I actually like some of the less “busy” armor, which is one objection I have to the new Blood Knight set. There’s a lot going on there – especially with the belt. It’s one reason why I WOULD mog the dwarf heritage pants and shirt onto all my toons at some point, if I could.
And why I kind of like the original heritage set. It’s fairly simple and elegant. Less sold on the slippers. Oh well.
…Scarification from BC box art when? We have definition high enough to show it!
I really wish issues outside of this thread could be handled off the forums. It’s way off topic and just distracts from the threads and causes weird drama.
I just really like the WoW rune magic and enchanting scheme, and think it’s rather underutilized.
Besides, I would totally make a blood elf monk with magical augmentations for extra punching and not getting hurt. I have that as my head canon on my Nightborne tank, and I love her. I always like the utilitarian approach to magic… and magical runes carved directly into your skin is pretty metal.
And again, literally on the BC box art, so long overdue.
A pair of black tights. That’s all I’m asking, a pair of black tights, without the clunky things on the side or the baggy bee hind.
And heck, let everyone have them, not just the Blood Elves, just please can we have black tights? Full length down to the feet like real tights. Black is nice, it can match just about any top you might want to wear.
Ironically, I don’t think I’ve ever mogged it onto my pally. But it is a favorite, along with the hilarious spike wall shield of similar size.
This isn’t exactly blood elf specific, but I really wish Blizzare would calm down on extra bits of shield and instead of adding overlapping impractical metal mess full of break points, build out from the base with, like, elaborate paint jobs or bits of cloth. A lot of the shields in game are low poly or overwrought disasters.
They aren’t tights but these come pretty close. Black, little in the way of superfluous adornments outside of a belt, and most importantly, it’s cosmetic so you can use it on any class!