Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

LOL i dont come into threads just to annoy people i come in to comment like everyone else does not sorry you dont like my opinons stay :salt: :skull:

I ended up making a new thread for void options cause I kept feeling like any suggestions I made to that effect would get buried in arguments or shunned as trolling.

(redesigning its OP actually as we speak)

I’m hopeful though that Blood Elves will get at least something of interest before I ever expect to see void options being added at this point.


This is me 😵‍💫 I wanted more void stuff for my rogue


Honestly, this achieves nothing. Sure, you don’t see it, but it won’t stop hypocrites from being hypocrites.

A male incubus with a blood elf model it’s honestly long overdue.

But I only had two last straws. Anything involving Calia, and they caving in to absurd demands over a race that has been less than relevant for 20+ years.

And I know you do. You have proposed things for others in the past.

Unlike others that now claim to care when they’ve never even suggested things for the races they now claim to care about.

I wouldn’t say that. People who likes Void Elves care about Void Elves. The people that pushed for this to happen never cared for Void Elves, they only cared about turning them into their own personal convenient image of something that they didn’t get 15 years ago.

So graceful to toss Blood Elves the scraps of your care.

Also, you’re not causing any “distress”. I’m not distressed, I’m just done.

Yes I too hope more people sees this, so even more people can see through the flimsy facade of “Oh, poor me! How dare these people want to have something unique!”.

And for the most part, you came off as someone who wasn’t dishonest. I respected that, because that seemed a very rare trait on your side.

Now, considering the sudden care for Blood Elves customization, yeah, can’t say I feel the same way.

Don’t hurt yourself with that projection buddy.


See and that is Sad really sad you are not the only one who was shot down about void option many were and I can understand how they feel.


i hope so too i wanna see them get red eyes i wanna b a dark ranger on my belf hunter so baddddddddd

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This is 100% correct and the fact they are now posting about paliadins and wanting silvermoon even if it was a joke there are those in game who actually want it done.


this so much i never cared for blond hair i never wanted blue eyes that bad infact i just wanted more dark hair colors .


If only these were even recent demands, these have been around since the announcement of void elves


It reeks of “Hah! Joke’s on you, I was just pretending to be this dumb!”.


I know they have but void elf players constantly said no they haven’t The company was warned this would happen but they choose to ignore it. Now they are saying Nightborne are a copy and paste. No were not were a jacked up mismatch of stupid and ugly done by the company.

And the company doubles down on it, this is why I have zero faith in the company making things right with the Nightborne players overall.


I want a void paladin something thats like a paladin play style that i can heal as a plate class but an entirely diff thing then just a copy n paste paladin , maybe one day we can but for now i would rather them focus on the other races that need stuff more first .

Omg my man, that´s so unfair.

I personally don´t care for the race, but to see the loud childish portion of the Helfer community literally hijack your race while they still complain about achieving it is… so comical it end ups being actually sad.

He admitted he just does for self serving reasons. And after the apalling choices taken by Blizzard regarding this issue, I´ll take even the self serving as long as it benefits my agenda.

Now more than ever we will have to cry, squeal, demand and spam so the devs don´t try to leave us with just stupid jewerly as the only customization pass.

Lack of self awareness is the REAL requierement to join the ugly portion of that fanclub. time and time again they prove it here and everywhere (to the point the rest of the posters have started to catch onto it).

They excuse themselves saying they only want “the Warfront”. But i bet that if the devs gives them the “Warfront” story version I made for Alurna when she started with the nonsense in SF, they would cry harder than a truck full of baby chickens about how Blizzard loves to victimize them.

To put it in perspective, I recreated the “Blood of the Highborne” Sunwell gets blown up part replacing the Amani with Helves / Velves (also my creative liberties included killing Aethas the clown). Suffice to say she didn´t like it one bit.


which void elfs are saying this ?

If not the pink, I would like a dark red since it seems the nightborne get darker skin tones. Right now skin 3 is the lightest red/purple we got. Most of the nightborne seem to be blues/purples. But a dark red/pink would be greatly appreciated.


I will always support most customizations for most races because I’m pretty nice about that, however even I have my limits in that aspect but even when I disagree I still try to be nice about it.

There are some good people in that crowd, I say some because there’s very few but still some, my personal favorite is Fen because Fen is always nice despite well getting hate for being a Void Elf and actually wanting void stuff for Void Elves and still being nice about it despite that.


My care was never “sudden” and my post history reflects that. If you refuse to accept that, that’s your prerogative. :man_shrugging:

I already said it elsewhere but I can be quite selfish. There are options I want for my Blood Elf characters, and I intend to keep asking for them until I get them. If you believe nothing else I say, believe that.


yes yes this would i would love that it would look amazing with the new hair colors !

Nightborne ALREADY possess a pink hair color, it´s just so ridiculously desaturated it looks basically white.


Speaking of that, I tried to figure out which one you was talking about so I can use it on Lovekiss but I couldn’t tell which one so which number is it, lol.