Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

I mean Anduin is basically that at this point. So was Arthas to a degree. And we also have the holy nathrezim. Not to mention the numerous undead scarlet crusade members and the zealot horsemen. Undead paladins are real. Death is also not the opposite of light.


did you actually see what the light did to the venthyr?

dark ranger as void elf customization? it might work void elves use necromancy after all! unlike blood elves who do not use necromancy and live in a society radiated by light

Did you see how the venthyr use the light? Lol. They use mirrors as a weapon. My Venthyr companions use holy damage, and the zone drops holy damage trinkets. The Venthyr weaponize the light and have an ally in the Naaru there.

None of that matters.

The Dark Rangers that use the Blood Elf model have customization that’s fitted to that model already. It’s an easy win for Blizz to answer a player request with little to no actual work or effort required on their part beyond flipping a switch.

Blizzard could answer the Dark Ranger request in three ways.

  1. They could make undead elves their own allied race. I think we can all agree this would be the ideal choice. Unfortunately, this also requires the most work and is the least likely to be done, especially since the focus seems to have moved away from derivative allied races and towards answering calls for derivatives with customization (see Wildhammer Dwarves and Farraki Trolls).

  2. They could give Forsaken an option to select which model they use. This might require a lot of work to add new tech to allow this at creation and might open the floodgate for requests that every race get an undead version under the Forsaken banner.

  3. They can flip a switch and enable the already existing NPC options, that are already in the Blood Elf customization bin, to be be used by the players. This requires the least amount of time and effort to implement.

So while we most of us might agree that the 1st or 2nd options are preferable, the third option is the most likely to be granted, simply because it requires no real time or effort to do.


Dark Rangers as Void Elf customization seems odd considering Dark Rangers have no connection at all to the Void Elves, nor the Alliance as a faction, while the Blood Elves and the Horde DO.

The Dark Rangers have always been presented as members of the Horde. It would seem very strange to me for Void Elves to get a third theme, while denying Blood Elves a second theme.


I doubt we will see any customization for base races soon. The blood elves and horde members have shown interest in cosmetics such as dark ranger, san’layn and felbood elves as well as stuff that blood elves should have gotten like the blood elf tattoos. If you read the blood elf lore they are also supposed to have fel changes that don’t involve there eyes like tougher skin, the felblood take this to an extreme as they look more demonic and have stuff like horns, wings, different fel color skins etc.

Like with horde we want stuff like Taunka, yaungol, feltotem highmountain
Undead - fresh human options like human dks (they get to look alive) and nathanos.
Trolls - ask for stuff like jungle troll bodytypes, I personally want to see some frost troll stuff.
Orcs - I would like to see them get merged tbh or at least for maghar to get warlocks, for me the maghar are already mixed I would have preferred them to be mixed with the orc stuff cause I like the warpaints and the orc racials better such as the pet buffs.
Nightborne - I will see what the ptr brings, but very much still want the arcane glows in the hair and the magic outline glows for the hands for example and maybe feet. As some players figured out how to do that. I could also argue for them to get night elf customization if we find out the moonguard night elves that we helped joined the Nightborne. I would also like for them or forsaken to get undead night elf options, since they were with the horde throughout BFA. And share animations with the nightborne, and they seem to follow Caelia, which seems to want the forsaken leadership. Depending on the story Slyvannas may go back horde or something idk, maybe that’s why Calia hasn’t been shown much since the intro quests, if Slyvannas dies it seems Calia will be the next heir to the forsaken leadership since Lillian Voss doesn’t want it.

It seems like all this type of customization would work with an allied race revamp to the old way people wanted subraces, which was to unlock them and change the base character through the barbershop. We know blizz can do this with how we can choose 2 bodytypes now in the barber; male/female. So they can simply add more bodytypes. That sorta system would take an expansion launch, which part of me believes was a reason they decided to delay the customizations. I hope they consider something like that, so blood elves can get amazing customizations in the dark ranger, san’layn, and felblood deparments, as well as the mana-addicts trope, some arcane features like the nightborne.

The nightborne and blood elves would most likely want to share there culture with each other so it would be cool to see each of them have some cross culture hair styles and fashion, the arcane glows in the hair for example. I would love for some glowing mana hair, perhaps changing color like the faerie dragons, perhaps like mana color spectrum inspired, two-tones or multi-toned, rainbow hair colors for example like the Khadgar coins quest.

