Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Please, he wasn´t even self aware enough to realize his -and I quote-:

Joke. Ergo, he called us stupid. To our faces. And he makes /pikachu faces over us literally telling him to please GTFO cause if the only thing he wants to bring is literal insults to the people posting here, maybe he has NOT realized he is NOT in the correct place? Hello?

Why can´t we have FREAKING PEACE in our own thread, who said we have to accept literal insults to our face just because some a-hole believed they sounded funny, ffs!!


how so ? i think it made them 20x better then they were

So you like more of the same minus the eyes change? Really?

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Oh god another Void elf… bangs head on desk

they are not NIGHTBORNE they are still jacked up broken night elf models and rigs and all this crap will not fix the glaring issues the males look even worse now than before and I thought that would be impossible for blizzard.


What do you mean more of the same ? new hair ? new eyes ? new skintones? new tattoos? new jewelry hello? That is alottttt better then how they were before with minmal customization . Sure they could fix their tattoos tbh they are too sheer even on darkest skintones . Maybe add a few more faces but i am pretty happy with how they turned out .

what the hell are you talking about? eye color is not a race or a point of differentiation. it doesnt matter what eye color you use. the fantasy and aesthetic is identical

“bLoOd ElVeS ArE StIlL UnIqUe, tHeY JuSt LosS ThEiR eNtIrE RaCiAl iDeNtItY iS AlL”


They are still better then how they were originally its a start :woman_shrugging:

Well then, if that’s how things are in this particular part of the forums, I reckon I shall take my leave.

If there’s anything positive

Peace is peace, that is fair. Until a post that I made for light hearted fun is copy/pasted and twisted as a means to justify not expanding customisation options.

Now, just because people disagree with you, doesn’t mean they’re out to insult you. When you’re out to make a statement on the forums, you’re going to encounter different points of views, regardless of where you stand.

My parting words of wisdom to you is maybe refrain from making posts or commenting on the forums if you’re unable to take criticism to your point of view in a constructive manner.

If it’s looking for validation that you’re after, open a private channel on discord or something with your fellow aye-sayers. You’ll be far less angrier.



Most of the skintones and hair colors are basically what Nightborne already had changed very slightly, jewelry options will be something very few people use, tattoos you can’t really see, they didn’t get any new eye colors, I could go on but the point stands of more of the same given we already had it.

Yes, because pointing out that ‘give us Silvermoon’ is a troll thread because of the simple fact that Blizzard would never give a HORDE city to the other faction makes me a ‘troll’. Sheesh people. Blizzard has done some crazy, dumb things, but even in panic mode they wouldn’t do something like that.

Also…I was never one of the people that said high/blood elves belonged to the Alliance, so don’t throw stones just because someone dares to comment on an Alliance character, someone who mains a human character btw. If it’d make you feel better I can post on my Horde main, which happens to be undead. Also, if you’d bother to check my posting history, I’ve been a staunch supporter on Dark rangers/San’layn/Farstrider/Rune tattoos, etc for Blood Elves, as well as upright undead and NB improvements.

Also…just realized I replied to you instead of Corlia (who said I was a troll >_> ) so sorry ^^;

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you missed her whole point NO amount of changes fixes the glairing issues with the rig
it’self the fact 2 Horde races has to use this broken model is a disgrace. They still do not look like the NPC’s in game you can spray paint poo and put glitter on it but it’s still poo/

Once again

Hands are wrong
Feet are wrong
Body propertions are wrong
animations still the same
unrealistic sitting postion
shoulders are wrong


they dont look the same to me the nose is quite different maybe it just the angle you took of the pictures ?

Never say never cause the company is full of liers and back stabbers.

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I said its a start they are giving you more options . Which were better then they were before with such little options , give it time im sure they will correct the models . I dont think they can make them into the exact npc models but they are working on trying to fix them . Im happy they are fixing anything for them at all rn .

you are dreaming. Void recived a direct copy of a perfect model we got handed a turd in glitter 2 times over and they have made no attempt to correct and and I seriously doubt they ever will.


well i havnt touched horde in quite sometime so these changes are amazing and well neeeded imo . Its a start thats for sure .

While I like some of the new skin colors that Nightborne are getting, I’d like to see a few in a different color range if possible. I’d also really like to see them get some eye color options as well.

If I had my way I’d give the exact skin color that the in-game Night Elf Azshara model has to the Nightborne. It’s this pearlescent blue and pink skin tone that Night Elves don’t actually have so it would be unique to player Nighthborne. I’d also like one of the eye colors that Nightborne get be the sparkling yellow that Azshara has too.

Here’s a link to the model I am referring to:


Oh, look!! Only after calling him on his BS he understood!!

Such coincidental development!!

Excuse me, but I´ll refrain from any “words of wisdom” being said from a jerk of the same caliber of Corpsegrinder -cause I´m sure all those Alliance players he insulted on that infamous Blizzcon were in the wrong just like me, he was totes only trying to make a joke!!! Their fault for not being “smart enough” to notice it after the insults came themselves, amrite?-.

Btw, “oh so genius one”… nobody here is making anymore attempts to deny any of you “kind, caring, totes not offensive” individuals anything different from actual Horde stuff. So pat yourself in the back in achieving nothing but showing your own toxic clueless behaviour.

And take your own damn advice, cause YOU are the one who came into a perfectly diplomatic thread until then to basically bait posters using words like “stupid”. If you tought we were all gonna laugh with you and NOT at you, then keep to your echo chamber, period.


you need to relax . I fully support you guys and the options and fixes you want .

side note when are casters going to get her outfit that dress is so cute