Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Snap! It looks like I have some news to catch up on.

(I’m genuinely going to be happy if we’re actually doing something with the scourge instead of just having them destroy Redridge in particular and then vanish.)

And the concern of Alliance story at all being tied to it is a real concern. Quel’thalas is Blood Elf story and zones aka a Horde story and zones period.

And it is concerning given their track record of appeasing people who are fine w or advocate for BEs losing things w nothing in return


As long as no one is stuck driving a robot cat ever again, I’m happy.

(I’m apparently harder to make happy than previously stated.)


I’d love to drive a robot cat.

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I have no idea what robot cat is.

What I do know is it’s incredibly sad Blizzard couldn’t at least let BEs retain any uniqueness if they weren’t willing to give them attention, we’ve seen them lose visual uniqueness multiple times, and now we’re left w also having to worry about BE zones being handed over too.

You apparently need to meet the heritage armor requirements to even pick this quest up (blood elf, Horde, exalted with Silvermoon) so I’m not too worried. This is a welcome surprise and full of nods to more obscure blood elf lore (Salandria becoming a Blood Knight after TBC, Liadrin’s dad in Bastion, etc.)



It’s really looking like heritage weapons are being added.

Robot cat, my friends, was when Blizzard completely forgot they had another faction and did the laziest, cheesiest, least exciting way to funnel faction B into the action.

Which was to drive an INCREDIBLY BUGGY cat with no commands and dodgy pathing to spy on the conclusion of other faction’s interesting, detailed quest.

Anyway, I hope it’s a heritage weapon quest (and that it means we’ll be getting heritage armor for the races that don’t have theirs FINALLY + weapon quests for everyone). I really liked the heritage armor quests (minus the worgen one, which was frankly a bit of a dud, and the tauren one has some dodgy lore THANKS SHADOWLANDS).

Edit: OOOO. Ooo! Or maybe this will unlock dark ranger/san’layn customization like an newer version of the night warrior quest. Yesssssssss


I hope so. When we got the SunCat it seemed to me it was foreshadowing something Blood Elf related.


Hopefully they look really cool. But I hope every other core race that hasn’t gotten their armor yet gets it. It’d feel weird if we get our weapons but, Trolls, Nelves, Pandas, Draenei, Undead, Orcs and Humans never get their armor.


Based on precisely no data except the inaccurate feeling in my gut and my innate wild optimism, I’m assuming that it might be a customization unlock quest.

Either way, it means my senior blood elf is on the docket to get moved to 60 after the pandaren duo. I’ve been trying to level the ones who don’t have heritage armor from 50-60 first so that I’m READY, but under the circumstances, I can allow a cut in the line.

According to this, it seems this is a Blood Elf exclusive questline that rewards some sort of weapon cache. So heritage weapons seems likely:


Heritage weapons? Tell me more UwU.

All I’m saying is that I want the huge blood elf royal guard shield with a fiery passion.

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If I got that giant shield I would change my mog away from the Blood Knight look.

If I got a black and red variant of it I’d be elated.

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I would never stop tanking.

I might even -gasp- have to swap to heals for my battlegrounds.

I hope so and BE exclusively


While I was immediately shot down on my optimism for customization quest (thanks, Nico >:[ ), heritage weapons would be great, too.

…Especially if they mean that the other races who haven’t gotten their heritage armor quests might get a little taste. And if I can get heritage weapons for everyone eventually, but specifically for the tauren who have precious few weapons designed with them in mind.

They could give us a heritage weapon and still pull the rug out from under us about Quel’thalas so hopefully they start showing care for BE players and fans besides just people who wanted a Horde race and to BEs detriment they allowed visual uniqueness to be lost

A weapon still isn’t customizations that we got a lackluster low effort hand of

Like I’m trying to find where BEs are being thought of, arguably other races will get weapons too which is great but this is hardly a BE exclusive and Blizzard has done nothing to help BE customizations


expanding the heritage questline with weapons AND we get to squash some scourge?

i wonder who the alliance equivalent will be since you know blizzard always does things in pairs. dwarves? :thinking: