Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

I actually want gnome heritage weapons more… But that’s just because I love a good chainsaw sword.

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They were paired for their heritage armour initially, so this makes sense.


I’m recalling how BEs were arguably one of the first datamined customization additions.

Yet somehow look at our lacking customizations today. Now our weapon is the first one datamined again, I’m already underwhelmed and prepared for the worst which would be some weird storyline where they gift Quel’thalas away

It seems Dark Iron Dwarves are getting weapons on the Alliance side of things:


Well, at the very least, if the heritage armor quest is a prerequisite, it’s very blood elf exclusive.

The weapon is obviously sure. I’m talking about the story, and it’s not an exclusive in the sense of Blizzard finally giving BEs some attention it’s just what their doing for everyone, their doing heritage weapons

-incoherent screaming-


My roster at 60 is going to be so imbalanced and I’m not even mad that Dark Iron are jumping ahead of races that don’t even have heritage armor yet. Because I want a fire hammer to go with my theoretical huge pheonix shield.

Even if it’s unlikely that I’ll be able to mix and match.

As is so normal with Blizzard, I’m confused and baffled by this turn of events, but here we are, so we may as well make the best of it.

…I actually have two dark irons, so it’ll be fun.

I think I have 2 of all the allied races except vulpera, mechagnomes, kul’tirans and highmountain. I love tauren in theory, but I don’t actually enjoy playing them very much. They just seem too slow. Kul’tirans have an odd issue where the animations for the female face didn’t get finished or don’t trigger or something so they just stare ahead with blank sweet barbie faces which is funny at first and then later horrifying. I only had one good idea for a vulpera. And my roster is too full for the mechagnome hunter I very lowkey want to make. But not enough to delete one of my other babies.

Expecting the irony that all the elven heritage weps will be glaives

For all 4 subraces (yes even those that don’t have DH unlocked)

I’m not ready to look at a bliz datamine without expecting a monkey paw

Really? Hmm, that’s odd. I’ve never seen that issue.

I’ve got a female Kul Tiran warrior, and her face emotes properly in combat/when I use skills.

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The royal guards use a glaive-like sword that I’d absolutely adore for my toons. Not even ironically.


Yeah I’d love if they expanded glaives beyond DH (Spellbreaker glaive on belf warrior would be grand esp since that’s the heritage outfit, plus it would pair well with my expectation that nelf heritage is probably going to be warden gear)

Like even if it was for some unfathomable reason a racial rather than a new prof for the relevant classes


To be honest, Warden themed gear seems to be an odd choice for nelf heritage armour. They’re a very small subset of the overall nelf population that really doesn’t represent the aesthetic, or even the general theme of the race.

Sorry, not trying to derail the thread to talk about this, just giving my personal opinion on the matter.


Mine is a druid, so most of when I see her face is mounting for combat and using emotes. I don’t think it’s actually a bug, but they’re just really bland and babyfaced compared to some of the other options. It might be personal taste more than anything else, but I think Bliz tried a bit too hard to make them cute and just succeeded in making them look soulless.

…I like male kul’tirans better. Maybe I should pull the old swaparooni.

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Hopefully from here on out I hope that anything and everything new that we get will be Blood Elf exclusive, I mean everything and anything new. :heart: :heart: :heart:


Blood Elves need their moment too, they lost visual uniqueness in their own core race pass to the AR that got a second pass w ARs after skipping the line.

By their moment as in BEs get stuff and the AR can take a break on the sidelines, and hopefully core races are looked at

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I posted this in the San’layn thread as well but it seems there may be a Blood Knight themed recolor of one of the Legion Paladin sets coming for Blood Elves in 9.2.5!


The Blood Knight colors are generally red and black. Those items might be labeled Blood Knight but they don’t actually match our color theme.

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The real science question is why the little gems are blue and not green or gold?


I do like it better than the heritage set for BEs which I personally don’t care for I feel like it looks weird as a robe or pants

The shapes on that one all looks decent to me

Overall though added weapon and armor isn’t customizations and I’d rather we got customizations that they did us poorly on and done other races that need heritage armor, like BEs being the first in this new wave of adding weapons and additional armor feels like ignoring what they did poorly before and it’s not even like they decided to do so much for BEs alone it’s just their in the first line of stuff their doing for WoW races, like they decided to cut and go to the next topic lol