Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

A little late on this, but just because we raided the botanica, doesn’t mean all the Blood elves who were there died.

Many of the quests in the Netherstorm mention that every day more and more of Kael’thas’ forces desert him and return home, in fact one of the Blood elf quest givers himself is an ex-sunfury. Lor’themar mentions this his short story “In the Shadow of the Sun” as well, stating that a large number of Sunfury had returned home.

The fact that Blizzard even created a character like High Botanist Freywinn, and the Blood elves in the Botanica is a evidence of their interest, and potential in becoming druids. It wouldn’t be hard to believe that some of the Sunfury aboard the botanica might’ve returned home, and shared their research.


I mean this is completely baseless conjecture but what kind of group of botanists wouldn’t have anyone working in the field? Hell, what kind of group of botanists wouldn’t have most of them working in the field?

You know, where plants are.


Belf druids would be nice, as would belf customization.


Simaia has been posting asset updates for Belves. Hopefully they are working on assets to eventually update Silvermoon in a future patch.


Sharing the magic:


There’s a mailbox update as well.


“Despite the fact that red, orange and gold have been obvious markers of Blood elf identity to set them apart from High Elves for 14 years , I argue that blue is a Blood elf color because look at those translucent veils, canopy beds and Halduron’s armor”.

This furniture gives me “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast” vibes. Truly magical.


I want to ride in an updated blood elf wagon sitting on a fancy pillow.

I also am stupidly tickled that blood elves only read books in bound in red or MAYBE magenta.


you were proven wrong that blue is no longer a blood elf color as its still around and provided nothing of substance to disprove that lmao. so what was your point or counter, did i miss it :thinking:

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Your entire argument is nonsensical! By that logic red is “the Alliance color” because the Stormwind Oldtown is red! Ridiculous!

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I really want some increased texture on Blood Elf hair after seeing the absolutely beautiful Dracthyr customizations! :white_heart:


you dont even have a counter. i have already proven blue is still a color present in silvermoon and idc about stormwind we are talking about the high elves

you have nothing but your strawman and as usual bad faith arguments. script has never changed with you people

how does it feel the blue high elf banner is still flown in silvermoon? as much as the silver hand banner flying in org i bet. blizz removed that one after the crying but the blue high elf banner is there to remind you that high elves are blood elves. that makes me happy

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I consider Belves primary colors to be gold, red and green. Every city has multiple colors so I don’t mind the occasional other color though. The Pally gear does not bother me. What bothers me is the pole arm does not match it. Neither does the Hawkstrider. I hope to see an update for the Belf Pally mount eventually.


thats fine but blue is still around. the leader of the fartriders still sports blue and a blue high elf banner hangs in sunfury spire. so if you want to say they dont use blue at all youre flat out wrong

When people say “it’s not a blood elf color”, they obviously mean that it’s not tied to their cultural identity, not that their bedroom furniture can’t have blue! What kind of weird logic is that? Have you been living under a rock for the past 14 years?

High elves are NOT Blood Elves. That’s, like, the whole point LMAO.


I’m not saying that. It’s just not one of our most used colors. It’s not on most of our gear, our weapons, etc. It’s not that present. I’m fine with blue, purple and pink also being there. They can look nice. But you can look at the updated assets to see that mostly, they choose red, gold and green for us.


then why are they still using the BLUE high elf banner in sunfury spire where lorthemar holds court if it means nothing to them culturally

why is halduron clinging to blue then?

yes they are the vast majority are in fact to the point alliance populations assume they are all blood elves. LMAO

That might sound incredibly dumb right now, but… where is it? Where is the banner? I can’t spot it.

His personal choice isn’t relevant for the Blood elves as a people group.

High elves are not Blood Elves.

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i posted it above. scroll up. you literally replied to the post

“A blue drop smack in the centre”. And… where’s the high elf banner exactly?

Edit: All I’m seeing is a round bed / sofa with a somewhat nonsensical set of golden wings placed right in the middle. That’s not a high elf banner ( as in: high elf flag), unless I missed something.

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