Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Ok. So devils advocate here.

Alliance got Void Elves.

Horde got Nightborne.

Nightborne are getting customizations. This is comparable to customizations that Void Elves got. Sort of. They’ve got Eyebrows. They’ve got Tattoos. They’ve got multiple new jewelry options. They just got a lot of hair styles. So you’ve gotta weigh that against tentacles and ears. Colors are literally the easiest thing to change in the game, so these hair colors, while what High Elf fans have always wanted, isn’t a significant commitment of development time.

So let’s say they go back and give Blood Elves stuff.

What does the Alliance get?

Night Elves got dope stuff for sure. That arguments fine. But has nothing to do with Void Elves.

Why do people always “fail” to bring up the silhouette issue?

The Night Elves and the Nightborne have different silhouettes.

The Blood Elves and Void Elves have freakin’ IDENTICAL silhouettes on top of Void Elves getting Blood Elf-colored skin and hair.

If the Void Elves’ silhouette were altered like the Nightborne, this would’ve been a lot easier pill for the Horde players to swallow.

But instead… the Alliance straight up got a core Horde race.

It’s that simple.


The Nightborne aren’t the same since they havent gotten literal copy/pastes of Night Elf skin and hair. The stuff Nightborne have gotten is unique to them. So Night Elf players have little cause to feel infringed upon the way some Blood Elf players do. That’s not even touching on the fact that the Nightborne model is not identical to the Night Elf model, while the Void Elf model is identical to the Blood Elf model.

It’s not a matter of this side getting something so the other side has to get something. It’s more a matter of the alliance not only getting a copy of options from a Horde race, but also that specific Horde race getting an underwhelming customization pass at the same time. Basically it “feelsbadman”.

I’d like to see every race get more customization. I’m not really concerned about it being entirely equal on both sides at every pass (so long as parity is achieved in the end). This PTR has Lightforged, Nightborne, and Void Elves getting some love. In the hopefully not-too-distant future, the Highmountain will get some love. After that… who knows? Dark Iron and Mag’har? Zandalari and Kul Tirans? Some core race love slipped in with all of them? We can only wait and see.


So… What about Nightborne?

The Alliance received a “Horde Race”

So Nightborne don’t matter?

So what about the Alliance?

This argument doesn’t make sense.

The nightborne just got 7 hair colors.

hair decorations.

hair styles.

jaw jewelry

face jewelry


body tattoos.

face tattoos.

and eyebrow changes.

Void Elves got a couple of ears, less hair colors. Some skin tones and a tentacle toggle.

Also Nightborne got more work since they actually changed the silhouette.

So what about the Alliance?

Ok. So once again. What about the Alliance?

What about them? If you want options for a specific Alliance race… ask for them? I mean, that’s what the forums are for right? This topic is asking for Blood Elf options so that’s what I am focused on here. I’ll focus on my wants for another race in that race’s specific topics.


…I literally addressed this in my post.

The Nightborne got an altered silhouette. IF the Void Elves had received the same treatment, it would’ve been a fair trade.

But they didn’t. Void Elf’s model is the Blood Elf model with different colors and hair.

It’s not even close to a fair trade, no matter how you slice and dice it.


Yeah… so… the Alliance deserves more stuff.

This argument works in reverse against the argument. The Horde received additional customization that the Alliance didn’t receive.

Yeah. But isn’t that the thing?

I’m not arguing against Blood Elf customization options. I don’t care. Customize away.

I’m arguing against this conceit that the Horde has somehow been robbed of something.

Nightborne exist… Blood Elf Demon Hunters exist.

Everyone has their prerogative. Some Horde players feel infringed upon. Even if I am not one of them, I can sympathize. I think some of those upset Blood Elf players might have been a bit less upset had their customization pass been more robust like the Human and Night Elf passes were. That’s all I was trying to get across.


Have… have you seen the Nightborne model?

They launched with three hair colors. Three. And like, 6 skin color options. With like 5 faces.

The Nightborne is incredibly inferior compared to other Allied Races in terms of customization.

