Realizing Blood Elves lost visual uniqueness and got jewelry guys can’t even use in exchange, and that despite promising SL customs were ongoing they never made it back to BEs, looks like aren’t making it back to BEs.
Somand made me this edit for me but its literally my mood at how they’ve handled Blood Elves, and I sincerely hope they give no life to those “Silvermoon is an enemy city for an expansion” claims.
I assume part of making such golems and studying the magics involved would bleed over if one was more focused in it.
No more different than say fel bleeding in like that.
Honestly though I’d bet the red-orange eyes would just be intended as Darkfallen options and I’d just be repurposing them for what is effectively a headcanon.
All that is of course assuming Darkfallen options are even on the table.
Blizzard gave female gnomes anime hair. Seems to me gnomes are the ones getting the anime hair
Edit: not that I’m saying I wouldn’t mind anime hair I would love it but I also want blood eyes for blood elves meaning red eyes I don’t want it locked to dark rangers we see blood elves affinity aka fel= green the light = gold/yellow arcane= blue. What about blood mages which uses blood and we seen kaelthas with red eyes so maybe blood magic= red
I think the Blood Elf model is perfect as is thats why its a popular Horde model and shouldn’t have been shared w no alterations across faction lines.
That said body options are decent but that feels like a “for everyone” / all races thing, which is great …
Blood Elves have still lost visual uniqueness w nothing to offset that so I’d really hope Blood Elves got more than the “what everyone should get” options because we’re looking for something unique that won’t be shared
Oh for sure, I’d very much see the body options as a “every race gets options like this” sort of deal.
Definitely not a a blood elf specific trait. Like scars and (sort of) damaged ears or the general addition of new faces, hairstyles and colors.
Honestly eyes on blood elves are only a “unique” feature because they have lore indicating their eyes change based on certain conditions. Otherwise I’d consider that another “all races should have more” sort of concept.
It is a thing all races should have, but in the case of blood elves it has more impact.
Tattoos and warpaint can also have that sort of impact, as those so far have all been in relation to the races theme/lore so far.
Tattoos, scars and warpaint should be baseline for at least a few options on every single race.
…also forsaken should have access to multiple races and every race with a hunch should have access to the orcish chiropractor. Even tauren, despite the cursed Disney tauren who was circulating in the customization threads a while back and who is forever seered into my brain as “a real thing I saw with my own two eyes”.
I will accept that for some races, body piercings/jewelry or makeup might make more sense than warpaint.
There is no race with a hunch (except tauren possibly) that wouldn’t look better without.
In the case of Darkspear and worgen (and orcs prior to The Great Straightening Option), it’s also just kind of random. It’s only the males, and it makes them look smaller than they are… and doesn’t really look that cool. Though Bliz also hunched the male night elves a bit in the model update, so SOMEONE loves it.
(Conversely, I’d also like a hunch and extra skinny choice for one of my Nightborne because I wanted to play him as a near miss on mana starvation, but that isn’t all that popular).
But for real. Every race should have scars (MATCHING THE HUMAN FORM IN CASE OF THE WORGEN THAT WAS SUCH A GIMME THEY WERE ADDED AT THE SAME TIME), and tattoos in appropriate aesthetic.
Especially blood elves and their box art scarification. I also want more interesting or magical looking jewelry.