground but the last couple of days we seem to get along just fine so I think the key is if people can be mature enough to not hold onto silly grudges about pixels.


I adore both of them!

Ha, you were indeed the first person I ever saw suggest that and its been stuck in my head since. You were the reason I added it to my list.

…I wonder if Lance or Somand could do that…

I wish Izzabelle were around too; I hope they’re ok.

It’d just be a weird crocolisk model… Then again… it’d be a weird crocolisk model… All right I’m on board. lol

LFD and Nightborne tattoos could use a tiny bit more brightness. lol

I do think Runic scarification tattoos should and will be a thing when Blizzard comes back to Blood Elves.


I wonder if thats even possible for WoW…

I often switch toons based on the thread… Usually Kyuu here.

That said if I switch often in a thread I try to mention a few times who I am. Been a little more lax on it than normal but I’ll happily tell anyone my alts if they want to know.