I’d love to play a poodle Worgen.
Before scars Forsaken need facial hair. At this point I think they’re the only race who canonically can have facial hair but don’t.
Fun fact – a guy ran the Iditarod with all standard poodles. They’re pretty awesome dogs, like labradors with double the mud tracking capacity.
Poodles are on my list of “maybe eventually if I ever get a dog who isn’t a shelter disaster dog special again”… and my shelter disaster dog is almost ready for the Awesome Responsibility of being the senior dog.
…other things Blizzard desperately needs to add includes a few updated dog models as hunter pets. The Catamastiff is starting to look raggedy, and both my forsaken and human hunter summarize as “some random chick and her puppies”, so some variety would be nice, because we’re talking Catamastiff and the plaguehound model respectively.
…um. Also blood elves could have dogs. I dunno. I always assumed they were cat people at heart.
Despite my old canard about decent facial hair being the real Alliance aesthetic, forsaken do deserve beards.
Not as much as trolls or maybe as badly as blood elves need a wizard beard. But a decent chin rat should be available to all.
I’d play it, if it could still be a Warlock like my current Worgen/Vulpera.
Trolls don’t have facial hair either. Blizzard just seems to not like letting male Horde characters look decent.
That is because they are bias towards the Horde don’t ya know.
I have more boy trolls than boy anything else and they all need beards
An essay by Sledgehammer
Horde bias strikes again.
Should have raided the Alliance’s strategic supply of beard oil and badger hair brushes instead of Darkshore.
How dare you? My hunched troll looks amazing!
In all seriousness though, hunch toggles for everyone who has hunches would be cool.
If blizz only had a hunch that this would be popular.
Yeah, it would be a good setup to go with. Both for those who want to show an interest in the Light and just for the fact Belves using a golden yellow coloration would be a color that fits.
Vulpera need many things.
Hairstyles is very important for Vulpera in my book because really why are we the only animalistic playable race without hairstyle options of some kind, it’s not cool Blizzard, not cool at all.
Every player Worgen was canonically bitten or scratched so scars are actually a major feature of their identity if you think about it.
Wizard Beards for ALL!
The Tattoos should have Green Gold Blue Purple Black Red for each eye color/magic type. Yes I am counting Dark Rangers/Blood Magic.
Yeah, I found that weird.
And despite having such big ears you don’t get to pick your earrings.
Yeah, my Vulpera Warlock is one of the few characters that can have earrings but I won’t use them on because I can’t pick the ones that I want so that’s a very valid point as well.
I’ve griped about it in every thread (and probably this one), but given Bliz’s habit of pulling the bare minimum, opening the death knight skin tones + red eyes to all blood elves would cover a lot of lore ground without a lot of work.
It’s probably been said somewhere in here but I’d like some longer hair (like even longer than the long hair we have now.) Something like Cersei Lannister (when it was long of course.) I’d also like to see some more long braided hair like Lagertha in Vikings. I’d like to see a lot more of those styles. Long and flowy with braids and pulled back hair with hanging pieces.
Simple solution blood mages. They use blood magic and this can easily be why they have a red type of eye color