Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

i have 4 diffrent covn done so each is at home.

Nah mine is set there as well but I always travel back to my covenant zones so I can be by the mission tables, calling quest givers, etc. in the morning to reset them and see if I want to do them or not. :yum: :yum: :yum:

Hopefully, Nightborne need a lot of work and by far more difference in colors for customizations because currently too many of them look the same even the new ones and that’s not okay and that’s looking past how awful the model is currently.



I always thought you were even more brutally honest than me, and I thought that was incredibly… courageous (yeah let’s go with that since I can’t use here the word I really want to use), because you’d even say thing I wouldn’t dare to.

Sadly, a few days before the announcement, I actually went out of my way to buy two months of gametime (haven’t played with a sub in years… things are complicated for people in south america as you probably know). So now I’m kind of stuck.

I almost feel scammed. I know I wasn’t but still, I feel like an idiot for having spent my money on them at such a bad time.

You don’t have to prove anything to me. I’m way too stubborn to be convinced.

Just like I never bothered to prove that I never opposed the bleaching of VEs out of malice. People will think what they think and that’s it, all we can do it’s do what we think it’s right and nothing else.


Well sometimes you need to sleep with the enemy but keep a knife nearby cause they are as well.

The player model is fairly similar to the NPC model. It’s mostly the face that’s been notably different from the NPC’s, and Blizzard seems to be working on that. I’m not sure what or how you want blizzard to change it. If you can point out specifics, and how Blizzard can fix them, please do so in the PTR forum.

But if you think Blizzard is going to scrap the model and start from scratch… well I wouldn’t hold my breath on that, but I will wish you the best of luck convincing Blizzard to do so.


lol yea but i want a hot pink for NB maybe not the same shade range as nelf one but still a pink


I am so going to miss you you are one of the few forum people I had huge huge respect for cause you stood your ground and were willing to die on the hill if necessary

Delenn from Babylon 5 had the perfect quote and it fits most of the people on this forum sadly.

""You do not wish to know … anything. You wish only to speak. That which you know, you ignore, because it is inconvenient. That which you do not know, you invent. "

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Well since I’m pink obsessed and I want pink hair color for every race, I would happily accept either of those pink shades as well. :blush: :blush: :blush:


They need nothing. Other races have bare bones customization while blood elves has a whole closet-full of it.

they dont really need thaaat much but im all for red eyes and new hair colors n stuff liek tattoos etc for belfs .

Hehehe funny, I actually do the opposite, I leave my toons in the covenant class hall and use the hearthstone to go back and fort from the maps to another map (usually while questing).


Thank you Midare… that is a family trait (grandpa was quite brutally honest indeed… but at the same time just as brutally genuine).

We used to say he was blunt to the point of real rudeness, but this served one to know with certainity his opinion and stance in every matter. And in my world, honesty is more valuable than a billion of diplomatic hypocritical opinions and stances. Those I can go without.

Pero por favor amiga… hablas con la mujer que perdió casi un millón comprando tokens (que pude usar para comprar lo que fuera en la tienda de juego) en tiempo de juego de BfA (obvio antes del fiasco de Teldrassil).

Todavía me duele.

(for the rest: I´ll translate… eventually). :wink:

Aww, look!! the trolls went back to their fanclub to get reinforcements.

Don´t bother, you getting ignored since: NOW!!.

I´m ambivalent right now between telling you to ignore it OR letting you engage so we gain some free posts from those people.


blood elves are as unique as pandaren right now, the other neutral race

at least a void elf can choose to not be a blood elf


not really blood and void are still pretty different id say

i can since when ??? AS far as i know i am still a void elf hmm

Agree with a whole lot of what you’ve said Nico, it’s a shame some of the responses you’ve been given. But sometimes when people are in certain stages they need space (had a close friendship myself where somehow it took a downturn but after a few years of space it’s mended now).

I’ve said my own piece for VE customizations, not gonna see me constantly herald it anymore, have given some BE customizations too but some people won’t change their opinions about certain individuals and that’s normal for people to do that.

You have a strong will to endure it :facepunch: and hope you get all the customizations you want, along with hope everyone else gets all the customizations they want for their favorite races, however long it may take.


Every race can use more options regardless of however much they might currently have. Everyone has the right to ask for the options they want to see for whatever race they prefer.


amen yo thats what im talking bout


Void Options were in the minority unfortunately. For most helf pros that did want them it was a secondary thing or it came later to them as they grew closer to their void elves.

I did take umbridge when people went after poor ole Voidberg.

I never really thought he’d ever happen but the fact that hes an amalgamation of several standard requests we’d seen over time… It was unfair to claim he was just a troll.

All that said I don’t have any real ill will towards helf pros who wanted their things first… I wouldn’t expect them to be otherwise.

Thats been an off and on claim here and there.

I have seen Nico claim various interests in blood elves.

Hes also for Dark Rangers I believe.

This is extremely understandable to me.

I love my Void Elves but I also love my Blood Elves. That initial pre-patch pass was not good for us.

Though my mage did get the purple eyes I wanted… so bully for me?

Seeing Void Elves get nice toys and then Blood Elves just sitting here… I can get the feeling.


Didn’t read thread but i’m here to support blood elves in light of velf favouritism :ok_hand: go team belf


Despite us arguing a bunch previously you get a like from me for this because it’s nice and well what you said about pink hair color options yesterday. :wink: :wink: :wink:


Sad, some people just don’t get it and never will. It’s why the game is the dumpster fire it is.

Void has had everything handed to them and other core races and AR have been kicked to the side far too long, this is part of the reason why people left. I’m sick of Void elf players and the fake horde players who do nothing but belittle blood elf players who want to remain as they were now were just a panda race with nothing our own, and it shows with the threads asking for more.

I don’t see any of you here supporting worgens in their over 10-year struggle to get a simple tail. But if you’re a void elf, let’s be stingy and be a bully and rude. Some races needed more work than others, and what we have received does not even gloss over the glaring issues.