yes they hung up a blue canopy bed with a random image
You, uh, are aware that’s an (admittedly) weirdly placed set of golden phoenix wings, symbol of the Sunstrider dynasty and the rebirth of Quel’Thalas after it got turned to ash by Arthas?
yea literally the high elves whats your point here? do better or im done biting
That’s amazing and wonderful to hear!
I do hope they update Silvermoon some day soon.
Nice to see more of our green, red and gold color scheme shine through.
So, there was no banner and your evidence was made up? Imagine my shock.
I’d love that, maybe after Dragon Isles inhales copium
How about you? Would you enjoy a Silvermoon revamp, maybe on par with Suramar, and with flying? How likely do you think it is that we get this?
This, they look so great and the amount of eye colors, hair colors and hairstyles is amazing, I hope every race eventually gets that type of attention customization wise especially Blood Elves.
Take your copium responsibly. lol
Hard to tell when they would but its a nice dream. (I assume Exodar area would get revamped at the same time. which would also be cool.)
That would be amazing. The full city of Quel’thalas restored and being able to soar over it.
As far as how likely… I’m not sure. Its a time in which it could be anyones guess. DF is obviously activisions last cash grab, but the devs have been showing more and more a willingness to relax their old dogmas of late… Microsoft will also possibly change how their hands have been tied for years.
Maybe its copium as you say, but I’m hopeful for the first time in four years for the future of WoW.
Haha, I love this.
Also, yeah, I have always hated not being able to fly in Silvermoon or Exodar, it would be nice if they both get updated and we are able to hangout there because I bet updated with flying way more people would hangout in both places.
Why is everyone so against Blood Elves having blue things? Also I’m so jealous of all the awesome hairstyles and colors the Dracthyr have. I want hairstyles that don’t look like nontextured plastic blobs. Where’s my face paint and runic scarification?
I had to like this post not so much for the blue stuff but because all of the customization stuff Dracthyr are getting because they really are getting really good stuff and I want the same for Blood Elves and every other playable race in game.
I’m also really hoping that all races get that level of customization at some point. Hopefully it will happen sooner rather then later.
Belf ship
← Some textures aren’t complete yet.
Also this image on Wowhead shows where Belves will be stationed at on the Dragon Isles.
But there are assets being redone that are not pictured and seem more extensive. So we’ll see if those assets are used just in DF or will become part of updates in other parts of the game.
Not against it myself. Claiming its a major theme for the Blood Elves color though is a little bit off imo. (Not saying you claimed this just some people do…)
My only real complaint about blue being included with Blood Elves of late is that I think the Blood Knight armor should have had gold or green gems instead of blue. Just doesn’t seem to match the Paladin order of the Blood Elves to me.
All of this. All of it.
They’ve made some allusions that thats the goal. So I am hopeful as well. Would be a welcome change to have that much control over our looks.
That. Is amazing. I love it.
I hope its a rebuilt Silvermoon city…
It lost the Mediterranean rammy part.
I liked that part.
I think this might be just a different boat. Since the sails are different. I think this is something that we’ll see in the Dragon Isles.
Hopefully. I would hate to lose something so iconic.
I personally like the blue, but think the lack of gold on the armor was a bit off putting. I think if there had been gold on the armor the blue gems wouldn’t have stood out so much. As for blue not being a major color I agree. but it is still a color the use more often then even I thought. Curtains, beds, tables, chairs, lights, magic effects, banners, books, one of the leaders wears blue, some of the trainers wear blue. I just hope they don’t remove the blue if we ever get an updated Silvermoon.
Could you imagine a character update were you could change the body size of your character. Having the ability to make your character look either athletic, or slender, or soft, or muscular, or thicc, or curvy, etc would be great. more face and eye shapes would also be nice. I really would love Blood Elves to get some character customizations. Without blizzard basing it off of whether they can give it to High Elves.
Green would’ve worked because it would’ve hearkened back to the BC Blood Knights, and in general just seems to be a common colour for blood elves. That being said, the heritage armour already uses green gems so I can see how that could feel a bit repeaty.
Gold would’ve worked because it represents the Light, so is perfect for Paladins. I’m assuming they didn’t go with it because the normal mode Paladin Tier 21, which the Blood Knight armour is a recolour of, already has gold gems. Granted the heroic and mythic versions both have blue anyway, so who knows.
At least blue can be taken to represent the arcane, so it doesn’t have to feel totally unfitting. Arcane doesn’t really map to Paladins, but it does map to Blood Elves in general, so there’s that at least. Plus it’s not exactly hideous.
Personally I had been excited to use it on my Paladin, but just before it came out I ended up with a look for her that I really liked, so I just kept that instead of switching.