Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

I’m mad it didn’t come with a toggle and is just gold. Some races had far more effort put in.


I really love the sparkle hair effects we’ve seen artists make. I would absolutely love them to do something like that for Blood Elves.


Sparkle effects?

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The void elf fans call theirs ‘star cursed’. Something like that.


I think they mean like Starcursed hair mock ups for velves or glow hair for Nightborne.

I believe there was a sparkly hair for Belves at one point too but it was before I was keeping good notes and I no longer have it…

I feel like it was an Izzabelle creation but I might be thinking wrong.


Oh how I miss Izzabelle, like really miss her, she’s such a sweetheart and extremely talented too. :heart: :heart: :heart:


She is. I miss her too though I’ve seen her like a post here and there.

I hope they’re doing OK.


I don’t understand who says that blood elf has a lot of customization. Yes they have different types of hair, but that’s about it. Insane three ear sizes, some faces, eye colors that aren’t great, and some beards, most not even that. Compare with humans, night elves, tauren, dwarves, nightborne etc…


Nightborne need a lot more love.

But humans and night elves got so much tender love and care, Blood Elves got something that was rushed, uninspired, and not so much made with care.


Sounds like I can cross some things off my list.

Dark Ranger options for Belves, velves, nelves and NB.


Really can’t count this as a win for ‘blood elf customization’ when it went to the Alliance as well… TWO of their elves, rather. Anyone in the ‘distinct’ party is justifiably annoyed. Plus, void elves now have 3 themes. :woman_facepalming: I personally don’t care as much on them getting it, I care more about blood elves not getting…well… .anything to make them distinct yet still in this case.

Edit: Not to mention it’s eyes tied to a skin. .-.


Seems as new information comes in I can cross only one thing of the list I made. >.<


Hey, at least it’s something.


It woulda been so easy for them to not fumble this and yet… they did.

It shoulda just been for BEs and NEs at most.


Blood Elves have gold and green eyes though. jewelry, more hair styles. Saying there is nothing making them visually distinct isn’t really true.

I don’t care to have an argument with people obsessed with femurs or who hate blood elves to begin with. Your opinion to me, quite honestly, is useless. Feel free to return to a void elf thread and beg for more.

As for us, we’ll continue to ask for actual distinction on Blood Elves.


squints You’re part of a group who have chat channels slamming individual users and who have hung out with people who have said in the forums they were trying to get me to kill myself.

You can take the weird femur comments or anything else you think will hurt my feelings and shove it. I’ll post where I want about what I want. Kind of obvious at this point that no amount of harassment was going to stop that.

A group you felt the need to enter by slipping in on an invite sent to someone else so you could send explicit messages to our female members.


Pretty sure blood and void elves already have the most customization in the game now and the new race visage is also blood elf…

Blizz has a fetish with Orlando Bloom. :expressionless:

I like that you’re like, “Yeah. Our group does have channels to slam internet users and one of em’ does talk about getting you to kill yourself. But let me lie about why you took a peek.”