Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

They use fel magic.

That is a far cry from siphoning fel magic and drinking demon blood - which is what is required to become a felblood elf, or a red orc for that matter.

Felblood elves do not belong with the Blood Elves, not even before the Sunwell’s reignition.

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The only problem I see with dark rangers being given to blood elves…

Is that I’d have to roll another toon.

I do have an undead hunter chilling, though

My personal blood elf priority is definitely box art scarification. The orc scarification looks kinda… meh… but hopefully practice makes perfect.


Yeah that’s a big nah from me…

That makes much more sense.

Not sure they’re all dead… Did blizzard say they were all dead?

They just haven’t been relevant since TBC.

I don’t see why some couldn’t have come back to try and rejoin.

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I WANT felblood elves, but I’ll freely admit part of that is because they look absolutely ridiculous and that is great.

But if we can have sand troll skin colors, why not a few other wacky ideas?


There is a skin tone that can make your elf look somewhat felblood if you pair it with the right eye colour. It works really well with Warlock mogs. I wouldn’t mind a reddish skin tone either tho


…hm. Time to go adjust my warlock boy’s look again…


I don’t care what blizzard said.

The Felblood Elves were Blood Elves who committed with no uncertainty to the Burning Legion. They willingly and knowingly drank the blood of demons to become servants of the Legion.

They were not mind-controlled, they were not forced with the destruction of their people, they chose that path.

Felblood Elves should not be a customization option, them joining the Blood Elves… no, just no. They are even worse traitors than the Void Elves.

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I want this too or a greenish colored one either one or both would be wonderful for the whole Warlock thing. :yum: :yum: :yum:


See, other Blood Elves wanna get fel’d up too. Let’s get weird with the skin tones and magic.

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Yessss that’s why the hill I die on is for a dark rangeresque blood elf warlock. God the mogs I could make for her :cry:


I have a story for a dark ranger warlock.

He was assigned to assist the Apothecaries and learned fel magic from them. Turned out he was gifted.

Assuming however we get Dark Rangers warlock is possible that’s what mine will be.


If they were to add those customizations, I’d retcon my current story. My story for Phae, is that she was a magistrix in the royal court of Silvermoon, and was with Kael’thas in Dalaran when Arthas came.

Afterwards she joined him as one of his lieutenants in Outland, but abandoned him once she realized he was throwing his lot with the Burning Legion.

In this new What If…? timeline, she would have perished with Sylvanas but was raised to undeath with her, but once they joined the horde she was stationed in Silvermoon since she was someone of prominence in life and she became a grand warlock of the Horde. Somewhat still working on it but, that’s the gist.


Yes. Seen some mock ups of that by Izzabelle.

We need that.

It would be neat.

… Ok

Fel is addictive and definitely messes with the mind some.

Plus with the Legion abandoning them after TBC any survivors could have gone into hiding or tried to rejoin.

I think you’re more personally against this than any real particular lore reason.

That’s fine though.

I think they’d be neat.

Very nice!

I like it.

Not bad. I like where it’s going.

I know some will be against Dark Rangers as anything other than… Well ranger types, but I think it’s reasonable that if they are added as either customization or an AR that they must have more than one class available…


Good, tell that to the various warlocks spread on both Horde and Alliance.

Blood Elves are not the only ones with warlocks.

Nah, they are dead doing their masters bidding, either defending Kael’thas or trying to prevent Alliance champions from reaching the Sunwell through which they attempted to summon Kil’jaeden.

Even the Burning Throne in Outland, in which they were created, champions were sent to get rid of them.

They are dead, gone, bye bye.

I am personally against it because of lore reasons, yes. It is unimmersive, it makes no sense, not to mention it is absolutely stupid and should not at all be suggested. Even Dark Ranger holds more merit, but even that I am against for the sole reason; that a dark ranger is supposed to be a banshee who repossesed their corpse and then added shadowy abilities to their ranger teachings.

The worst thing blizzard can do, is butcher their lore even more so than they already have, it is quite frankly just a matter of standing your ground, this goes for blizzard too.

Blood Elves can get the runic tattooes as displayed on the TBC box art.
Blood Elves can get war paints and even body tattooes.

Add scars, facial hairs and a way to seperate different parts of said facial hair and we are golden, that is all that is needed.

No felblood elves.
No Dark Ranger.

Already got skintones ranging from very dark to the palest of white.
And more than enough eye colours.

In a perfect WoW world Alliance wouldn’t even have Warlock as playable due to them pretending to be the goodie two shoes and forsaking anyone that practices as a Warlock arts.

And maybe not but we are the best looking Warlocks in the whole game so.


Well when it happens, you don’t have to play as one. I will keep hope. After all, if I’ve learned anything on this forum, it’s holding on to things that are unlikely to happen, tend to happen ala the Void Elf mistake.


Unless the expansion following the expansion after Shadowlands is any good, I might not be playing at all… nor do I think many others would, and at that point we can expect that the introduction of these will be a short time before the shutdown of WoW servers, so you will atleast get 5-6 months of happiness with it.

If it’s aligned with a faction or a lore friendly appearance option, I want it as a choice in some form.

This applies to taunka and it applies to dark rangers. Granted, some of the things that fall under that umbrella are… unlikely. And I’ll never stop wanting customizations because more would always be neato.

But some things are just cool. And it’s not like Blizz gave us story for the sand troll esque or dark troll option… and with the dark troll skin, there’s literally one left.


No one said they were…

Like I said. This seems very personal for you.

I’m not interested in fighting your personal desires of possibilities within the lore.

Felblood options aren’t a bad idea.

You’re personally against it sure, but its not because of lore.

I mean… We all know it. As much as I hate my brother, he is always immaculately dressed and a warlock.

(I dont actually hate my brother. Kyuu in story does hate his though. This is mostly a joke though we are damned beautiful warlocks.)


Warcraft lore was the last bit I cared about in regards to WoW when everything was devolving. Lore was ruined and people are advocating ruining it even more so for the sake of their ‘player options’.

There are many ways to add player options without ruining lore.

Yes it is.

Yup, it IS because of lore. As mentioned, Felblood Elves are 100% loyal to the Legion, not to mention, every Felblood Elf we even encountered have been violently insane. It was made quite obvious that there was no redeeming shred of humanity left in them.