Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

I thought you played around the same time as me originally w neither of us playing in BC? Arguably BEs have had the redeemed Sunwell since BC, so it’s not like its new, they’ve been on this path longer than anything else. Like we both played BEs after the fact the Sunwell was restored / Blood Knights etc took a different path.

Eh I don’t think a race (LFD) that didn’t exist when BEs Sunwell was restored / multiple expansions established Light themes should bar BEs from making requests on those same themes after being introduced after.

I do acknowledge regular Draenei have always had light themes though too. But they don’t draw from the Sunwell like Blood Elves.

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I didn’t pay attention until recently, and as far as I was concerned, Blood Elves were all about survival, rising from the ashes, and the phoenix, not some light obsessed zealots.

Again, that’s preferences territory. I liked Blood Elves when they were unique, not a copy of human paladins in personality, and just a foil for void elves.

I really don’t like the direction they’re going and haven’t at all. Again, if their ‘growth’ was signified by phoenix stuff, I’d be okay with it. Light-zealotry stuff though, no, I would hate it.

Other blood elf fans may disagree, and that’s perfectly fine. But, to me, I really don’t like that direction unless, again, it’s phoenix light, not ‘holier than thou’ light.

Edit: And a blend of both would be palatable.


tbf there’s a lot of area to move within the Light, since they’re essentially just moving towards the Light being Lawful to the Void’s Chaotic instead of good/evil.

With a little bit of effort it would be totally possible to create a unique form of Light worship for blood elves.

This is actually not true. At least not in terms of combinations.

That goes to humans, night elves, and orcs and much of orc combination options come from the upright toggle.

All of the above listed have some sort of war paint or scars. Blood Elves don’t have that. Male Blood Elves are actually really low on the list, they didn’t even get jewelry or their beard and mustache separated out into two categories. Male Belves were done extremely dirty.


The only request I have is that the old hairstyles could be revamped, I think they are a bit outdated. And hair is everything :smiley:


The Blood Elf hair actually looked worse with the WoD update. It’s very low poly, stiff, in places it doesn’t even sit on the chest, it’s static and unrigged. There’s no physics. Compared to alliance race hairs which often have animation.

Take the long braid female dwarf style that moves when you cast spells.

But you know, horde bias.


It actually goes humans, night elves, dwarves and then orcs.

Ah. I didn’t pay attention to dwarves or what they got. Ty for the correction.

Excuse me, sir. I can’t help but notice a Horde race is included in your list. This is clearly proof that Blizzard has Horde bias.


Hey buddy, I can’t help but notice you have a lot of red in your profile picture. I think you’ll agree that’s not an acceptable colour to use and you should really change it to a blue.

Hail Anduin, brother.


I can’t be blue because blue elves don’t have paladins because horde bias.


That’s one hell of an accusation right there. Is there a proof that they did try to get you to kill yourself?



Blood Elf exclusive Farstrider tattoos please, and an expanded light theme to be visually distinct and not immediately shared w VEs.


No, there’s no proof.


You all still have my support here (as do many other threads, honestly) every race deserves more customizations. I personally love to explore the character creation menu and enjoy seeing how everyone envisions their characters.


It was a forum post from awhile back that got removed by moderation. They keep channels that trash forum users on their discord. Halycon or whatever his name was used to talk in the quel’thalas server too about just trying to get rid of me.

Man, you’re in so deep on the whole thing and it’s disgusting. I spent a really long time thinking you were a good person and avoiding the whole thing. But you’re in here lying when they’re harassing me saying things like you blocked me when I just stopped talking to you and not even remembering how we started talking.

You’re just part of the mean girls internet group and have done the most to facilitate it.

I wasn’t going to bother replying to you after your super overdramatic post last night but if this is what you are calling us, we’ll take it.

You literally heard half a sentence and jumped on it. You’re a mean girl queen. You just saw the chance to dogpile, harass and abuse someone and took it. It’s filthy.

You can wear your abuser badge with pride.

Mean Girls was an entertaining movie. I’d love more pink transmogs and pink hair so I could totally wear pink on Wednesdays better than I can currently.

Which character are y’all most like? I personally am not really like any of the trio. I’m more like the enemies of the enemies of the trio or even Cady but in the spirit of the whole branding, I’d say I’m closest to Gretchen.

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It’s sad, because he doesn’t remember because it doesn’t matter to him, but I remember. You’ve seen the screenshots where I’m clearly uncomfortable, something he does a half apology for before immediately continuing to emote stuff at me in the same sentence.

But sure, I’m the villain in the scenario.