Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

I’m aware my posts seem a bit bitter, but I can’t help it. The excuse they just gave about focusing on allied races is crap too because when they were focusing on CORE RACES they added void elf things. They could do the same for us.


I’ve seen it when it was posted.

I was just posting the official art. And complaining since we’ve had to look at that for 16 years without getting them.

Now, I think a Phoenix would make more sense contextually, but I would defiantly love to see a Runic Salamander.

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Both. Phoenix is “rebirth”, but the Salamander as per irl mythos is the animal associated with Magical Fire per se.


Red eyes :clap:t2: Red eyes :clap:t2: Red eyes :clap:t2: Red eyes


if thats how you want to interpret it, thats fine. im not here to change your mind, you helfers are playing another game completely

the ‘line’ from alleria and wc2 farstriders goes straight to sylvanas and the farstriders in wc3 and from there, straight to halduron and um, oh yea the farstriders still. it belongs to blood elves. its their ‘design’

it turns out thats how they translate into WoW. if you want a ‘bigger coverage’ well that can just be one of the many styles they could have. but these arent allerias design, if she wasnt a farstrider she wouldnt have these. ‘PERIOD’

Which proves they just want to get them to errr… “keep quiet” as in per once in their forums lifetime.

Bad news for the Void fans, cause this may indicate they will indeed get their Monkey Paw version thank to Blizz ubber commitement to the lazy work ethic.

Maybe, but after what Phaelia posted -that I guess she read somewhere?- I doubt we would see anytime soon.


Probably not. But it would be nice to see.


Apologize, cause the only borderline Helfer is yourself, Magnificent.

The very fact I despise the idea of my toon getting only hand-me-downs from an Alliance High Elf racial leader is argument enough about how much I am NOT a “Helfer”.


It´s also literal “enable for PC cause it already exists for the freaking model” low level of actual work and commitement, but I guess we aren´t as “annoying” to actually throw us such a basic bone as this.


New plan: Be annoying!! :sparkles:


Oh yes, I’m on it!


With all the love Void Elves seem to be getting, you’d think Blizzard could slip in enabling the already existing NPC Dark Ranger Customizations for Blood Elves… >_>


i dont purposely call farstrider tattoos ‘alleria tattoos’

i dont say things like 'just give them their ‘high elves’ so they can represent their 6 easter eggs over 17 years and because of 2 interactions theyve had with the kirin tor in an individual capacity

i wasnt against blue eyes either, there were a multitude of lore sources for them


We haven´t need to be muzzled ASAP… I suppose we need to become a nightmare of ourselves.

The fact people comes to tell us to “shut up cause we have SOOO much customizations!!!” if not downright bait Belf posters about taking even the red eyes for the Velf model (yeah, I saw the Helfer troll who loves to use his Orc avatar was up to game on the Customization thread) are the actual bad faith arguments. Cause people can´t claim to be victims when some a-holes on their fanclubs literally go to such despicable lows and the rest say nothing.

Remember Nicodemus: the one who stays silent, gives his/her silent consent.

I suppose we need to apologize for the sin of having DH as a class, however funny how this wasnt an issue for the Nelf customization pass.

Look Magnificent, if you want to get more copy-pasted stuff, good. That´s your wich and we will respect it.

Some of us rather get something ADDITIONAL than the same stupid lines on the Alleria model, period.

Lol, I adore you both. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Love you too :kiss:


That’s why I replied to Linxy asking for the Dark Ranger customizations to be added to Blood Elves. I got the options I wanted for Void Elves, now it’s time to get the options I want for Blood Elves. Maybe since they’ve been responding to requests in that thread, this easy low hanging fruit request could make it in.

No one should be told to shut up for asking for the customization options they want, no matter how many options they currently have. Blood Elf players have every right to ask for as many new options as they desire.

I already posted in another thread that I am done campaigning for High Elf stuff for Void Elves. I won’t be supporting further topics in that realm of requests (though I won’t go out of my way to oppose other people’s requests either). It’s time to get some gothic vampy goodness for the red team.


I don’t want Blood Elf requests to be stifled by anyone. It doesn’t matter how many options Blood Elves currently have. Any requests for more Blood Elf options are perfectly valid IMO.

If someone is making insincere requests just to troll, that’s just bad behavior and I won’t condone or support that.


Well, tell that to your buddy Sevenstorms and to Zugyr, cause they´re the exhibit A about why I personally have such deplorable opinion on the people polluting the Helfer fanclub, Nicodèmus.

Their attitude literally validates all the accusations Lann threw to that community AND make the sane ones like yourself look like hypocrites.

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They aren’t my “buddies”. I don’t even know them. :man_shrugging:

And you won’t see me supporting posts like that. If people want to judge me on the actions of others… I can’t stop them. But I’m not responsible for the actions of anyone but myself.