I’m still all about Goblins getting a shiny sparkly blingy set.
I would love for some of the blood elf hairstyles to just get a bit of a graphic update, (like that one glam one, don’t remember the name) so they don’t just look like this solid unit sitting on their head.
Oh yes, the need all the bling!
It would have been nice to get an updated hawkstrider.
Or a Blood Red Hawkstrider.
I’d love a Blood Knight themed hawkstrider. It would be such a pretty birb.
I really like the felblood looks – I’d love to see them with modern technology, but they have such a fun pala… Pallet? Palate? Not platelet, anyway.
…Also, it’s one that’s not really on any other elves. The other elf colors are mostly cool colors, whereas felbloods run hot. And they have some fun doodads, like the little winglets and the claws, that are underrepresented.
Half art major to the rescue—Palette.
The more major thing I liked was the Blood Knight armor the gems match some of the blue eye options too
Don’t really care about the weapon (?) it’s … (??) idk not my vibe but okay regardless I guess
I wish they also gave more weapons than just two polearms
I would have been thrilled to have an updated Blood Knight shield.
Another thing that made me sad was, there’s a PERFECT 1h sword for the new armor recolor… and it’s Alliance only and becomes something else if you swap factions with it -_-
The other item that uses the same appearance also changes if you faction swap -_-
Also, for anyone looking for a decent matching Ret weapon for the set, Terokk’s Quill uses the same model as the Blood-Tempered Ranseur from the deprecated Paladin quest (recently returned as Fallen Knight’s Ranseur), but in black and red:
I really wish they would have given us a whole suite of Blood Elf weapons to match the heritage and a couple that match Blood Knights specifically.
They REALLY should have given the glaive as both an actual glaive and a polearm or staff option and the Shieldbreaker shield too.
Agreed. I have to use one these old TBC shields with my Sin’dorei heritage armor because they didn’t give us those awesome NPC shields:
My favorite Belf Shield is the one from the Sunwell.
I even have it mogged right now.
It’s a great looking shield. I just wish it was slightly smaller and the yellow matched the golden trim of the heritage armor.
But for the new Blood Elf Paladin recolor, I wish we had a bigger and higher res version of the Blood Knight shield
I love that it’s a giant kiteshield fit for a tank, tbh.
But I do agree, I wish the BK Shield had a bigger variant.
Wait what?
I’m usually pretty “glass is half full”, but that heritage polearm is boring.
Especially with the cool guard spear glaives and shields to stand next to.
Here’s a concept for an updated Blood Knight shield I made. Just don’t be too critical of my mediocre photoshop skills >_>
I’d like to see something like that (but better detail and resolution) added for Blood Knights.
Blood Elf exclusive Farstrider tattoos / designs would be nice some day