Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Honestly, if you told me I could only get one more look for blood elves ever, I’d want the runic scarification they had on the BC box art. It baffles me that that isn’t in the game.

…though speaking of scars, Dracthyr actually don’t have any to speak of. MORE CUSTOMIZATIONS FOR DRACTHYR TOO

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First I don’t act like that, I just posted earlier that races like Kul Tirans, Vulpera and Dark Irons rank highest in need of new customizations in my book and second my want and desire for unique customizations for Blood Elves that aren’t shared with Void Elves is completely fair given most of what we have customization wise currently is shared with them and what we got new that wasn’t shared with them are a few hairstyles and jewelry that they should just remove because it’s awful.


Historically speaking, when they look at customizations, they’re likely to extend it out to more than one race.

I rabble rouse on a lot of these threads because I’m hoping for more shinies. Not just for my elves, but everyone. Elves included, though. But it’s not necessarily “if elves get something, no one else does” or “if elves get X, they shouldn’t get Y”.


You’re an exception then, I suppose. I just see SOOO many posts about other races getting hijacked by blood elves constantly asking for more customization options and not caring about other races.

ALSO, what is the big deal with void elves and blood elves having some similar options they share the exact same models anyways? Also void elves were originally blood elves, were they not? It’s just an excuse to get more than everyone else has.

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Hey, maybe if blizzard listened to what had been requested we’d have less to request.

I often wonder though why the other races playerbases don’t setup their own threads.

I made one for the void aspect of void elves and one for Mechagnomes myself.

Didn’t say it was shocking.

I said.

“If it’s not to the level of Dracthyr its not enough.”

Blizzard has already said they intend to get all races to the same level. So the requests to get what we’d like to see on our blood elves continue.

I’d probably go for the Farstrider warpaint.

It’s important to their history and one thing I always wanted them to have.

Ugh, leave it to blizzard to not even get their newest most optioned race done right.

More for Dracthyr! Lol


I don’t mind elves getting something. But… I would like if they got shelved for a little bit so others could have more options and THEN they could possible add some for stuff for void elves / blood elves / night elves and the dusty nightborne (R.I.P)

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See you get it, I keep hoping different races will get the attention they deserve, like for me my top ranking is for races that haven’t gotten anything new yet like at all followed by others getting more stuff to the point of like the upcoming new races level because we all deserve that type of customization for every aspect of our characters.


There’s no option they can throw in that won’t benefit me in some way. Either because I’ll use it myself or I’ll get to see it on others’ cool characters.

Except the short tail for male draenei, which is an abomination.


This is an absolutely wonderful way of looking at it, I applaud you for being like that, thinking like that and seeing it like that so you get hearts. :heart: :heart: :heart:

Also, lol, I never noticed but when I login later on today I’ll have to look at that because lol. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I’ve seen a grand total of one in the wild.

It’s awful. What’s worse is that they gave it to the Lightforged too. I have no idea who wanted that or why Blizzard commited to it, but it makes them look so off balance and more humany and… seriously it’s the worst customization option in the game and literally the only one I’d be happy if they took away with no warning.

That may be a bit of hyperbole, but my point remains.


You are legit making me laugh so much right now, it’s just so funny but thank you for the heads up, not that I’d remove it myself or anything actually if I could because that would be mean but still it’s funny due to how serious you are about it so thank you for the laughs. :joy: :joy: :joy:


if you chose the short tail for your male draenei you should be stuck with NO TAIL AT ALL for your crimes.


I would never choose the short tail.

Actually I haven’t even chosen the short tail for any of my Draenei since its become a thing I could choose. Male or female.


I don’t even know if it animates like the normal tail, but I’ll tell you this much: I refuse to find out.

I’ve used/seen the “clearly a joke” male orc blowout hairstyle with the bald top more out there.

They definitely need to update that model. That’s my hunter’s pet there.

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If other races aren’t getting enough focus for you then its not up to the people in elf topics to stop asking for elf things, but rather it’s up to you to ask for things for the races you want, and keep asking until you get them. If you just stand around waiting for Blizzard to give you things you want, without telling them what you want repeatedly, then nothing will change. Telling people to stop asking for things they want (elf stuff in this case) is not going to get you what you want.


Hello. PLEASE LET ME TOGGLE MY TIARA. Thank you. :purple_heart:


That really needs to be done.


Using The Hunter Class this is a list of the possible customization combinations for all the Male/type1 characters.

I did this because I get tired of the whole Elves have the most customization. When in truth both Blood Elves and Void Elves are sitting toward the bottom of the barrel when it comes to male customization options.


My gosh. Dark Irons feel like they have so much more than Kul’tiran male.

Blood elves need so much more.