Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Awww, she’s fabulous, I gave you a like and wanted to comment just to say that so. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you! I’ve been trying to get a mog I like on her for a few years now. Finally feel good about this one.

It’s showing on my phone as the old one but the new one on my computer.

Just to be sure the new one I’m happy with is not honor bound armor.


While we’re on the topic of mogs, I recently made a Dark Ranger mog for my DK. I got her some red Engineering goggles which took 75 Cata Engineering, so getting that plus making them cost like 30k. It’s nice to have red eyes though to really sell that DR look.


Oh very nice look!

I hope we get Dark Rangers options.


I’m trying to decide if Lannislights eyes changed back from green or if he’s a HE returned home lmaooo I feel like I like the OL elves so maybe he returned home and took the name

Blood Elves are High Elves and Blizzard should add story to confirm the return of some of their kin into BE society imo


I tend to do my eyes based on the faith and use of magic route.

Luyian here actually always had in her story very light use of fel crystals that she’d become addicted to, so her eyes have remained green.

I think my priest and paladin will keep to gold eyes. One is faithful (priest) the other is still drawing the light (paladin) but from the Sunwell now.

Kyuu of course has purple eyes right now because he’s arcane but if they give us orange in switching to that because he story wise studies the Dark Animus.


I do too, and was hoping to end up with a bunch of eye colours for it. Sadly I did not.

My Paladin has gold, obviously:

Then there’s my Mage, who had gold for fire spec, and kept them for an undead look when going for a San’layn mog:

Belf Somand has purple for no real reason other than to match her bow, but they’re hidden under her hood anyway:

And then my other belves are a DK and a DH, so they don’t really get eye choice.

Sadly my only belf with green is my old relic Paladin from BC I don’t play anymore:


My characters’ eyes tend to be based on whatever magic they last rolled in and non magic users have green.

Most of mine have gold eyes or are written with red eyes or orange eyes or purple eyes. Only one has blue eyes. Said character is a very frosty frost mage.

None of my Horde characters are high elves. Those bore me as a writer. I have one that’s a half and one that’s a high on ally, the high one was written to be contrarian to a friend who complained that all the high elves were presented a certain way (super nice, young, and available for human potential) IC. So I did an old ornery bastard of an elf priest who basically hates everyone. Think Dr. House with pointy ears, super petulant.


Just got flying for Lannislight which will be nice bcz …


I kind of like the OL ones returning home scenario that Softsong used to talk about but I’d like them to take the BE name


Across all my Blood Elves:

  • Priest has golden eyes.
  • Paladin also has golden eyes.
  • Mage has the purple eyes.
  • Warlock stayed with green (especially fitting since she’s destro with green fire).
  • Hunter has blue eyes.
  • Warrior has blue/green eyes (eye color #7).
  • Rogue has green eyes.

I went with teal on my main and monk because it’s a color that gets sort of associated with nature magic and works plausibly light influence of fel radiation. I almost went for blue when the option was added.

I fluff my priest as an astromancer so ended up hesitating before going for the purple that could be confused almost for a velf eye color at a glance


That’s really all they left BEs w is eye color changing


Hopefully 10.0 will offer Blood Elves a much more robust pass for customization than they got in 9.0. I know it’s incredibly hard to be hopeful about anything right now, but I gotta believe that Blizzard is going to pull out all the stops to make the next expansion a success in light of how things are with WoW at the moment.

Make no mistake, while I don’t value “visual uniqueness” in same way you do, I was incredibly underwhelmed by what Blood Elves got in 9.0. I appreciate the 3 new hairstyles, skin tones and eye color options, but relative to what some of the other races got, and how much of it they got, it left me feeling a bit… shortchanged… as far as my Blood Elf characters are concerned (and Blood Elves make up the bulk of my Horde characters).

The jewelry was a niche thing for me. I didn’t hate it, but it’s not something that I found too useful except in a rare few cases with specific transmogs. The fact that males don’t get it to use it at all just made it even more rarely considered since only my Priest and Warlock are female.


Whether you value it or not it was in fact lost, w nothing to show for it.


Of course they don’t value visual uniqueness, it works against their goals.


Hopefully some acknowledgement of it being lost will still happen whether valuing it or not


I agree with you.

Blizzard really dropped the ball by not giving Blood Elves some extra love in light of the attention they gave to Void Elves. What’s even more baffling is that they didn’t even have to do much in the way of work to toss Blood Elves a bone.

The Dark Ranger NPC skins and red eyes already exist. It was such an easy win for Blizzard to just slap some undies on the female NPC skin, and flag the skins and eyes as useable by Blood Elf players, yet they maddeningly didn’t do that. Obviously I’d hope that Blizzard would do more than that, to flesh out the Darkfallen theme for Blood Elves, but even just that token little bit would have been something.

It would have showed at least some awareness of how many Blood Elf players feel about the sharing of their aesthetics, and been a (very) small first step towards addressing that.


Well we can add it to the list of things Mag was right about happening

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I’m afraid I don’t follow.

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