Leave shaman Velen out of this.
If I could I would blow up the Sunwell just for the chance of being interesting once again.
Is… is Lor’themar wearing pumps with chunky heels?
Yea I suppose I’m just heavily biased because I loved the idea of TBC era belves.
Probably the best summary of this entire thread.
Runes where you pick Fel/Blood/Arcane/Light magic would be awesome and allow far more choice in your characters story and appetence than a simple focus on one theme at a time.
Want to be a Light-Imbued Paladin? Pop in some golden eyes and let your Runes glow with light!
Want to be a TBC type Paladin who views light ast a tool? Fel Eyes and Runes!
Paladin that uses Blood Magic as well as light? Blood Runes! (And Dark Ranger Eyes would be nice…)
Want to match your blue mog and go shirtless? Go ahead!
Phoenix Back Tattoo for WC3 Blood Mage!
That or they actively don’t like the old lore and are going “Pretty” over “Gritty” and ignoring the old fans.
Yup. I’d love that.
Kyuu here supposedly studies the Dark Animus and the magics involved.
I’d do that with my priest and pally.
Keeping gold for my pally. She steals the light still but she’s also one for excess. I feel like her eyes would change from an overindulgence of it. (not enough to be wretched)
Hold up…
By Lancelot
Here we go.
I know it’s not a back tattoo… But… Y’know.
Then honestly I’ll ignore them.
I am getting anxious about next week. I really don’t want to be disappointed.
I always temper expectations. That way it’s always about what I expect. Sometimes it’s worse though, lol.
I have too much of an optimist streak despite my constant depression, which is in itself a bit depressing.
All I am expecting is that we’re going to be on Azeroth for the first half of the expansion.
Thats it. Thats my expectation.
Nothing else.
I’m hoping I’ll be pleasantly surprised.
Even expecting that much may be setting yourself up for disappointment.
You are more than likely right which is why I’m more or less just waiting to see what’s coming or expected to come before I actually react like react.
If it isn’t about getting Azeroth saved finally I"m going to riot.
Fairly close to what I pictured TBH. Just needs a head and to be more flamy.
Now I kind of want to see a selections of TBC Runes all over the body in the Fel/Blood/Arcane/Light as a concept now…
I need to re-learn to draw.
I’m preparing to be disappointed. Nowhere to go but up!
I’d love to have body type choices.
I’d love if my chonky boi elf mage who loves to cook for his chosen family could have a dadbod option.
I’d love if my tall lanky priest could be taller than average and thinner than average.
I’d love if my Disney princess (birds land on him, animals love him) gentle giant big swole absolute unit half elf who works for a crime lord as a bodyguard could be taller and swole.
I’d adore being able to roll a lady elf with actual muscle.
This so much.
It annoys me to no end that muscle definition is locked to DH skins.
DHs have exclusive access to a lot of things that they really shouldn’t.
Muscular options would be nice for women for sure!