The san’layn, dark ranger, and felbood customizations could lead to cool eye colors. I would like the felblood to have fel flame eyes like demonhunters but with more colors like all the fel magic legion artifact weaons, they have fel blues, pinks, purples, reds, magenta, orange, etc.


This is, Nico, because the people asking for this literally don´t care.

They just either are like Khairan (who apparently only wants to reduce the Belves to “Lightforged” and nothing else) or because they are a-holes who only want to troll and bait Belf posters, period.

That nonsese only happened after Uwuwu used it as a “gotcha!!” in Lore´s thread (and guess what? he, like Khairan, only believes in Light for Belf customizations, go figures).


I wouldn’t mind some like holy magic stuff, since they are vampires and they did sort of vampire a Naaru to be paladins for a while which was cool. The holy eyes are supposed to be for the Naaru that helped reignite the sunwell which I think is cool. They gave it the blood elves because Ladly Liadrin had that art in hearthstone and it was so cool. It would be nice if some blood elves embraced the light enough to get light tattoos if they primarily use them as a magic source. Since blood elves are supposedly magic-dependent for survival and high elves equally but they only sort of consume arcane stuff, and nature magics.

I would like blood elf customization though based on all the sources of magic, light, death, nature, shadow, arcane, and fel. It seems void elf got the void magic stuff. Blood elves should definetly get the others, especially since fel, arcane and light seems to be big for their culture. And the undead rangers are more forsaken but I think blood elves could use that customization better. Although they could easily just let both races access to those customizations via the barbershop, and the racials being different or tied to that customization I guess.

The problem, as you put it, only exist when people decides it´s cool to limit Belf customizations to some arbitrary niche they deemed “worthy” for the lols -certainly not the lore- and suspiciously, these types always vouch for a theme that is “convenient” for them (I rolol my eyes so hard any time they start with the Lightforged BS cause it´s ALWAYS someone using either a paladin or a priest avatar omg… they can´t be more obvious if they try).


Well idk what those players intentions are. I had a blood elf priest and paladin for a good while, they had fel eyes for a long time for some reason. I wouldn’t have minded some holy light tattoos or idk what else they would when I started playing. But I race changed them to Zandalari (pally) and right now I had race changed to a void elf since I switched servers and decided to switch that guy onto my alliance servers and now she is a void elf formerly blood elf male on horde, then leveled an undead that went tauren for a bit then ultimately stayed nightborne.

My lightforged on the other hand I had a hard time justifying race changing my dranei for them because of the lack skin tones, I would have more variety with the base dranei stuff, so I am glad to see they are getting more options, although dranei still get more stuff and more classes I like such as shaman and monk (I wanted a lightforged monk but blizzard literally makes that impossible for some reason : / T’paartos sad). I do have a lighforged shadow priest though, which I found fun because that’s not supposed to happen… and for some reason they don’t want to learn monks which wouldn’t have magic that’s supposed to make me explode…

Anyway my point is, Lightforged and other races have some good customization, I wouldn’t mind sharing some themes between each races. Idk what lightforged blood elves would even be or get but I wouldn’t be opposed to light naaru tattoos, M’uru tattoos or refences in the customization since that Naaru basically saved the blood elves, light runes, more holy light options like white eyes, maybe some shadow eyes if the sunwell ever gets corrupted again (void elves attack), and some holy light glows in the hair, like the arcane and fel options for the nightborne. If we ever do get magic glows holy light would be a nice option especially since we got the arcane, holy and fel eyes already.

This is a shameless bump, but also who else has experienced a dramatic increase in “view hidden reply(s)” today?


Not me, at least not yet but they almost always get restored anyway so I don’t really get the point of people flagging other people just because they disagree with them anymore. Lol.

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People who are being purposefully obtuse and trollie go almost immediately to my ignore list. I just don’t have time for it ha

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I have only ever ignored two people out of all the people that I have ever encountered on the forums, I won’t lie though I always forget how to ignore people anyway so that’s part of why my list isn’t bigger. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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That’s fair the user interface here isn’t the best. I try not to get into the middle of fights, but I love living vicariously through you lol

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Believe it or not, I try to be as nice as I possibly can as much as I possibly can but a lot of people make that really hard and I’m sure anyone can agree with that. Lol.


Yeah. I make my point be heard and it’s usually quite pointed :laughing:

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Well you have quickly become one of my favorites so keep that up. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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Aww thanks! You and Midare and Lann are some of my faves personally. There are a more increasing by the day tho!

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