Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

pretend forsaken actually have the calia and nathanos undead model. now pretend a vocal minority of horde players ask for living skin tones so they can rp as a fogsail human. you just ‘neutralized’ an alliance race. the stormwind humans are no longer unique. youre not playing an alliance race youre playing a neutral race. and for what? because some humans live outside of the alliance?


I can understand why Midare feels the way they do. Even though I was on the opposite side of the Void Elf debate, I’m not ignorant to their position and why they opposed my wants. I also don’t blame those who upvote Midare’s posts. I’ve garnered some ill will from my posting in other topics and it won’t be forgotten any time soon (if ever).


This was said perfectly so thanks for that because really.

Your half hearted applogy is noted but not really accepted.



Relax grandma night elf, wasn’t talking to you. Just not sure why Nico is flagellating himself for you guys, your conduct is clear as day for everyone to see.

Either way, I’m done bumping this hate thread, have fun in your angry echo chamber.


begone then there no hate here but people talking about how blood elves are screwed over and Nightborne.


The void elves aren’t an exact copy of the Blood Elves, as aren’t the Nightborne of the Kaldorei. They share the same models and bear very similar appearances. But each facial customisation, hairstyles and whatnot are unique to their respective races only.

Again, to reiterate, giving extra skin and hair colours to Void Elves does not take away anything from Blood Elves. Each have unique appearances that is exclusive to their race. Blood Elves will always have golden and green eyes, unique hair and face styles exclusive to them that the Void Elves will not have.


fixed it for you love your mental gymnastics there did you get a gold for that?


So then you admit that you just came here to troll as a Troll, thanks for reinforcing why people have such a big issue with most pros.


Honestly, I’d be fine with that! Light bound Undead, preserved undead, that’d be a cool customisation. It isn’t taking away from humans as humans will always have appearances unique to them, and I should know, I roll a few humans. If they add more upon the Forsaken by adding much more preserved undead models, I’m 100% onboard for expanded customisation.

That’s fine since it’s not an apology. From my perspective I don’t have anything to apologize for. I also don’t require everyone to be buddy buddy with me. But in this topic, we’re all using our voices towards a common end (stuff for Blood Elves which I also play). So I guess you could say we are allies of circumstance/convenience.

Make no mistake, anything I ask for regarding Blood Elves is completely self serving. There are options I want for my Blood Elf characters and I’ll keep asking for those options till I get them. If it so happens that my wants coincide with the wants of others, all the better, but it really is just about me getting what I want.

I want that to be clear so you don’t get the idea that I’m some sweet altruistic person because I’m not.


these are the same people in every thread trying to derail everything for blood elves and nightborne I don’t hear or have seen many void players stand up for worgen fixes shows how narrow minded they really are.

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What really gets me lately is Void Elf players and Alliance players keep getting exactly what they want and exactly what they ask for and then when we want something it’s like oh my gosh you are just horrible people because you want something and it makes me think like really are you serious right now?


You again!

polymorph ca- wait turtle


Is this guy for real… do you not see the hypocrisy in your own statement? Pot Meet Kettle.

I don’t care what you claim to be it’s not the issue


What’s the matter? I thought you wanted me to be productive to the conversation?.. Unless, you meant compliant to your opinion? Then that isn’t a conversation, it’s a disagreement, and completely fine! You’re free to disagree as you see fit, just don’t get upset when not everyone is rallying behind your opinion as they hoped they would.

Egads! I’ve been totally turtled!


You aren’t being honest to begin with, most everything between Blood Elves and Void Elves is the same from model to hairstyles to even shared eye colors and faces but you try to pretend like you they aren’t and somehow Void Elf and Nightborne differences from parent models are the same it’s like get real anyone with eyes can see you are a straight up liar.


Your take on the matter is irrelevant to the goal of this thread, frankly you coming here to bring your personal Vendetta is as bad in taste as the thread itself was.

You are as satirical as Annette´s Henry McHenry, the very fact you think is funny to bring a literal baiting done on bad faith (cause you dude as per your own admision only made the “light hearted joke” to “show those antis how stupid and ridiculous they are”) to people like us (yes, the “stupid antis”, who btw feel sad over the loss of our visual uniqueness) only tells me you ARE nothing but a horrible and childish person. And as usual, someone who evidently lacks the most basic self awareness ever seen.

You are just as toxic as you ignorantly believe you aren´t. Feel free to put me on ignore for telling you your truths to your face, and please take the hint: your “jokes” aren´t welcomed here, so go play with the people you don´t end up actually hurting while at it.

Oh look, another -even more literal- troll!!!

Dude, Nico -different from you entitled lot- is big enough and mature enough to AT LEAST try to put on our shoes. something anathema to your kind.

Having said that: feel free to leave the thread, cause no matter how much you guys wanna pretend you are “the nice ones”, fact is, actual nice people don´t go into other poster´s threads to defend their baiting choices done on bad faith, period.

I actually loove how they cry anytime one “lumps them” but they have zero issues lumping us ALL to sell their victim complex BS.

Heck, not even you are judging us for Midare, and her posts certainly apply waaay more to other members of the Helfer fanclub than you yourself ffs.


You can’t add anything productive your a troll and a bad one and people will remember that first. you have added nothing to the topic but your incessant whining and trying to make yourself look good which has failed. You can’t even see what was wrong with your post in the other thread and still do not.

it pains me to see threads like this

Blizzard just basically said screw you blood elf players.