Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

You are welcomed here, the rest not so much.


Your memory serves wrong. Never petitioned for BE hairstyles. If you’re gonna put someone on ignore stop spouting misinformation about them please.


Thats all she does


Avarieeee, how about busting the pathetic security on Oribos and going to play “Sincity: let´s recreate the first movie” with good ´ol Sylvanas?

Cause that poor one certainly was ruined so terribly death will be an actual mercy.


Sounds like a good time to me!


I don’t know how ignore works because I don’t have anyone on ignore but it seems like people see “hidden reply” or something from the comments I’ve seen Fallyn and others make. Is the person able to open those up and view them? :thinking:

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That’s quite a way to twist my words. And really comes across as hostile for someone claiming not being hostile.

I play more than just Void Elves. Shocking I know! I have characters of most races, and on both factions, but the elves (of all types) dominate my roster.

I got the specific things I wanted for Void Elves. Now I’m moving on to the things I want for my Nightborne and Blood Elves. I’m never going to ask for Dark Ranger customization for Void Elves because it just doesn’t make sense to me. I won’t stop someone else from asking for it, but I won’t support such a request with my voice because I don’t want that.

My goal will always be “to get what I want” but only I get to say what I want. Not you. My requests for Blood Elves have nothing to do with Void Elves, except perhaps that I wouldn’t mind seeing variants or straight up rips of Void Elf hairstyles being shared with Blood Elves.


yeah idk how any of that works i dont ignore people

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If you click them to see them yes, if I have someone ignored and it says that I just ignore them usually because I have them ignored, it’s like flagging without flagging, lol.

I only promise the best time!!!

I´ll let you pick who you would want to be: Marv (for the brutality) or Miho (for the cool efficiency).


Thanks Naughty, well I at least get to say my piece still then, whether they view or not then.

But to clarify, you’ll never find any of my posts campaigning for BE hairstyles to VE. I like the hairstyles VE have, I just didn’t enjoy tentacles. I find the VE ones better personally!


Can you see someone who has put you on ignore? 🥸

Good question, I would assume so because you don’t have them ignored but I don’t know because I don’t know who has ignored me if they have. Lol.


Doubt so, I´m quite sure half of that fanclub has me on ignore thanks to my kind ways (not repentant about that at all btw… blunt honesty will always beat diplomatic hypocrisy).


Ariel stated they put me on ignore and I can see their posts :dancer:

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I don’t know who has me on ignore and I don’t have anyone on ignore :stuck_out_tongue: so idk how it works.

You’re famous!

Dang. That blows my theory out of the water then. Trying to figure out if I landed on an ignore list :joy: it’d be my first

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I will go with Miho!

Well thanks for this answer as well because I really didn’t know so I guess we both learned something new from one another tonight. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


You can see someone who has you on ignore and there’s no way to tell if someone has you on ignore that I am aware of, other than maybe them not responding to any replies you make to them.


The tea. Well now I know! We will have to see.