Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

They should be green or gold.

But they’re blue because Blizzard is color challenged and thinks blue goes with everything.


Also if it’s just the helm and belt -.-


I’d much rather have a recolor of the heritage armor and weapon and shield in Blood Knight colors.


I wound up leaning pretty heavily on some of the Revendreth stuff to make an “updated” blood knight set, so this is welcome news!

This. Though I’d really like a boot like Somand designed.

By Somand


Okay so I don’t play hearthstone actually I don’t really care for blizzard games outside of wow and wow is hanging on by a thread

But I was going through the BNET pics you can choose from and found this BE and I love them so much I hope to see more inclusive characters in wow


Varden really makes me wish they didn’t chicken out on male elf physiques especially when they’re obviously leaner in general in concept art. They made the homophobic jokes anyway, let us have our lean & mean elves.

(my whining includes male nelves and their horrendous posture, not just b/v/helves)


My Pally will be getting that set. Looks nice!


I can’t stop forgetting that the boot model here was done for the mockup and the actual in-game boots are basically painted on.

I might think the whole heritage set is a bit much for a ranger, those boots would be a huge improvement over the huge metal waders on the Eagletalon/Tier 19 set (they’re really my one gripe with it).


That’s honestly one of my favorite things about nightborn and troll men ( I suppose undead, too).

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It’s not even that. You see the spikes on the toes? It’s those in gold on little red booties.

I made the proper boots in the mockup by using the Venthyr cosmetic boots as a base (recoloured a bit to match the belf heritage), putting the spiked toes from the belf booties on them, and then taking the belf gloves and using them to make the knee part.


i think its pretty garbo too, especially the shoulders

the fans do a way better job with this stuff

the pally set is pretty terrible too

my pallys mog is way better


this is just a bonus pic of my pally on the true blood elf racial mount :relaxed:



I’d still go dragonhawk over Alar, but they’re all kind of a pain to get

Also the short sword would be nice as the head for a polearm too

YEAH for me its the breastplate and pants / robe that I just don’t vibe w and the boots, and THEN also yeah the shoulder shape

I do like the recolor they’re talking about a lot like the coloring specifically I like + the shapes of the items I like w the coloring hopefully its a full … you know set and not just a belt and helm but I also feel like that’d be weird for just a belt and helm so I am not that worried about it personally

I have always loved Paladin transmogs :raised_hands:t5:

Like of the dif branches of BE stuff I always liked Mages and Blood Knights the best


If they add the Spellbreakers Glaves they better be 1 Handed Swords and not Warglaves only usable by one class.


its actually the solar spirehawk from rukhmar


Oh. That would explain why the model doesn’t look that old compared to Alar. It’s a pretty good option tbh.

Also dumb thonk: since with few exceptions belf blades are depicted as curvy maybe a proper 1h heritage sword might be better off as something akin to a falcata? I realize tiny details like a phoenix-themed saber hilt isn’t exactly something this game’s art direction might pull off (although with SLands introducing proper rapiers I think it has potential) but it feels like it could be extremely cool.

Quel’serrar is some sort of weird curved-but-cruciform hilt monstrosity, quel’delar is basically curved, and felo’melorn is curvy with a wavy blade on top afair. And lor’themar has something that’s reminiscent of a less hideous sin’dorei warblade.

IDK I feel like the unique Quel’thalas white gear is a good guide and afair the short sword is curved.

If player housing ever comes Blood Elf players and Horde players should have various options but one Horde option location I would want an apartment in Silvermoon City tbh


If we got player housing I’d hunker down there with my RP partners and do all the holodecking storytelling without fear of troll harassment.

That would be groovy.