Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

we are not fake supporters , thats the problem you are not getting you are so angry that you dont notice allies instead of enemies . Sad.


We all would, but the company is too cheap to do anything that would benefit the community. The issues with the Nightborne are in the model and rig, and unless those are changed it will never look correct.
So nice to have people on ignore.


I always try to guess who it is :sunglasses:

who we talking bout here ? im pretty sure everyone is allowed in these threads not just your lil clique here on the forums . Not sorry .


My list of wants for customizations is pretty easy, pink hair color for all races, better customizations/better model for Nightborne, red eyes for Blood Elves and that’s pretty much it like that I want personally.


I want pink and green hair, preferably at the same time :kiss:


Ran out of hearts, so have these. :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart:

it is def heading in the right direction , i am really happy with the direction they are going in . Its a good start but there is a lot that needs to be done still but at least they are starting to work on them and that makes me happy :partying_face:


Yeah, the model really should be changed. I wish they would just do it.


Not even close to the NPC Model… just another jack up, attempt by the company.


Definitely not trying to be salty here because I don’t agree with everything being said in these kinds of threads, but I do find it kind of ironic.

The High Elf pros always told Belf players to go make their own customization thread, and so here one is, and the same people who told Blood Elves to go make their own thread are now in here fighting again :confused: that’s silly, isn’t it?

I guess what I’m saying is that people who were upset that the Void Elf thread was being derailed are now doing the exact same thing here.


that would be so cool just make half n half hair dos for everyone and then let us pick from a bunch of shades for each half . Could also add in some cool hair textures for void elfs and blood elfs n NB .

like for void add the void galaxy streaks as an option and then for belfs they could have like sunwell looking streaks liek gold and glittery also some green fel like ones and same could be added to nightborne . make it so they could have the pretty NB sparkles kind alike whats in the one raid room in nighthold for what is his name that star boss guy .Also to add some those fel like streak options for the NB too .

it would be really cool they could add alot of more colors for everyone too .


Honestly I would prefer that as well. I just don’t think Blizzard will invest the time and resources to do it.

Failing that, I’m trying to give feedback that at least makes what they are willing to give us not suck and put the player model as close to the NPC model as possible.

Body shape wise, the models are fairly similar, it’s primarily the face that’s the problem.


Hypocrisy at it’s finest. And they don’t get the hints either.


Travel network makes you want to leave your hearth at your covenant once you get that. Engineers have it so good this expansion with the teleporter on a 15 minute cd. Shadowlands seriously needs a teleporter room with 2 way portals to each zone imo.

yes NB need better faces for sure

Holy heck. I am on the ptr and they seriously added several more ancient faces to nightborne?


I think everyone is welcome here. But I don’t like the fighting, and I don’t like that people who were upset that the Void Elf thread was being “derailed” are now doing the exact same thing here. It makes me feel a little huffed.


And that would require a new Model, which we have been vocal for since Nightborne came out, but the company chooses to ignore it.

It is silly.

Especially when you’re asking for things for Blood Elves and some posters just attack you for it. Maybe I should post on a different character?