Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

I also want Scars but for all races.


I eye rolled so hard I think it gave me a migraine.

I want Farstrider tattoos but I agree w Mag on the issue of it being a way to return some uniqueness to BEs as the options compliment a Blood Elf organization


I love you and thank you sis. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

I still want more braids. Optional accessories would be nice. Freckles and strawberry blonde hair! I’d like some dark green eyes too, and grey.


I’m too cheap to activate my account with my dark ranger lady character on it to change her look. In fact, I’m too lazy to do either quest at the moment.

Btw, happy Pride, all y’all who celebrate, network, and protest during June.


I agree! Visually distinct tattoos would be really cool.


“I’m the victim here. He’s being mean to me. Let me team up with someone else from the discord to smear him.”

You’re playing the victim. I’m literally the victim on the forums, of a group of people whov’e talked about getting me to try and kill myself, they’re having a lot of fun doing it and you help them.

Not sure if this is a popular idea, but:
Giving DH skins, at least some of them, and horns, to other classes, like they have with DK? And only blood elves since, yeah, it’s meant to be for them. Felblood.

Though they have different body types I think, so. :frowning:

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Migraines are no fun. Topamate helps me not get them most of the time.

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I’d love the more muscular body types. Also warlocks especially should get DH options.

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Might be a sign of a broken femur.

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I do that a lot at times.

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Uhm, yes…

…and yes…

…ABSOLUTELY! How is this not already a thing?


Oh. There’s the one.

Before we get tats and scars, I feel some other races should get the spotlight for a while.

Lor’themar has scars. Ergo, I want scars. We should be able to have scars too to look like our leader. Sin’dorei are literally zombie apocalypse survivors. Scars make sense.

I also enjoy that song, scars.

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Agreed with this entirely. If anything, Blood Elves should get a pass they’re actually asking for as opposed to terrible jewelry men can’t even use along with a bunch of goodies for other races too.

I’ve never wanted scars or tattoos personally because they aren’t really my thing, I do however still support them for others that do want them because I’m not one of those selfish people that only cares about myself and what I want.

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I want more options for trolls too. The ability to choose the base color and streak color individually would be excellent. I think women need more tusk options and men need beards.

I want forsaken to get some love too. A chiropractor, more options to look like a freshly dead person who was raised, wounds, beards, a fully skeletal option would be nice too.

Goblins and gnomes need grease mark options and gear tattoos, scars too. I agree that every race needs scars and tattoos, warpaint, or a combo.