Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

If its some conflated new way to insert VEs into BE story after BEs losing visual uniqueness and them refused to address it, like it’ll be a huge “just … wow” moment from def not interested in things after that

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Been getting from some other sources that there is a strong possibility that its a scourge attack with one or more San’layn leading it.

Still looking through things though.

Theres also a lot of updates to Ghostlands and Tirisfal it looks like.

The people who enjoy seeing BEs lose visual uniqueness will be happy I am sure

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I can’t speak to what the mount means yet. For all we know there could be some big event that leads to the Blood Elves making efforts to cleanse the Ghostlands… perhaps this could even mean a revamp for the zone (and potentially Eversong/Silvermoon?). I know that it’s probably a lot of wishful thinking on my part but at least Blizzard is doing something in the Blood Elf lands?

If that something is an attack to give a certain group more things they aren’t owed and shouldn’t have then no I don’t see Blizzard doing something in BE lands a bonus at all, given their track record on who gets the short end of the stick

Someone mentioned some invisible walls being removed so it’s given birth to rumors of flying being implemented there.

I don’t want Ghostlands to become a warzone. But that might be either what they are planning or they are just referring to those Hawkstriders back when Ghostlands needed defending the first time.

They so far haven’t updated any models graphics wise.

I do hope we just cleanse the lands of the remaining Scourge.


I genuinely don’t see how it’s strictly that but having void elves do things with regards to the stated claim of caring about their homeland that aren’t… like… umbric becoming a weird serial killer I’d actually kinda not mind.

Like I’d mind it a ton less than humans showing up to the rescue.

As someone who was very slightly disappointed they didn’t keep Alleria a divided loyalties character post Legion.

Some information suggests there might be weapons tied to it…

This might be heritage weapons being associated?

Its still early to tell but I understand feeling like this will suck. (I am terrified it will too.)

Seems unlikely from what I’ve seen so far that any San’layn will be friends.

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VEs riding the coat tails of BE story while BEs can neither have their own story now or their own visual uniqueness? Yeah I see an issue, for me it would be separating VEs they are their own thing

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A weapon is sorry compensation for losing visual uniqueness, and now possibly not even having our own story to ourself because the group they’ve awarded time and time again now latch onto that too

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This too. It might just be an excuse to revamp the regions.

Tirisfal is in those files as well. So it could be a northern EK revamp.

perhaps in preparation for 10.0

I think this will be a scenario most likely that might lead to a revamp. The defense seems to be against Scourge minions that have flocked to a “rogue” San’layn acting alone.

Aye, like I said this is early information. What this is about isn’t so clear yet. I don’t see any mentions of Void Elves though thus far.


I am not expecting the events in Tirisfal or Ghostlands to have anything to do with Void Elves specifically.

It’s still pretty inescapable that “being their own thing” won’t completely detach velves from a history they shared until last week.

It’s not handing silvermoon to the alliance, it’s not a warfront, it’s probably not even an overland map change instead of just a scenario.

Thats nice they can stand to take a moment without being given attention given they were included in the core race pass and AR pass for (?) reasons

I still don’t have high faith


I’m not either. It’s not like anything previewed so far has any link to them.

Please Blizzard, use some San’layn for something other than “teh ebil bad guyz!”. Give us some friendly San’layn that bring with them either an AR, or customization options for blood elves or a model toggle for undead or something. Just make it happen. :pleading_face:


For reals. Don’t villain bat them more, make them join up with the Horde either as an allied race or at least as BE customization!


Hopefully they can manage to let BEs have their own moment given they repeatedly haven’t


So much this.


According to some of the WoWhead comments, there were also some changes in 9.2 in Ghostlands to remove mid air invisible walls (which would only be needed if flying was planned). Maybe the Blood Elf zones getting a revamp isn’t so far fetched!