Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

We all will have to. Otherwise our “brilliant” devs may end up indeed following the petitions of the trolls just trying to bait Belf fans on their own thread ffs.


Personally, I’d rather not see playable nelf dark rangers for either side.


Understandable. It’s not something I’d personally ask for but, since it’s been seen in game, it’s inevitable that some people would want it.

I’ll always associate Dark Rangers with the Horde though. They’ve just been such an iconic part of the Horde that it’s difficult for me to imagine them anywhere else.


That’s my problem with it, partly. They weren’t actually forsaken by their people though, and I would find it infuriating if they joined up with the people who murdered them and thousands of innocents.

It would be like sylvanas and the forsaken willingly joining up with Arthas.


Have you ever done the questing in silverpine? We killed and made forsaken out of people who didn’t want to be forsaken in silverpine and the next zone after. Night elf undead are part of the forsaken as of BFA. As much as the high elf and recent blood elf/high elf wayfarers who were interested in joining the void elves/studying the void.

I thought that was stupid too, honestly. The people the horde killed and raised in bfa joining right up with no qualms also made me cringe.


Well Lillian Voss was like ex-scarlet crusade, she didn’t join immediately for example. The starting quests say we have free will, (but like not really) because we end up killing people who started trying to kill us. Slyvannas was raising a bunch of people in the eastern kingdoms.

It’s just weird to me how it’s treated. Arthas murders people raises them, destroys kingdoms, etc, and he’s a monster whose victims break free and fight him, and hate him (rightfully so).

Yet Sylvanas murders people, raises them, destroys kingdoms, etc, and people just hop aboard the loyalty train despite having free will, supposedly?

If nelf dark rangers willingly join the people who killed them, destroyed their home, probably murdered family members and all that, it would be pretty disgusting. Sylvanas may have bailed on the horde, but not many of them, forsaken least of all, seemed to care about what they did to Teldrassil on her behalf.


I RP Phae as chaotic evil in WoW. She gleefully helped Sylvanas with all of her schemes, including the tree, and would continue to do so after. I wish WoW had more of an alignment system like EQ. It pains me to “save Azeroth” as it’s mighty champion when Phae would never actually do it. One day, maybe, there will be a mmo where you can play as a truly evil aligned character.

That’s why I want DR customizations so badly for her.

A girl can dream


Helfers shouldn´t had said anything in regards to the devs deploying this for 9.1.5. Or well, the ones trying to silence us wouldn´t have done so if they actually had a nice bone in their bodies (so yes, Nico and Fen are some anomaly regarding some other active posters from the Helfer community that go into the threads to tell Belf players -who had to see the time supposedly devoted to them being used for their Helfer dream- to “be patient”).

No. The time for patience died it´s early death in January, the devs took time scheduled for the core races to make huge changes regarding Velf customizations, so this time around it´s only fair the core races seem some love returned.

i don´t think switching up an eye color and a skin tone will take anything more than few minutes, period. And if the Helfers have an issue with this, well, they can blame Blizzard for messing up the schedule of the core races first, period.


It’s both sides. Can we start to be more honest to each other?

Tarrok, you requested this a while ago. I’ll link this comment section to you.

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Well dude, Blizzard message to us back then was basically “we don´t care, deal with it”.

Explain why the message should be different in your case right now. Cause as far as bussiness practices, I don´t see any argument in favor anywhere, less so taking into account Blizzard´s own behaviour and work policy exercised in January.

This isn´t an issue related to player opinions. It´s an issue related to customer service and corporative choices made by a company, no more and no less. And if core racial pass was “the best time” to implement customization stuff for the Velves, then 9.1.5 is too the literal perfect time to give access to a freaking eye color and a skin tone that already exist on the game files for the Belf players, period.

Also, if the only thing you´re gonna provide here is more “we are THE victims” stuff, then say so to put you on ignore and move on. Cause as far as I´m concerned, you provide nothing constructive on this thread. And I´m tired of your victimized agenda as an hypothetical argument to get special treatment, period.


Uhm, so, there’s enough going on, what was it that I was requesting that that answers? (Not snarky, just not sure what I’m looking for here)


Just one of the new topics popping up discussing about the “Horde players on the forum” if you want to call it so. Perhaps you want to keep an eye on it and report abuse when it starts to pop up.

So, what you’re just linking me to a thread about someone’s mog just because there’s some people bad mouthing horde posters in there?

Oh wait, does this have to do when you hopped into these threads talking about a specific small group of people, those of us on a discord, as being specifically bad people and said that it was ok to spread that nonsense because you saw it on MMO-Champ and Reddit?


If your only action is to be snarky and emotional then so be it.

I’m a little confused still… what did Tarrok ask for and what is this showing?

The only thing I want is more Farstrider armor options. Right now, I’m rocking a mix of heritage armor and Night Fae, but I would love more easily accessible armor options that blend the Farstrider concept with the heritage armor.
I am in love with my character’s hair color and hair style, so I have no complaints there (except don’t give this hairstyle to Helfers, or I will rain 100x more Karens down upon you than they are currently doing).


So, that was either a response to you citing mmo-champ and reddit for your attacks on us at a personal level, or you were responding to the earlier discussion, from a different thread, where I and someone else noted that when people come on to these forums to attack me and certain other people who aren’t high elf fans, that the attacks are very vague but forceful, trying to get people to ignore the complete lack of substance by making it sound like common knowledge.

And looking through the posts in there, you sent me a thread where people are just attacking horde posters in general. So, not really relevant to either of those topics.


I’d like to see the forsaken reinvent themselves. How many of the original ones are there?
When I made my warlock, he certainly wasn’t forsaken, he had allies right off, plus we work along side the undead quite often, you’d think by now they’d be readily accepted.

Plus, with the way the story has gone, I wouldn’t mind seeing Arthas comeback free of the jailer and take up leadership, he’d have a lot in common with the forsaken…being held in thrall by a malevolent being.

Would be interesting to see how it is handled with story. Sylvanas is to blame, but the horde went along with it.