Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Just leaving this here for the mods to see through any edits that may be done.


They need a better ignore system.


You’re welcome! :hugs:

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Spare me please. Anything blood elves get you like the rest will be demanding void elves get as well. Once given an inch, you keep taking more. We have seen that since Void was tossed out into the game.

Every AR races need more work than Void Elves but being selfish you fail to see that, and I caught on to it when you ignore my post about Worgens because it doesn’t affect you in the least. They have been asking for a tail over 10 Years and sadly most of the Alliance players like yourself do not care because it does not affect you.

So no I am not twisting your words but using them as you meant too.

Maybe, I’m a bit disheartened to see someone who is ignoring me making false posts about me but this way I can at least speak on my behalf . Whether they themselves see it or not.

Edit: Do agree though, I feel like if you put someone on ignore it should make both their and your own posts invisible to each other. That’s a true ignore.

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I can’t stop you from lying or making things up in your head. So um, have at it? :man_shrugging:
I’m movin on from ya now.


I’d like to keep someone from replying to me at all. It’s sad there’s no option for that.


You have nothing to counter with, this is why you can’t answer. Glad to see you admit your selfish and only want when it benefits you.

Excellent pick, then I´ll be Marv :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Hehehe… infamous is probably a better description, but yes. Most probably. My brand of honesty usually leaves a lot of NOT happy people.

Please, call them ASAP… i´m sure they´ll love to see your buddy calling us stupid in here, while you dramatize about something the very poster I supposedly “threatened” -accoding to you guys, not him- aknowledged with an upvote. An upvote that would NOT exist had he actually felt threatened for reals.

That will actuyally teach them about the REAL nature of some people here.

Don´t you feel tired of trying to get babied or worse, become the excuse so people actually harras other posters, Nico? i mean I sense a lack of faith in your actual adult skills to carry on a conversation from some subjects in here.


This so much she claims she isnt hostile but she actually is being hostile esp to people who support her cause . Shame really .

And exactly she acts as if alli play is void elfs and that i cant have a say on what options i want for the races i play . I play them all on both sides was waiting til they fixed up NB a bit better before i actually played one , now that they have fixed it a bit better i think think there is way more work that neeeds to be done for NB entirely.

Its funny because the people like her are so jealous about us getting a few hair colors think suddenly that we all are these crazy needy helf people , when in reality i didnt want blue eyes or blonde hair i wanted darker colors , i want more void like things , im happy with the black hair and fair skin we got .

im also happy they are expanding on LFD and NB two of the other allied races i look forward to playing and that i do play my pally is a LFD , so no im not just one of "those void elfs " those people are not every void elf ,she needs to relax .

being hostile over others saying NB are slowly getting better isnt going to help her cause sadly .

If anything id be excited if blood elfs got red eyes and tattoos and new hair im all for it , im so tired of " those people " lumping me into those helf people when i am not .

I feel like GD is like Reddit sometimes .


Just leave please your trolling.

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That’s why I feel both should become invisible, (not “hidden reply” or whatever it is currently for one side). That way neither could reply or see.


If only we could go back to talking about customizations, and not bickering with each other. That’s all I ask


i still dont think its good enough but thats just me. that said i probably will buy a race change. at least this is unique and thats important in an mmo and to me

this is just a bonus pic of me flying in silvermoon


I’d love to get actual nightborne.


Wonder if I can get Lance or Somand to add that to him…

Yeah I don’t really expect much. The fiery option is just a wish. :stuck_out_tongue:

The Scarification runes are actually really nice. I hope they show up. I might just add that to Kyuu if it ever comes to pass.


It would be great if the trolls and fake supporters would leave us alone, but they turn everything into what they need for void elves. Not what others need first.

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I think its a good start tho they have to start somewhere and giving us smaller eyes works

It could definitely be better but it’s heading in the right direction IMO. If you can detail specifics in your feedback as to where you think they can make adjustments in the facial structure to bring it more in line with the NPC’s it would be helpful for the devs.

Here’s my Nightborne Mage on the PTR:


We haven´t stopped talking, the trolls of always just decided on another attempt to create drama for the lols in here.

Oh, look!!! the mass flag strat they TOTES NOT use.

I repeat: why do these people come in here? Are they so miserably bored in their own echo chambers they have to resort to actual harrasement of posters that don´t even go to their threads?