Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Anything blood elves had is now gone and ruined by the company. The ironic part is the players see this for what it actually is a hand out to stop people leaving the game 3 of my friends finally quit cause they gave into void elves again and ignore other races.

As one said i don’t have time to wait for this brain dead place to do the right thing so like others they went to FF. And yet people are like go we don’t need you.

This hurts the player base more and more servers are empty LFG is getting longer. the only thing left is the toxic poo left in the bottem of the tank and no one wants that.


They do it’s a light pink. Like lighter then sakura pink. But it could use the darker ones that night elves have, or like the fruit they have. Since it seems for nightborne it’s either lightly colored whites or a dark saturation, would love some colors in between, and they straight up could use the night elf colors. Since they have a shared heritage. With some slight magic mutations. If you noticed the hairstyles for the men, the facial hair for night elf and nightborne are very similar to reflect there ancestry. And it seems the nightborne have straighter hair, the shaggy hairstyle for nightborne is straight for females, while I believe the female night elf looks more beautiful with the long wavy hair.

Some lightning hair would be nice!


I just don’t see the point anymore. I’m in full doomer mode (more than usual).

No matter if they add enough options to have a gap in the hundreds with Void Elves. No matter if Blood elves get their own farstriders tattoos, arcane scarcifications, dark rangers or whatever is in my wildest of dreams. No matter if they finally fix Silvermoon to be a whole city.

That bunch will throw another tantrum, and they will be louder. The fact that even now they’re still asking for even more, it’s proof of this.

Considering I’ve never seen a single hint to it…


It’s number 4, but as Ariel said, it’s so washed out it might as well be white.


That is just how helfers are sadly

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Same thing Midare…


Thanks dearie. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


yeah i thought that one was a white at first glance too n then i went back notice its kind of pink but barley shoot even on the new LFD hair colors the white/pink is way more noticeable .

Would you like me to comb through my own post history and pull out some examples? I’m quite confident that I can. Both recent and going quite a ways back too. :man_shrugging:

Sure, perhaps you mentioned tattoos or something like that.

It still kind of moot when, as I said initially, you were always advocating for the barriers that separated the two to be obliterated.


I had hoped to get a pink for Nightborne like the Lightforged are getting, I was sorely disappointed yesterday when I seen that they aren’t and are getting more of the same hair colors outside of the purple and blue ones. :sob: :sob: :sob:

Edit - I changed to the supposed white pink color but they all look white to me so I don’t notice much difference. Haha. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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I’m sorry but you all keep asking and the company keeps ignoring us. this is why i have given up on the company there is a huge trust gap and a respect of players over all.
I mean 10 years for a dog tail and the company can’t even answer that with a yes or no is insulting.

Giving the blood elves the options we want is appretly immposible or breaks lore for some reason.

Then again how they jacked up goblins I would be worried they make things worse over all.

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:anguished: :anguished:

/gives a hug to Midare

Such a shame, you will be dearly missed by a cold hearted btch of my caliber, so at least feel proud about achieving this. Cause I certainly don´t hold too many people in actual high appreciation in this place, and much less will ever miss them.


Please notify me when your subs runs out, I´d like to say goodbye that day.

Goddamit, Nico!! I you beat me to it.

Late but yes, No. 4. One can only notice the tint in the creation screen, lul.

My man, after this debacle, all races should get access to all colors, period.

I want a pink mane for my cute VERY exclusive fem Sunwalker.


Ah so a hidden High elf fan pretending he cares.


I just want you to understand that my wants for Blood Elves are genuine. You’re right that I don’t care about “uniqueness”. But I do care about options that I want for my Blood Elf characters that are not available right now. So now that I have finished with my Void Elf crusade, I can focus on my wants for Blood Elves and Nightborne, which is what I am doing now.

My position has never changed. It has, and always will be, “to get what I want”. You’ve seen enough of my posting to know that this is the truth.


That would be nice, would love to play with a color wheel of all the races hair colors tbh. I hope for that one day, but right now they are working on allied races! I would love sakura pink on most races : ). But Nightborne especially since they are more flower focused. I name some of my nightborne after flowers.


Ah, I haven’t logged off her yet because I had to go all the way to Oribos to change my hair color.

You really should play with the character creator on the PTR. The Nightborne females in particular are moving in a good direction. Blizzard is still stumbling on making the faces seem young, but at least two of the new faces looked nice to me, and the new options are really a breath of fresh air!

You can finally not look like every other Nightborne. Hopefully Blizzard will keep adding more. The males… well they need even more face work than the females, but maybe the feedback will take this time fingers crossed.


You like the rest FAIL to under stand the issue you can only do so much with paint it’s the model and rigging that needs to be totally removed and a new one just for Nightborne made. Untill that time it’s just a big pile of glittery :poop:

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A self serving one that AT LEAST is not an anti-Belf like the very worst of that community are.

I will take his help if this helps me get my stuff in exchange at least. I´ll hang him too -sorr not sorry Nico- from his metaphorical balls if I see him supporting trollish nonsense like “San´layn for Velves”.

Uhhh… am I the only weirdo that has the Hearthstone set in Oribos?