Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

do you play a Nightborne if not why bother coming in and adding nothing to the conversation only that it’s a start it’s a very poor start to even begin with. We have been asking for a direct NPC rig and it falls on deaf ears.

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That would be nice, but with the direction things have been going with Blizz, I wouldn’t hold my breath on us seeing such a revealing outfit added any time soon.

NO we don’t want to be a copy and paste race of the Night elves why can’t you people understand this. Is it a reading comprehension problem with some.

i have wanted to for quite sometime i have them unlocked . I never bothered with them because i was mad at blizzard for gutting them . Seeing these new options im planning on finally making one the small eyes made me really happy and optimistic .

Besides even if i never did its not your place to say where i can and cant post much less you need to stop being so hostile to people who want to help your cause .


But it’s not an option that Night Elves have… as I said in my post… :man_shrugging:

No playable race has it right now. If Nightborne got it, it would be unique to them.


I actually like the pink blue skintone but I doubt they’d give it to us for Nightborne because what they keep giving us is darker colors that are really similar to one another, it’s the same with hair colors, they don’t seem to give us anything bright and pretty except white which sucks.


Yea, it would be nice to get a bit more variety.


I have seen no help from void elves all I see are they derailing threads and calling us hateful and bullies daily and I’m fed up and so are others.

Point 2 you do not play one yet and the only reason you are cause you are happy others are NOT and you refuse to accept that statement as fact. it’s not what we wanted and your right blizzard double down on cans of stupid to the fact they did the same thing to the troll models who use the night elf model.

my nightborne should be in total pain the way her shoulder are dragged so far backwards her shoulder pads nearly touch. forcing her chest outwards in a bad position. But you would know this if you played one.

The fact the men still look like the angry old man get off my lawn type is sad.

Heck we did not get great looking heritage armor when we should have.

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the point is i agree that nightborne deserve more , that is every race that some shoulders are dragged and weird for years , it makes it hard to find good shoulders sometimes because the way their weird shoulder physics works with every race.

I asked a question in a response from her that isnt derailing .

Again you cannot tell me where to post its a public forum regardless if i play a race or not . You know nothing about me instead of being hostile ,how about letting people assist you guys with asking for more infact in the bigger thread i was asking for NB to get better heritage armor or more special tmogs that actual look like the npc gear and for them to get better tattoos .

Make a nightborne thread and we can all discuss more options for them there for now this is the blood elf thread .


The issue with quality is that, it´s threshold and levels vary from person to person. You are VERY passionate regarding the Nightborne race, ergo you SEE the problems and expect MORE efficient fixes to the issues the model has.

People like the poster you are talking to basically admitted they care but… not really much. Anything is basically a gain for them. The actual social hurdle made BY those individuals is for them to try and gaslight you that your quality threshold is somehow “wrong” or that you are “wrong” for having better expectations.

I can understand not caring for the customization problems of races one doesn´t care about. some examples: Ellin complained over the effects of the tentacle toggle on some haircuts. She saw an issue. Me? I didn´t see anything, but then again I don´t care anything for Velves or how they look. Worgen posters complain over the tail issue, I don´t care over the race therefore I don´t even see the issue on the lack of tail. In both cases I´m some player that indeed don´t see the issues NOT because they don´t exist but because I don´t care over the races with those, ergo they become just as nonexistant from my PoV.

What was the point on that tirade? Easy: don´t waste time on players that evidently don´t have the same level of “quality requirements” than you, less so if they are somehow trying to gaslight you into making you believe the issues you see with the model aren´t there or aren´t “a big deal”, period.


what are you going on about you always diss me in every thread when i make a comment . I DO care every much so you hardly know me at all ,stay petty .

Go read it then. it’s in the forum you would do better there and i do play blood elves and I have a few so I can be in here posting as well.

But to answer your comment Blizzard ignores blood elf players and Worgen players daily while your race is showered with love and coddled. Maybe see that point of view before calling anyone hostle.


Very good post and I agree.

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never said you couldnt post in this thread i said if you want to keep talking about nightborne then take it to the nightborne thread , this thread if for belfs and all this derailing of a topic is taking away from belfs getting their red eyes.

i asked her one question and then you decided to go hostile on me for saying it was an improvement and then telling me i dont belong here in this thread . So EXCUSE me for asking her a question .

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Time to put you on ignore you been nothing but argumentative you are in here only for yourself bleating and moral high ground.

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oh ok i see how it is i try to say my opinion to what you went hostile on me about 3x yet im the argumentive one ? Excuse me ? :woman_shrugging: :skull:

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Anyway, back to the actual thread belfs should get red eyes


Sorry about derailing your thread OP but I’m so fed up with people not even caring how bad other races are ignored daily by the company yet they constantly give to the Void elfs.
I feel bad for Worgans who want a tail and the company can’t even do that for them.

Will it cost 5 raid tiers and do they need to hire 20 mechanical engineers to do a feasibility study to make it happen ?


Oh, the gal that insults others but get offended when people pay her with the same coin.

Lol, you should have put her on ignore ages ago. That one only comes here to annoy the unsuspecting posters.

We have no issue discussing Nightborne stuff in here -as far as I´m aware-, so don´t feel bad.

OP is hardly seen in here, maybe it would have helped to put the “Nighgtborne” on the title of the thread too…

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Just like most void elves I feel bad for those who wanted more void effects but they were basically silenced by there own players.