Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

It’s amazing how few some of them have once you start adding them up. It seems like Humans would be much higher. But each skin grouping has to be done separately and added together. The Dark ranger options had to be done separately and added, along with the void Elf Tentacle toggle.


Wow it’s sad to see that we are nowhere near the top on customizations despite everyone saying that we are and the difference of what we actually have vs other races is totally crazy because it’s massively lower.


I agree, I get really tired of seeing people come into this thread saying. Stop asking for stuff, Blood Elves have the most customization. When in truth Blood Elf Males have the 2nd least of the core races just above Worgen. If you count the Human Customizations for Worgen then Blood Elf Males have the least of the core races. Plus half the Allied races have more customizations then them. Yet they have so many :roll_eyes:


Agreed, male Blood Elves have such awful customizations compared to some other races males, I mean they don’t even have decent facial hair options which is sad because they are males, it’s part of the reason when the Dark Ranger stuff came out and I switched to male for a short time I didn’t stay one because legit the customizations for male Blood Elves sucks, add in females to the mix and it’s like can we get a complete do over with customizations for Blood Elves to the degree of other races including the upcoming new one since they have shown they can do male Blood Elves customizations properly.


-waltzes in-


I’m kind of taken aback on how low the male vulpera are, though. I don’t have one, so I just assumed they were samey because people were boring. Ouch.

Do you happen to have time to do that for female characters? If I’m not prevailing too much on your patience.

Also, lol at Lightforged. Also got a full pass with the other 2 Legion races who were given a beefy pile of customizations, still middle of the pack. OH WELL.


I will most likely try and get the Female/Type 2’s done tomorrow if I have the time.


I’m kind of amazed that orcs have DOUBLE the options of the next closest. I assume that’s because they have a lot of stacking options (back straight, not straight, warpaint, scars).

Most of my orcs are female, though.

Anyway, the take home lesson is that everyone deserves more when you’re separating out mutually exclusive options.

Especially, apparently, male vulpera.


That’s why every time I have been mentioning it lately, I list Vulpera, Kul Tiran and Dark Irons as my top races that need new customizations because yes I want more stuff for races like Blood Elves, Nightborne, Void Elves, etc. but they haven’t gotten nothing new at all yet and it’s like hello those races do need new stuff too.


I know its kinda early but would you be willing to try to add the current alpha dracthyr options?

This links to the Alpha dressing room for ease of access.

Only if you feel you have the time. I don’t want to give you work. >.<

Be nice to compare their significant amount of options to the current races.


Worgen, my friend. Less than 1/5 of the options of male blood elves. Though I might have to reassess on undea-- JOKING MORE CUSTOMIZATIONS FOR EVERYONE.

…Did you have a chance to see the short male draenei tail? Am I right or am I right?

I did see it, lol and yes you were totally right, I messed with the character designer a couple hours ago when I was logged in and it was like I don’t like it on the female much either but I can handle it better than the male, the male looks bad like you said, I kept laughing then I was like no wonder you have only seen like one person using it because legit why would someone use it when it looks that bad. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It’s absolutely, and I don’t use the term lightly, HORRIBLE.


Dracthyr customization combinations


Dracthyr Visage Form male/body type 1 customization combinations


Will try and get the female/body type 2 done tomorrow.


Ye now u now how velf and helf fans felt when u guys. Barged in their threds & didthe same day aftr day. Enjiy Karma

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Oooh watch out the guy on the level 10 classic alt is calling people out


Holy hell!

Yeah… I’m gonna hold to the “If it’s not to the level of Dracthyr its not enough.” line I said earlier.

Thank you for doing this. Truly.


Updated Male/Body type 1 customization combination lists.

Added Draenai and Dracthyr Visage form. Also correct an error when multiplying for Void Elves.
Female/Body type 2 Customization Combinations.

And the winner is…
Queue, Drum Roll.
Dracthyr with: 637,776,740,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 customization combinations.


You are amazing and you rock, thanks for doing that it’s nice to see the options all counted and shown like that.

Also hugs because you deserve hugs and I haven’t given you them for awhile. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Holy hell still… Like…


Oh worgen.

The story department may or may not hate night elves and trolls beyond all reason, but the art team has wholeheartedly hated female worgen unwaveringly since their inception.

That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.

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