Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

No time frame was specifically said. We have gold eyes and we now have blue. Don’t really need any further explanation there. Clearly our eyes are reverting to blue and the length of time it takes is this long.

I imagine the SC members wouldn’t be welcome home either given the Purge.

Blood elves need a lot. I hope blizzard has something planned for either 9.2.5 or 10.0.

With the Sunwell restored its even less an issue.

High Elves being upset about it would be only a matter of principle at this point.


I mean I’ll give you a point for not demanding a five paragraph essay on the new Blood Elf skin tones.

Sorry I’mma going to have to take that point away. This is a thread about Blood Elf customization. It’s not a thread for void elf customization. Please take that to one of the eight million six hundred seventy five thousand three hundred nine threads that exist for them.

Again, none of this has anything to do with Blood Elves.


Blood Elves couldn’t even have their own core race pass w/o VEs shoving in, then they were left out of the second pass that VEs somehow got to benefit from adjacency to core races and ARs so they got a second pass, all of which came at the detriment to BEs because the second visually distinct theme they got came at BEs expense of visual uniqueness while BEs got… jewelry only the female model can use

Meanwhile in the BE thread we can’t even discuss a story addition possibility w/o someone lurking in the shadows to be like “and VEs too”

Also I would add that the story addition for BEs being discussed falls into their main theme, Blood Elves are High Elves, someone trying to ride the coat tails of a story addition for BEs main theme for VEs secondary theme which amounts to RP tools



People really need to let this fake news go:

This is the colour trolls got, it’s been an NPC only tone used by the Atal’ai jungle trolls since 2004. Sand trolls have a very different skin tone.

As you can see sand trolls have a strong red tinge not present on jungle trolls.



Blizzard never even said they were meant to represent the Farraki nor that the other tone everyone ascribes to the extinct Dark Trolls was meant for them either.

I digress…

I see why some may want to do so, after all I used to talk about it in the past, but you’re entirely right. VE’s are not the point of this thread, and in fact one of the reasons you all got this thread together was to separate from the high elf void elf discussions so you could actually get your blood elf requests seen and heard.

Something many among the high elf community rather often told you all to do… so you didn’t bother them and yet they’ve made no issue of coming in to bother you in turn.


Pretty hostile response to bringing up a point regarding character customization as a whole.


Do you feel that BE players not appreciating the lack of anything in return from losing visual uniqueness who are now discussing story addition to the main and only theme of Blood Elves now also not appreciating you inserting VEs into the conversation is hostile?

I fail to see why it was necessary for you to sneak in a bit about VEs as if the convo could not not be about them for a second, but in any case Zan wasn’t hostile just to the point.


Yeah I am not interested in “what VEs can benefit from adjacency to BEs getting something” until BEs get something for the loss of visual uniqueness then VEs got a pass during ARs after their first pass w core races

Blood Elves are High Elves so anything pertaining to that is story additions for BEs main theme that is already theirs not looking for validation for some RP tools but their main theme that they already embody, ie:that story is going to be continued no matter what (obviously we don’t know how but by default of it being their story it will) their the playable HE race, now what is the point of contention imo pertaining to this is that discussion of story addition for BEs main theme doesn’t equate to some sneaky way to insert looking for validation for VEs RP tools

Let BEs have something w/o all that


Lets be real here Void Elves don’t need anything more currently, they legit have two different customization themes and given almost all of our customizations have been shared with them we are the ones that need new character customizations not them and the people from the Void Elf side need to stop acting like if we get anything they should get it as well because it doesn’t work that way, we have yet to get anything shared with us from them so.


The saddest part is we were just talking about story additions for BEs main theme it’s like wow we can’t even get hypothetical story additions to our MAIN theme w/o some what about arguments for people looking for validation for RP tools

Like we can’t even discuss story additions I’m still having that sink in


Yeah it’s a little weird how that seems to always happen in this thread and others like the San’layn and Dark Ranger ones where we will talk about Blood Elves, Blood Elf customizations, Horde stuff, Horde races/Horde Allied Races, etc. and someone always comes in and acts like we shouldn’t be talking about it in a threads that’s about well us and stuff for us.


I think in a megathread about Blood Elves made specifically for Blood Elf enthusiasts to talk about Blood Elf stuff, people have a reasonable expectation that the topic be about Blood Elves not the other elves that monopolize every thread and all the dev time.

I don’t think it’s unreasonable or hostile to request that people stay on topic.


Exactly. If some high elves want to return to Quel’Thalas and take up the blood elf title, that’s a bit of flavour lore for blood elves. If some high elves want to go elsewhere, then it has nothing to do with blood elves and thus has no place in this thread.


When it comes to secondary visually distinct themes that can be and have been shown to exist on other races I am personally fine w the status of RP tools in that regard, but thats neither here nor there because the discussion was like you said additions to BEs main theme


Yeah its sad imo how some people choose to try to insert things but its very clear too

Also I am so limited on likes on my new paladin its driving me crazy he’s only TL1 and I am jealous of the people who just default TL3 on all characters for some reason


That’s locked behind a 15 day timegate I’m afraid. I just did it on Wayfinder since I was logging into her to post a few times anyway so thought “meh, might as well”.

Me too. Ugh. I’ve had TL3 on this character 3 times, on my belf Somand once or twice, and on my velf Rogue once. But I can’t ever take a break without having my TL3 locked behind another 50 day time gate. It’s absurd.


It’s so sad but true because when I took a month off of here basically without posting or liking anything really a couple months back mine went down and I had to start all over again, which sucks but it seems it’s to keep the forums active or just another form of Blizzard gating either way the end point is the same. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Posting on my rogue cause I like the mog I made for her… (Kyuu/Fenelon)

I’ve heard tell it might be based on who gets into the betas.


I was in BfA beta and I don’t have it. :sob:


Must be some forum specific thing then… maybe they just flicked the wrong switch when I hit the requirements.