Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Yeah you would think that’s something someone would really want to do.

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The person who talked to me about erping spider web bondage in the lions pride inn wasn’t even in your group at the time. winks You all keep twisting things around. You’ve got whole channels to hate on people on these forums. I don’t feel like you need to change details.

I know right? Ick.

Hmm. You guys still trying to get me to kill myself? Is that what these perverted games of your group are about? Twisting events you guys don’t even remember?

Anyway, toxic people who don’t exist to me any longer aside, for Blood Elf customization, I still hope we get Felbloods or Phoenix-related customization. I’ve seen a lot of great things shared on this thread. Really hope that the Dark Ranger stuff is a sign that they are listening to feedback.

I hope they listen to feedback on this stuff too. Particularly about unpairing the skins with eyes. In my opinion, they should just give DK skins to everyone. They already gave hair. In exchange, they can give DK different eye colors already.


I think Light options are valid to expand on to be visually distinct


It is, but they’re not listening very well…

It eventually happened with Night Warrior so here’s hoping.


I am against light options and always will be. Unless we also get Felblood options too. Then light may be okay. But otherwise, very much against it.

Blood Elves have been ruined enough. We’re not Lightforged Draenei and I do not want them to be some foil to void elves. Void elves got enough. Now having a ‘mortal light enemy’ on top of that would be ridiculous and straying from the origin of Blood Elves, when they were originally far more interesting and survivors, not zealots.


Ranger tattoos and more facial hairs.

I feel like it’s proof they aren’t. No one was asking for void elves to become Forsaken.


YEah, they missed the mark quite a bit, especially with giving the Alliance MORE undead options… not giving it to Nightborne… and pairing the skin/eyes.


This is my opinion as well.

Though I’m actually for Light Options as part of an overarching magical theme including Arcane/Fel/Blood and some Phoenix stuff. Not little wings and halos with narru markings.

Blizzard has gotten very good at getting just close enough to frustrate you.


The way I see it is, BEs have an undead option now, and a means to further request San’layn lore and bits and pieces missing, but since they gave it to VEs those requests won’t benefit BEs I assume they’ll go right back to VEs.

And Light options seem like a decent chance to get something not shared w VEs. I mean never in a million years would I imagine they somehow benefit from Dark Rangers yet here we are.


This would be fine as long as it’s not a central theme for Blood Elves, to me. All of it being represented would be okay. But as Lightforged elves? Big pass, no thanks. They’re already like Alliance Lite with how they’ve treated them.


I support felblood far more than light, myself. But that’s just a case of different preferences, to be honest. I really am opposed to just light stuff but would be able to stomach it if it came with other things too.


I’m not against Felblood options either. But given how DR was handled I’m not convinced they wouldn’t just give that to VEs too, they already want DH on VEs.

And w fans of the “more dark” idk how to put it stuff, probably going to make further requests through San’layn options etc, I feel like light options are nice for people who want more of what’s been established to be expanded on (the type of BE narrative you’re not a fan of but now have a means to more request for San’layn stuff so maybe it would bother you less?)


If they actually listen to San’layn requests, which… I don’t know. With how they handled Dark rangers being as lackluster as they did, bare minimum, it’s concerning. It would not be as bad of a problem though if they unpaired the eyes with the skins. That’s my main concern.

Oh right, and Death Knights. -.-

If they did indeed actually expand on the customization though and listened to feedback/suggestions, I’d be less vocal, but still not really support it so much.

My main concern is that they just turn blood elves into obnoxious religious zealots as a foil for the void elf story. They should go on their own path. It’d be mimicking Lightforged Draenei anyway, so it’d also just… feel like it’s copying that. Which I’m really not a fan of. I want Blood Elves to be distinct. Not some void elf foil or wannabe LFD.

Phoenix stuff though would be the type of ‘lighter theme’ I would really enjoy and support. Different type of light, proper blood elf flavor without copying LFD and feeling just like a ‘opposites’ thing with void elves, which I feel Blood Elves really do not need to be.


The idea is more “Magic” is the theme and you pick your flavor.

So you can get Runic Tattoos then you can pick Arcane Blue/Fel Green/Light Yellow/Blood Red/Phoenix Orange.

Some with gems. It’s really silly you can’t pick more gem colors…

They really do feel like pointy eared humans compared to their WC3/TBC roots.

Looking at you Leandrin!

It would honestly be refreshing for them to get back to a grittier, darker, and more pragmatic mentality.


I mean they recently conflated the meaning of Darkfallen to include DRs no?

I feel like that’s a valid in to request.

My issue is that I one, feel bad for BE fans who do like the established narrative rn (the one you dislike lol) and two any future SL stuff they added wouldn’t be a win for BEs, like Void Elves now have 3 visual themes, so asking for more here just gifts VEs more new BE options.

Light options I feel like is nice for people who like the narrative of BEs over the last few years, while being valid in the way of I can’t see how they’d give this to VEs.

I support Felblood too but a part of me is skeptical after seeing what they just did w Dark Rangers.

To be fair BE light themes existed before LFD

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I don’t really feel bad for them given the theme prior to this nonsense was that Blood Elves were different from the zealotry nonsense the game imposes on holy use, and took their own path. Now it just seems like, as I said, Alliance lite. The Blood Elves used to be my favorite race, but now they’ve become a shell of what made them remotely interesting.

They really shouldn’t give felbloods to void elves, but who knows at this point. As of now they cannot be DH, so if they unlocked some DH skins for the rest of the (blood) elves, it could work. Who knows.

Not to the major extremes people are wanting. Plus, Draenei in general have always been more ‘light heavy’ than Blood Elves. The blood elf light thing was recent, aside from the ‘dark paladin’ story from BC.