(Not to mention their rig job sucks. Lots of clipping, and a horrendously stiff run animation.)

In comparison, how many skin colors and hair colors and other options do the Void Elves have? (Remember: they inherited almost all the Blood Elf skin colors on top of what they already had.)

The Void Elves are so far superior to the Nightborne… I can’t believe you seriously think the Alliance got the short end of the stick here.


And they also had significantly fewer options than Void Elves. Let’s not forget about that. Nightborne have 3 skin tones and maybe 6 hair colors or so. In addition to that (and I only know for females) they have maybe 5 or 6 earring options, three body/face tattoo options… A few hair styles… I wanna say 6(?) not entirely sure though and few hairstyles.

So do Night Elf Demon Hunters.


They launched with 3 hair colors.

Off-white, white-lilac, and white-blue.

I should know, because I immediately rolled a Nightborne rogue. I like her, and I still play on her, but man… was I disappointed when I saw the options!


I was so disappointed after unlocking them. Think there are only 2 hairstyles without jewelry stuff for female Nightborne and I HATE painted on jewelry. We need a toggle option for that or just more hairstyles. Faces didn’t impress me either. I really regretted doing Insurrection and all the stuff before that just for this.


The new ones aren’t super looking great either, I really thought we’d get a pink shade one like the Lightforged Draenei got but we didn’t and that makes me super sad. :cry: :cry: :cry:


They’re getting additional customization options.

Let me be clear.

If you’re asking for customization options for Blood Elves. I don’t care.

But if your argument is:

Void Elves got High Elf Customization. Therefore the Horde deserves more stuff…

You’re entirely ignoring the fact that Nightborne exist… and that they just got a massive customization pass.

I played a Nightborne too and Void Elves have eight hair colors but they’re all the same shade. They also only had 6 skin shades.

They’re not in a significantly better customization territory.

Maybe not individual body parts, but having one to control the slimness or thickness of your character could be cool.
Some great examples here.

They’re different highlight colors, good enough. I can’t tell half the silhouettes apart anyway, and don’t think that should be a reason to halt anything.

Moon… don´t feed the obvious troll.

He´s salty even his Alliance buddies aren´t helping him in his trolling attempts, not even on Fallyn´s thread.

Well dude… if Velf customizations are to be compared to Nightborne, guess which race will fill the parallel spot to compare Belf customizations, hmm? Yup, correct the Nelves.

So go ahead… try to tell us all how much “similar” or even “better” was the Belf pass compared to the Nelf one (and don´t even bring DH class cause guess what? Nelves have it too).

The Alliance got excellent customizations for their core elf race that literally is just pending on some details (like more jewerly colors and to share the body tattoos of the male model on the female model), and their highly requested Blood elf clone model.

What impactful thing did the Horde elf races got, hmmm? Some jewerly in two colors nobody uses cause it´s a pain to match in tmogs and what, the same busted model for the NB males as usual?

It has everything to do if the comparative race to Velves is Nightnborne, dude.

Blame yourself for bringing this argument to the table.

Why pray tell, are you even here, then?

If you don´t care for Belf customizations and aren´t here to “gatekeep” (nonsense, word is nonsense in this context), then pray tell, you are here because…?


I blocked him after that reply so it’s all good dearie.


Indeed… apparently -if I didn´t misundertood Fen on the Customization thread-, those individuals admited this is a purely troll attempt on their twitter.

I saw the devs weren´t gracious enough to at least give the NB their properly saturated pink hair?

/breaths deeply

But sure, the Helfers complaining over having gotten their stuff are still the victims here -sorry Nico and Fen, I´m aware one of you is actually genuinelly happy to have gotten what he wanted and I´m sad the other one literally got nothing he actually wanted thanks to some entitled people that even came into this thread to do… nothing. Well, nothing apart from to create drama for the lols-


Yeah I’m sad about it given there’s very few customizations I really want like a lot but oh well that won’t stop me from continuing to ask for it for all races still.